A big moon in a clear sky when I left home, temperature of around -6 and with the easterly breeze in my face for most of the journey.
Took a slightly longer route to avoid a known road wide layer of black ice caused by an overflowing drain, (reported many times to the council!

) and to avoid a mile or so of unadopted road I normally use. The journey home last night showed the unadopted road to be very wet from the melting snow and with a modestly steep drop into and out of a hollow, I didn't fancy black ice on that also.
A layer of frozen snow on the side of the road for most of the journey, so had to ride where cars had cleared the roads, but locally no signs of treated roads. Luckily I had to stop at only three sets of lights, because even for those brief periods, it was clear my legs were generating only just enough heat to keep my body warm. So perhaps my jacket under my waterproof might have been a more sensible option.

Left foot toes were starting to feel cold by the time I arrived at work.
Courteous driver for once on a mini roundabout, where previously drivers first thing in the morning don't give a stuff. This morning's RLJer, a heavily laden artic.
Two other cyclists, both illuminated.