Tales from today's commute....

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Über Member
Almost a nice ride home don't think the roads round Brum and Dudley are holding up to good during this hot spell, lots of cracked services and mini potholes everwhere not so good finding them on 23mm tyre's back on the subway tomorrow.


Eat, Sleep, Ride, Repeat.
A cracking morning commute. Only disturbed by a tool of a driver. There I was, ticking along nicely on the aero bars along a straight that is just over a mile long with no traffic anywhere to be seen. I saw a car in a right hand junction about 200m or so in front of me who remained there until I got about 10m from him, and then proceeded to pull out ! ! His excuse ? "SMIDSY" ! ! !
Just worked out a nice 74mile round trip for tomorrow, this after I promised my legs I'd be saving them for a balls out effort at Donington Park Cycle In The Park this Thursday.


Über Member
Took the subway and had a jolly jaunt down the canal, only for me to notice Ive forgotten my water bottle thankfully not so warm this morning, but I have spare bottles at work so riding home wont be to much of a bother :bicycle:


A Human Being
Blinking SCR:tongue:, just after I had finished a 5.1km 3% cat 4 climb I was looking forward to an easy ride for the next few kms.
No, see a road bike cyclist behind catching up, I'd previously slowed down to crawl to pass a bin lorry.
So I thought, "oh well, if you what my scalp you're going to have to work hard for it".
Then 5kms of SCR, no junctions, no RAB's, no traffic lights, just uninterrupted undulating country road.
So 8 minutes later( 40 seconds faster than I have managed before) I have to turn off with no sign of the other rider, hopefully they didn't turn off or stop after the last time I saw them.
Legs are going to feel it later^_^ .
A short 5.5niles via one of my more quiet routes which runs a couple of miles through a park and advoids major roundabouts mostly; I could have avoided them alltogether but the Rivergate Gyratory to Bishops Road was queued up but in one lane so I took the inside (free) lane until 3 cars back from the roundabout when the traffic natrually split as that density suited my mood at that point. Slightly OT theres a car park entry on exit and you just have to be aware that its a magnet to traffic, there also afew other along the Bishops Road that assist with snarling up traffic.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Was off ill yesterday - paid for the Saturday club run - only the third time this year I've been out on the bike at weekends, and oh my, was I in pain. Op to get fixed should be here shortly - next month or so, just waiting for a date.

Steady ride in today, not feeling like breakfast so brought in 2 bananas and 3 apples. Not 30 bananas ! :whistle: Struggled carrying them in a full pannier.


I know where my towel is
Cooler morning this morning, which made for a pleasent ride compared to the heat on my commute last night.
Ended up stopping halfway round on my commute last night for a quick break.
It was quite nice laid out on the grass looking up at the nice clear blue sky, I also saw a jumbo jet, and watched that fly over as I lay there, it was rather pleasent, and I wished I could have had an unplanned picnic.


Middle of the pack...
S Yorks
I’m coming back from a few months off and surgery, so my fitness levels are at rock bottom. First priority has been to target my running as a couple of days before all this I’d entered the York marathon. It gives me a target for October, but it’s a challenge as the 16 week training schedule started 1st July and I’m supposed to have a decent regular level of training prior to that.
Anyway todays a schedule swap. It calls for 4 miles. Minimum 4 minutes of that to be hillwork. But next week, I’ve GOT to do 2 consecutive days on the bike, so todays a swap, in preparation.
Cycling in’s done. Approx 15 miles. Maltby to Meadowhall (road), Meadowhall to Ecclesfield (TPT), last leg to work (road)
I had company Wickersley to Meadowhall. Old guy on an old steel framed roadbike, shifters on the downtube. He had a cycling top and a pair of tweed shorts that were 40% patches. But the tan meant he spent a lot of time outdoors and he didn’t look to have an ounce of fat on him. Then there’s the fact I saw him out a lot last year, when I was cycling regularly....
On the approach to the Fairways, he dropped me like a bad smell. No effort, smooth as silk. I didn’t notice till he was 50m in front. I’ve got to admit, my 1st thought was “Gotta speed up, can’t be beat by the old guy” and a little frustration as I realised the gap wasn’t getting smaller, even though I was the only one who knew we were racing.
I closed the gap on the downhill. By this time my mindset had changed. The guys inspired me. If he can be that fit, at his age. Why can’t I be, now?
Looking forward to next week now
On the tipper truck theme, had a tipper truck get all aggressive with me today.

First pointlessly passes me way too close even though there is no oncoming traffic and queuing traffic ahead. I promptly re-overtake him on the right hand side about 10 seconds later.

He then gets all arsey and honking at me because he can't overtake on the following stretch because there are parked cars and oncoming traffic and I am slightly to the right of the cycle lane to avoid the door zone and a lorry unloading. Tailgates me even though I am keeping up with the car in front.

He then does another dubious overtake right before a pinch point just before the start of a bus lane. I again overtake him within 10 seconds and filter at least 10 vehicles ahead to the lights.

I think a section on planning and anticipation should be more rigorously enforced on the driving test.
On the tipper truck theme, had a tipper truck get all aggressive with me today.

First pointlessly passes me way too close even though there is no oncoming traffic and queuing traffic ahead. I promptly re-overtake him on the right hand side about 10 seconds later.

He then gets all arsey and honking at me because he can't overtake on the following stretch because there are parked cars and oncoming traffic and I am slightly to the right of the cycle lane to avoid the door zone and a lorry unloading. Tailgates me even though I am keeping up with the car in front.

He then does another dubious overtake right before a pinch point just before the start of a bus lane. I again overtake him within 10 seconds and filter at least 10 vehicles ahead to the lights.

I think a section on planning and anticipation should be more rigorously enforced on the driving test.
It not worth re overtaking neanderthals 99% of the time (at a guess) they react like that :wacko:
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