England : London Sunday London ride

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Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
Let's hope your neighbour is ok this morning and is in good Elf.
Hmm, sounds like a.....(wait for it)....



Not going to make HPC - I'll try to intercept you at Fatboys.
He opens at 10:00


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
Good to see a few of you this morning, and a rare burst of summer weather was a very welcome change.

I took the User10571 Fatboy variation, skipping HPC, and took a bit of time to look around Trinity Buoy Wharf while the wheels arrived - there's lots of fascinating stuff to see there. And then the which-roads-are-still-open variation to the ferry, after which we did the random directions variation. I took the riverside path with User10571 and hoped to join up with you afterwards but didn't see you. Figured you wouldn't worry about J and I getting lost - we both know the area pretty well. I've only popped out for a coffee really. But sorry I didn't see you again to say bye.


Alright. Alright. No need to look so happy about it :tongue:^_^.

I'll hand it over at the start of the Felpham ride slides moneybox back under the bed.


Very nice to see some faces I've not crossed paths with for a while. Well overdue.
It was nice that the man who manages Trinity Buoy Wharf took the time to come over and say that it was great to see us there and that we were welcome there any time.
Sorry to not say 'T'ra!' but as Dpfdmmst says upstairs, we took the river path and figured no one would worry too much about our absence.
I need to break out the aloa vera - definitely caught the sun on my pasty arms.

EDIT @ Mark Grant- while I've been in the pub, the 95°C wash c/w soda crystals has done it's thing. Job's a good-un.:thumbsup: Ta!
London, no thanks yes please.
Thank you, User10571, for putting the 't' in Fat Boys Diner' - and Chris also (I did well on nabbing drinks!)
That ride was poetry. No standing around outside the Hyde Park cans - just on the road and rolling away to Trinity Buoy...where we heard about User10571's skirmish with a squirrel. User10571's nuts were in danger! It is a little known fact that Sciurius carolinensis, after entering a property, immediately makes its way to the washing machine to leave a scent. Hence the name 'secrete squirrel'. Super company, thanks, and a good few chats and - hey! we rode bikes too. :thumbsup:


Hello there
Lovely people, lovely weather, lovely London. Good to meet some new faces and see some old faces again! Thanks again to those that bought drinks.

Did something outrageous and caught the train home from London Bridge, knee was starting to twinge with 120 miles in two days. Favorite moment riding towards the station, a Sunday wobbler cyclist got unfairly beeped pulling away from some lights and I had time to give a big "shh" sign to the driver ^_^.



Bexley, Kent
Really enjoyed that today - makes a change from the mile munching of late. Great to see everyone again. Thanks all. And thanks for the drink User10571 - you're a gent sir. Fat Boy's is just the sort of place that I could bribe my boy with to get him on a bike, so I expect to be making a return visit.

Let's not leave it so long to the next one.
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