I’d like to have sat in on the script meeting for the SW writers:
Let’s have an even bigger Death star type of planet killing weapon, with no apparent means of propulsion, suck all the matter off a star many thousands of times its size and fire an energy beam across space to hit their enemy who are, conveniently, located nearby and have casually not noticed the construction of the weapon.
Isn’t that implausible, even in a fictional context?. I mean, how does this thing store the energy?. That’s a bit like sucking the Pacific Ocean through a straw into your bathtub. Surely it would take centuries to do it.
No, we’ll do it in a few hours. Besides, who cares about science and plausibility, as long as it looks cool!.
Why would the villains build another Death Star – like weapon when the Empire had two others blown up?. Doesn’t seem to be a good tactical move.
Who cares?. The CGI boys will make it look cool!.
Plot holes and logical inconsistencies are just a sign of lazy writing, generally at a schoolboy level. SW seems to be a victim of this. As long as it all looks cool, with space battles who cares?. Cool is of course, the triumph of style over content. I saw the original back in 1978 and it was fun. It certainly knocks the spots of its rather disjointed and bloated rehash. SW fans hackles have been raised by the publication of up to 60 plot screw-ups in SW TFA in the Huffington Post. Google SW TFA Plot holes to be amused. Some of them are good, others just niggly. But nobody can deny the huge amount of plot recycling going on. I think they should have just bitten the bullet and remade the original with a new cast.
And before anyone moans at me say I’m biased since I like Star Trek, it also produces some howlers. I feel like the small boy in the Emperor’s New Clothes story.
BTW, my money is also on Rey meeting Dad at the end of the movie.