Tales from today's commute....

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Whilst enjoying a mid commute coffee, a taxi pulled up nearby. a moment later, the passenger an elderly lady, was clearly struggling to exit said taxi. Me being me, I immediately went to her aid. She had a crutch and was having trouble opening the door and trying to use her crutch for balance at the same time.
Assistance given, both parties happy. :okay:
And what was the cabbie doing all this time you may wonder - ? :whistle:
Sitting in his cab apparently totally oblivious of what was happening to HIS fare. :cursing:


Having had the last week and a half off due to some form of "sleepy covid". I've been back in the saddle this week, today my legs were aching from Monday & Tuesday's rides so wasn't looking forward to it.

As expected the ride was hard going in parts, so I took it "easy" and cruised in some places I'd normally push, which helped. What also helped was the 1/2 dozen and more hot air balloons floating over the city today which made it more enjoyable!
Clouds of gnats on the way home made me feel like a whale feeding on krill! Even with my mouth closed they managed to go through my nose into my throat......time to bring the buff out again.

Been getting a lot of that around here. Can't recall it being so bad, but I'm using cycling infrastructure whilst pootling far more than I used to.

Nice 'faux commute' this morning.
I did make the mistake of using Garmin Connect to plot a 20km loop, to mix things up. And that was great, until it told me to turn down a lane that didn't exist. That mean an extra 5km to get back home which made me late for work.

I also need to write to Hawkins Logistics after an incident with one of the articulated lorry drivers this morning.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
And actual drizzle today. :-( come on summer you can do better than this. Even the off-road section was quiet now the all the schools have gone. Just a couple of well behaved dog walkers.

What what, rain ? Had some yesterday, but WFH today. I shall see how long I can manage in the conservatory today - I suspect it won't be pleasant after 2pm when the sun really hits it.


I like steel bikes and I cannot lie..
Best bit of Wednesday's ride home was seeing a stoat bounding across the tow path some distance in front of me; happy, viscious, furry little bastard!


I like steel bikes and I cannot lie..
Head up arse again this morning; although offset slightly by the respite of a pleasant, sunny commute on the bike with some nice folks thrown in.

I continue to be astounded by how fast the brambles are growing - had a bit of time in hand today so lopped off a load more skinny danglers at the entrance to the tow path; and noticed from the pile of severed, wilting leaves that someone else had evidently had a go at some on the corner of the hedge too.

Lopped off some further into the ride that were thicker than Liz Truss and were growing horizontally across the whole width of the path - I suspect these had only become a problem as they'd sagged down to face height under their own increasing mass as they grew.

Also spotted a load more that weren't a problem on the way in but will be on my side on the way out, so will deal with them later.

As sad as it is I feel like I'm becoming increasingly proficient at sorting these - it becoming more natural to instinctively know where to cut them and how to handle them..

Finally, stopped at the park for a solitary chin up (with very slow negative on the way down to make the most of it) and a bit of decompression..


Über Member
Very close pass by a bus this morning at 7.55. I came out of a junction and turned left a bus was in the distance to my right but a far way off. So I continue cycling along and the next thing I know its passing me blasting its horn with hardly any space at all. I had to stop, I was doing nothing wrong. I considered chasing him down and having a row but I decided against it and reported him instead to the bus company.
Any holder of a PCV license has absolutely no excuse for demonstrating that sort of inconsiderate and ignorant behaviour.
Hopefully the bus is equipped with CCTV monitoring and the driver has their PCV license suspended.

Managed to start the week the right way with a 'faux commute'. A road closure meant a detour early on so I set out along the main road in the opposite direction to usual, reached a roundabout at the halfway mark and turned back on myself.

Surprisingly no issues with the tinned box dwellers - well, aside from one or two closeish passes and, given it turns into a twisty rural road, on blind bends/approaching summits too.

Lovely weather.

Didn't realise that the outbound leg involved 85m of ascent*, aided and abetted by a headwind. Bit of a slow grind on the upright, heavy and hub geared Trek District 4. But bloody quick on the way back. Not the zone 2/recovery ride I'd envisaged, but none-the-less enjoyable.

*I thought (mistakenly) it was about the same amount of climbing either way - that's the beauty of having a proper cycle computer/GPS wossname - I can now see (sometimes) why it was such hard work!


I like steel bikes and I cannot lie..
Any holder of a PCV license has absolutely no excuse for demonstrating that sort of inconsiderate and ignorant behaviour.
Hopefully the bus is equipped with CCTV monitoring and the driver has their PCV license suspended.

I work on the assumption that all PCV / commercial vehicles now have dashcams so if I have an issue with one under any circumstances, report the reg, time and location to the company in question; requesting that they review dashcam footage and tell me whether they consider this acceptable conduct.
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