Tales from today's commute....

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Weather forecast this morning said it is warmer, lying bar stewards. Once again very cold but very quiet ride into work. Only need to do 6 1/2 miles tonight to hit my 1000 miles for the month

Yep checked multiple forecasts last night, consensus was that it would be about 0, turned out to be -3 and dropping when I set off. Clocks going back as well, so going to be dark for the first hour or so again :sad:


Nr Cambridge
Had some serious SCR action today, 8.2 miles against another guy on a TT bike. So own up... who was is on a TT bike going down the A428 starting from the Caxton Gibbet roundabout & then onto the A1303 into Cambridge? Because dude, that was EPIC!


Cold but fairly quiet (traffic-wise) ride into work. I think I prefer it when the traffic is busier, it slows them down .


Über Member
Thought I'd spread a little peace and harmony this afternoon, I got to the front of a long queue of cars on the outside to get to an ASL. I passed a guy on a bike trying to filter on the left and felt pity for him but continued on my way without saying anything. I got to the red light and stopped, a few moments later he rolls through so I say " its red for everyone". He said "all right, calm down. Are you an off duty police officer or something?" I hadn't expected him to stop or reply so I didn't have a witty and damning response ready so I just shrugged.

It was probably due to the junction being a bit busy rather than my advice striking a chord but I was heartened to see waited patiently until green.

Black Country Ste

Senior Member
West Midlands
I would laugh but my car was hit in identical circumstances a few years ago. Started to pull out, realised I wasn't going to make it and stopped. Driver behind wasn't paying attention. BANG. No damage thankfully but the twit didn't hang around to check.

I had a near miss last week. Oncoming car turned left into the side road I was turning right into. Unusually a lot of peds around so I was watching out for them. Turned my attention back to what was in front and the left-turning car had stopped in the mouth of the side road as he couldn't complete his turn with another car now trying to turn out of the side road. Slow speed and quick-reaction braking spared me an embarrassing shunt.


Legendary Member
Rolling up to a red light at a busy crossroads, heard a car coming up fast behind me. She went straight through the red light and stopped slap bang in the middle of the junction surrounded by four cars - two lanes each way. I have no idea how a collision was avoided because the crossing traffic was moving quite freely.
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