Arghh!!!! Another visit to the tarmac this morning. Quite a few scrapes and bruises this time

. Just going around a roundabout at about 15-20mph, not a sharp turn, when my bike dissapeeared from under me. I picked it up and walked back to the scene of the crime and the road looked bone dry. I pulled off my gloves and it felt dry to the touch but as I turned to walk back to the pavement I nearly went A over T! The road was really slippy and I can only assume it's due to all the recent gritting?
I did a few 'test' skids during the rest of my journey and sure enough the road was unpredictably greasy in some areas. I've never known it look so dry yet be sooooo greasy.
Tore my shorts and bent my house keys (they were trapped between my thigh and the tarmac!) but the bike appears ok apart from some scuffs to the handlebar ends.
Take it easy out there folks