I'm around 100kg at the moment, I've had a set of DCR's built up which are 32/36 I believe (possibly 32/32, it's been a while since I've counted them) DT Swiss spokes, Novatec hubs and Archetype rims. They sit on the Synapse and haven't caused me any problems since I got them, I've probably done 1500 or so miles on them I have no idea how heavy they are (and Archetype's are a middling sort of depth rim) they are for disk brakes which narrows down the hub options (and probably makes them heavier). I've a set of
@Spoked Wheels built up at the beginning of the year, these are 36/36 because they are on my Sirrus which commutes in and out of London every day. The other spokes (Sapim, or the DCR's are Sapim and these are DT Swiss) again Archetypes but a really nice grey. Hope hubs (which are very clicky, Novatecs are relatively quiet) again, disks and I have no idea how heavy they are. Both felt lighter than the original Cannondale wheels they replaced despite having a lot more spokes. Again these have been completely problem free and replaced stock wheels that I was going through spokes on like they were Crunchy Nut Cornflakes.
I'm happy with both sets and for me both have hugely improved on what was on the bikes. I really wouldn't worry too much about the spoke count being 'a bit high' you're carrying a pannier, that (empty) will comfortably eclipse your 200g on this wheel, 215g on that one.
I've no idea if that helps...