Tales from today's commute....

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Über Member
Have been finding the rides in this week really hard, thought I was hitting a wall but actually I think my bike is seizing up, possibly from the salt that got put down earlier in the week its corroded my back (new) freewheel and derailleur, when I spin the peddles back the don't even make it a full revolution before squeaking to a halt! Looks like she needs to be stripped down and greased this weekend!
Not looking forward to the squeaky struggle of a rid home today :sad:


My Armchair
:wahhey:I FOUND MY GLOVE! :dance:
Just need to find that drinks bottle now then? :whistle:

Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
Fell of the bike tonight ... while stationary at lights: didn't slide off the bike quick enough on stopping, ma wee legs flapping in the void, down I went!:cry:
How embarrassing! Taxi driver shouted from across the road "are you ok??" :blush:

I like Skol

A Minging Manc...
Fell of the bike tonight ... while stationary at lights: didn't slide off the bike quick enough on stopping, ma wee legs flapping in the void, down I went!:cry:
How embarrassing! Taxi driver shouted from across the road "are you ok??" :blush:

Don't worry Pat, next time I see our friend Potsy I shall poke a stick into his front wheel while he is travelling at speed (well, when he is moving anyway. He never really gets up much speed!) :whistle:

Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
Children, stop arguing! :laugh:


I got so lucky when I snapped my chain, a noise and then "hey pedalling just got really easy, why am I slowing down" thing just fell out
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