England : London Sunday London ride

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Legendary Member
Yes, and I treasure every minute in bed, especially when it takes 10 minutes to get overshoes on. Would take me half an hour if I wrapped up like Clive does...


That worries....
Perhaps unnecessarily.
I'm not entirely resistant to change....
I may have to check it out.
Perhaps this Sunday.
ETA - menu has changed. Not sure it is for the better.
Pastrami on rye conspicuous by it's absence..... :sad:
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Agreed. What was there before may not have been the healthiest, but at least it was tasty.
A Classic case of "Change is not Good!!!"


Bexley, Kent
Last SLR of the year for me. This ride was taking me over my mileage target for 2014 (7,320) so I was going out, whatever the weather. Up and out early into a bit of a headwind for the ride up to town and a lap of Hyde Park before hooking up with @Gordon P @topcat1 and @ianrauk . I coveted Dave 'Mister Cool's new jacket and one of our number pointed out how dirty my bike was (although to be fair, it was only the rear hub and spokes that were dirty, and he'd forgotten the baby wipes anyway) then we were off, dashing along the Embankment and through East London and Victoria Park to View Tube. Cappucino and Portuguese custard tart for me - which I thought was extravagant until Dave tucked into a huge portion of apple pie and ice cream! Gordon's scrambled eggs and beans looked delicious though. Then I had to make tracks as I was on a curfew. Got to the Woolwich ferry to find it closed, so scooted through the foot tunnel and home shortly afterwards just as the wind was really picking up.

A typical Sunday London Ride, leisurely, friendly, with plenty of time for cake. Nice one chaps. We need to make this more regular in 2015. I vote to make it a definite for the second Sunday of the month - perhaps if the date was more regular more people will be able to make it.
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