Surprisingly pleasant journey home last night, given half term holidays appear to have passed. Although the easterly breeze behind me for most of the journey certainly added to the enjoyment.
This morning snow 25/30mm deep at home with heavy flakes falling. Luckily the time I leave generally gives me freedom to ride where ever on the road I want, which was a big plus this morning. Once on more major roads, snow a plenty, but staying in car tracks helped, boosted by noticeably fewer cars. The big flakes of snow eased off after a three miles or so, gradually becoming smaller and for the last couple of miles, the snow was almost rain; although this has now reverted to snow again.
Weirdly, whilst bodily pleasantly warm, the air felt colder on my face as I approached the metropolis. Will need to check the computer if this was reality or whether concentrating riding on snowy roads earlier in the journey was the distraction. Although I hadn't been cold, when I arrived at work, mine and the bike's appearance suggested cold air temperature: On the bike, pretty much everything below the crossbar was covered in snow, including an attractive accumulation in the rear bottle cage. Helmet had ice on the surface between the vents and gauntlet gloves, worn because of the dire cold weather warnings, were frozen around the gauntlets.
Only two other cyclists seen.
Bike is going to need a damn good clean tonight.