Tales from today's commute....

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I like steel bikes and I cannot lie..
What's people noise of choice to try and scare them away before you get too close? I tend to adopt a hissing / clicking noise, although the squirrels lately have become very laissez-faire to this.

In the car I flash my lights, on the bike it's either too late to shout, while if there's time I'll take evasive action.

Grey squirrels are particularly arrogant / ballsy creatures who seemingly "learn" quickly to ignore stuff they don't immediately identify as a threat... sometimes to their ultimate undoing. That said, one less grey in the world is no bad thing.


I like steel bikes and I cannot lie..
its a pity the cyclepath is so overgrown, i had no chance to see it before it dodged in front of me even though i was going steady
i did email the council last week ....

Yeah, no chance in those circumstances :sad:

I did a pigeon in the car a while ago which felt terrible; couldn't see / any feathers it in the rear-view so hope it just bounced off the screen and lived to tell the tale.


Whilst having a mid commute coffee break at my favorite coffee stop, observed a many in his mid 20s cycling past on a BMX.
Nothing odd about that you'll all say, until I tell you there was also a wee lass on what appeared to be a child seat fixed to the top tube and a wee lad wearing a bash hat astride the manny's shoulders - ! :eek:
A bit nutty, but I had to smile - ! ^_^
I tried a new way to the station tonight goes along a busier road for a mile before going through a new housing estate cycle path and down a broken road (thankfully not to broken)/ bridleway to another village. So apart from that busy bit its a pleasant commute. The only problem is the transition from the busy road to the housing estate cycle path is a high kerb. I think the footway next to the busy road is shared and designers didn't want cyclist to be on the busy road at all but I didn't see an obvious way to transition onto it and its a bit narrow and had peds.

That aside though near where the broken road emerged into the village I came across this:


Nice warm commute both ways yesterday. Think I've got my route perfected because fellow cyclists are the biggest nuisance I generally come across.

I do wonder how many delivery cyclists are involved in accidents, I'd bet much higher than reported as they don't seem to like attention of authorities.

I don't think I'll ever understand the mentality of those who force their way to the front at lights, to then set off at 1.5mph with a pringled rear wheel


All at sea⛵
Well, early morning outing. Dozy bitch, on phone, with equally bright, equally overweight Corgi.
Managed to arrange themselves right across the lane. With the lead across the gap between them. Forming the perfect cyclist trap.
Tried cheery "hello" to alert them. The dog looked up at me and stayed stock still.
The human end of the cyclist trap glanced and carried on talking.
Second "hello" and she tried to get the dog to come to her. No movement from either of them.
I'm now 15 seconds nearer and braking.
Stopped to avoid the inevitable contact.
Then there's "Sorry love, I'll ring you later, there's a rude cyclist here"
She must be a mind reader
Pleasant faux commute this morning.
I did report a BMW driver to the local constabulary. Illegally spaced rear number plate means the polizei can charge the driver for something if they so wish. I was riding at ~20 mph (down hill) on approach to a mini-roundabout. I can hear the engine being raised to something close to full throttle - the driver passes me in a fraction of a second and flies straight through the mini-roundabout.

Passed me closely with about 200m to go to the give way point. At that point, you really can't see whether there's any traffic approaching you'd need to give way too. Not to mention, it's a popular crossing point for dog walking pedestrians at that time in the morning. I reckon on the driver easily exceeding 40 mph (30 mph limit). Had there being another vehicle approaching the mini-roundabout from the adjoining road, a collision would not have been avoidable.
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Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
I'll be a commute down this week - nay bother as it's daughter's 21st tomorrow (party next weekend) and I'd usually be at work before she even get's up, so decided I'm WFH. I've no meetings on, so a bit pointless, but I usually do 3-4 days in the office these days - many of my colleagues only do two.


South Wales
I'll be a commute down this week - nay bother as it's daughter's 21st tomorrow (party next weekend) and I'd usually be at work before she even get's up, so decided I'm WFH. I've no meetings on, so a bit pointless, but I usually do 3-4 days in the office these days - many of my colleagues only do two.

We now (since last October) have a requirement to do 2.5 days per week in the office, averaged out over the month. But because Mondays and Fridays were unpopular, they decided to count those as 1.5 days each, So now almost everybody comes in on either Monday or Friday, plus one of Tue-Thu.

I was already normally going in Wed & Fri, so it made no real difference to me.
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