Tales from today's commute....

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Deleted member 1258

Cold commute into a cold headwind ... but must commute by bike ... although the car looked very enticing this morning

The cars been calling me all week, a strong bitter cold headwind every morning this week has meant hard, slow and cold rides to work,:sad: insanely busy at work has meant I've been knackered the past few days,:sad: but the rides home at night has been fast and fun,^_^ at one point on the way home one night I was spinning out on the fixed at 27 mph, and I've been seeing 25 mph regular on the way home.^_^


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
Coming home, 3 things happened:

1. I passed someone in shorts on a full carbon road bike, for him to RLJ when I stopped. I then passed him again uphill and he wasn't happy; I'd got a full rucksack with lots of exam scripts!
2. Someone hanging out of a car (again, but this time not topless) in Belle Isle, Leeds as they passed me uphill. About 1/2 a mile further on when I caught up with them they'd got the window wound up and were pretending to hide :tongue:
3. A SMIDSY, passed me and then turned left before he'd got past = a yell from me.


Thought i'd take the SS in this morning without the mudguards, thinking it's going to stay fine. Hint of snow on the way in and is now raining. Wet bum on the way home my thinks. Never mind it's Friday. :cheers:


Really quiet on the roads this morning. Most people must be taking the long holiday. Makes the commute stress free.


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
So looking forward to tomorrows commute, especially the evening.
Cycling home in the daylight. :thumbsup:

Lights have been taken off my bike in readiness.
(yeah I know some peeps like their lights on their bikes all year round - I am not one of them)

Shut Up Legs

Down Under Member
Another nice commute this morning: about 15°C with intermittent light rain :smile:. I gave the road bike a bit of a workout (and me, also) on the Easter long weekend by doing a 75km (and 1400m climbing) ride up the Dandenongs on Friday, then the same on Saturday.


Legendary Member
So looking forward to tomorrows commute, especially the evening.
Cycling home in the daylight. :thumbsup:

Lights have been taken off my bike in readiness.
(yeah I know some peeps like their lights on their bikes all year round - I am not one of them)

Mine have gone back on in readiness for the dark start in the morning.


Legendary Member
Another nice commute this morning: about 15°C with intermittent light rain :smile:. I gave the road bike a bit of a workout (and me, also) on the Easter long weekend by doing a 75km (and 1400m climbing) ride up the Dandenongs on Friday, then the same on Saturday.

I know it is wrong, but I hate you :tongue:


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Bloody nagging headwind tonight, extremely gusty on top of the Avonmouth ( M5 ) bridge.
When will this cold Northeasterly STOP ??? :cursing:

Shut Up Legs

Down Under Member
Just got home from another great commute, and the legs felt good. I encountered a wannascalp* - he caught up to me, called out 'passing right', then tried to overtake me, and was surprised when I continued doing the same speed, because he struggled a bit to overtake. He then failed to extend his lead over me, even up a lengthy hill where I had no problems keeping up to him (there was no drafting advantage, either, because we both had a slight tailwind and weren't going fast enough for drafting to make any difference).

I can't help taking a bit of pleasure in destroying cyclists' misconceptions, particularly when I was riding my sturdy (but not light) touring bike, and he had a carbon fibre road bike :laugh:.

* cyclist who tries to overtake you, struggles to complete the overtake, then hasn't got the legs to stay ahead. OK, I invented that term :tongue:.


In on the roadie today after a few weeks out due to a tactical knee rest. Loved it. Nice fresh morning, bit windy but it could be a tail for the way home! Everyone well behaved, even around Vauxhall :-)


Legendary Member
33 miles on the ice tyres again, needed them for the countryside bits of the ride, but city was very dry. Horrible end to the commute, sit down at my desk to find I left a cup of tea in a thermal mug on my desk on Thursday, it absolutely stinks
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