England : London Sunday London ride

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Legendary Member
We did wait for you ya lazy bum.
Sorry guys! Not sure I would have been much use to you all though!

I owe you all a drink at User's next no-show...


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Thanks @topcat1 , @rb58 and Sunday London ride debutante @Gordon P .
It was cold this morning and dark, it was a struggle to get up and out of the door for 7.30am, but glad I did. South East London's roads can sometimes be a pleasure to ride when there is very little traffic. Which meant a very quick ride to Hyde Park. I was early so did a couple of loops of the park. Hyde Park is simply great for cycling on a sunday. A nice dedicated cycle lane to have a pootle and some nice quiet roads and a fantastic closed roads.

Got to Wellington Arch for exactly 9am to see Ross and Gordon waiting. We waited a while and Dave turned up and waited a little more to see if any others would. But no.. so we mounted up and headed off. We weren't sure if the View Tube at the Olympic Park was open but we headed for it anyway. After all these years of cycling with Gordon i didn't realise that he lived near Mile End, on the route of many a FNR :smile:

A cut through the very nice Victoria Park and on to the Greenway, we were soon at the View Tube, and it was open.
Great friendly service and great reasonably priced food made for a very pleasant 40 minutes.

Free Christmas Crackers included.
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As mentioned previous.. Dave's awesome looking, gut busting, Apple Pie and ice cream,
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And back out into the cold and grey. saying cheerio to Ross, it was time for a visit to the Olympic Park. Once again, those looking for traffic free, hassle free cycling, this is the place to do it. They have done a fantastic job with the place, not just for cyclists but for the public in general. There really is something for everyone.
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Here we said goodbye to Gordon which left just myself and Dave to discover some more of the park. It was then decided to head to Trinity Bhoy's Wharf to visit Fat Boy's Diner. We got there in the end, east London's roads being a bit of a mish mash.

Dave is the new LongMartin... we cycled past this on the way in and Dave didn't see it... "what taxi?"
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At Fat Boy's a cappuccino for each and a nice chat with the new proprietor, who promised that there will be a new improved menu on the way.
Back into the east London wasteland heading west back into the smoke. On the way witnessing one of the worst pieces of driving I have seen in many a month. Car from far lane cutting across another, left hooking a caB and nearly taking out a lady cyclist in one quick move, beeping as if it was other peoples fault. A Tosspot of the highest order.

I left Dave at the Oval as he headed one way and I headed the other.. to home.
71 miles for the day. It was a bit cold but the cycling kept me warm.

Thanks guys, Ross is right. I think we have all forgotten how good these rides are. So yes, let's get these going again, at least once a month.

Gordon P

There's no Calvados? I'll have a beer or a whisky
London E3
As a first time SLRer I had an excellent time - felt a bit of a cheat as my Sunday totalled probably nearer 15 than 20 miles as I live so close to the View Tube, but the company was top class & despite @ianrauk 's disparagement of east London's roads, I enjoy welcoming foreigners to our corner of the city. I shall certainly attend aain but Sunday's get busy: the idea of a regular 2nd Sunday each month makes sense (although the 2nd Sunday in January is I see already booked....)


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Myself, @topcat1 and @ttcycle will be out to play this coming Sunday (28th). View Tube is closed for the holiday season so perhaps Alexander Palace instead.
Anyway, I will be at Wellington Arch for 9am if the weathers not crap and raining.
So burn off some of the Christmas excess with a London blast.
Will be up for the SLR's in the new year shift patterns permitting

Have a great Crimbo Everyone



Sadly I won't be there - I'll be in Vista Belle.
Merry Crinkle All and One.
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