I’m coming back from a few months off and surgery, so my fitness levels are at rock bottom. First priority has been to target my running as a couple of days before all this I’d entered the York marathon. It gives me a target for October, but it’s a challenge as the 16 week training schedule started 1st July and I’m supposed to have a decent regular level of training prior to that.
Anyway todays a schedule swap. It calls for 4 miles. Minimum 4 minutes of that to be hillwork. But next week, I’ve GOT to do 2 consecutive days on the bike, so todays a swap, in preparation.
Cycling in’s done. Approx 15 miles. Maltby to Meadowhall (road), Meadowhall to Ecclesfield (TPT), last leg to work (road)
I had company Wickersley to Meadowhall. Old guy on an old steel framed roadbike, shifters on the downtube. He had a cycling top and a pair of tweed shorts that were 40% patches. But the tan meant he spent a lot of time outdoors and he didn’t look to have an ounce of fat on him. Then there’s the fact I saw him out a lot last year, when I was cycling regularly....
On the approach to the Fairways, he dropped me like a bad smell. No effort, smooth as silk. I didn’t notice till he was 50m in front. I’ve got to admit, my 1st thought was “Gotta speed up, can’t be beat by the old guy” and a little frustration as I realised the gap wasn’t getting smaller, even though I was the only one who knew we were racing.
I closed the gap on the downhill. By this time my mindset had changed. The guys inspired me. If he can be that fit, at his age. Why can’t I be, now?
Looking forward to next week now