Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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67, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
Well done everyone for getting out.

Went back to work today after a months holiday and as it was lovely and dry I decided to knock off at just before noon to get out on my bike.

No sooner had I got on my drive than it started raining and still is nearly 7 hours later.

My beginners progress is doomed and my little ticker thingy looks a bit sorry for itself.

Still, as long as I don't wake up dead tomorrow I should be able to get out at last!


Let me know if you find a way of making it interesting! I really need to use mine more when I can't get out on the road. Which one did you get?

I got the "Elite Crono Fluid ElastoGel Trainer". £157 from wiggle. Also got a riser block. Will let you know how I get on. Thinking of buying one of the suffer fest videos as seem to be rated well.


Über Member
Finished work early so went for an exploratory ride as some local people kept bangin on about Diamond Park, which is very close to me supposedly. Finally found it and had a pleasant hour riding round on tarmac, gravel and wood chip paths seeing what went where. Only bug bear was the tiered half meter steps they stuck on many of the paths, which were covered with wet leaves and mud and even walking down/up them were extremely slippery.

I then did 8 miles round about route to my dads house, then 2 miles or so home, trying to beat the weather, as a huge black mass was sitting further down the valley. Now bucketing down and looks distinctly unpleasant.

Not bad as no rain till about 4:30pm when the weather forecast said it would be pissing down all day.

Oh and managed a 14.5 gradient hill that goes up around 350 ft in .1 of a mile for the first time. Has a really sharp bend half way up that usually defeats me, but managed it! ;)
Well that's me caught up on the thread. :laugh: I have spent all weekend with my nose in books as I had an accountancy exam this morning. Didn't even get a chance to get on the turbo trainer. It went quite well though so I did my training loop this afternoon. I was quite tired and it was quite windy so I was happy just to get over 15 mph to be honest:

I need to try and get out for a longer ride soon. I haven't been over 30 miles since the 18th of November. :ohmy: That was 47 miles which is still my best ever so far, which isn't great as I've done over 1000 miles now. I'll try and get in a 35-40 mile ride soon just to see if I can still do it and then I need to start thinking about a 50 miler.
You will be fine, when i finished doing these two 30 mile rides, there was more in the tank, though Sat I did push it a little, and Sun, I dont like cycling with no spare tube.


Legendary Member
Bloody Strava, wish I had never found it, I have started looking at segments which I said I wouldn't do!

Anyway knocked 50 seconds of one today and got it to 9 min 16 secs, took me to 5th place!^_^ Still 85 seconds behind the KOM but hey ho, I don't look at them anyway :wacko:


Über Member
Managed to get 10 miles in this morning while working from home, my 10th ride since deciding to give cycling a go and enjoying it more each time I go out which is the most important thing, however.....

I decided to repeat the route I completed my first 10 miles on to see if there really was any improvement

29th October - 10.3 miles, ave speed 12.2 mph

8th Jan (8 rides and a week on the turbo later) - 10.2 miles, ave speed 14.8 mph


Über Member
Wow what a ride today!
14.5 miles 2245ft or 155ft/mile crazy:wacko:
SWMBO wanted to go to Ikea, the closest is Leeds but Nottingham is only a few miles further so I combined the shopping with some serious hill climbing in the Matlock area.
In preparation I swapped my road cassette for a MTB one with ratios of 11T to 32T (it shouldn't fit my tiagra groupset but it does)
I got my 100 and Another 100 greatest cycling climb by simon warren books out and plotted a route.
One of my goals for the year is to do 10 of these climbs.
We arrived at Matlock at about 10.45, the mrs headed off towards Costa Coffee armed with her Kindle so I was good for a couple of hours.
Straight from the car park you hit the famous "Bank road climb" No. 31 in the book. 115m in 1090m, I was very soon onto my 32T cassette cog, thank God I had fitted it, with my 28T I would not have got half way up. It was very hard but I made it without stopping and the sense of achievement was like nothing I have felt before on a bike.
Once I was over the brow the road soon joined a main road which dropped very steeply back into the center of Matlock.
There was not time for a rest I was straight into the second climb of the day "Riber" No. 32, 162m in 1860m this starts off OK because for the first mile you are not on the actual climb but the lead up to it. When eventually you do turn onto Riber road you can't believe your eye's straight in front is a switchback bend like I have never seen before. I had to ride all the bends on the outside whether or not I was on the right side of the road, the gradient on the inside was just too steep. In places the back wheel was spinning on the damp road because it was so steep!
The Author Simon Warren describes this as his favorite climb and it's not hard to see why.
At this point I have a confession to make after negotiating the 5 hairpin bends and with the summit in sight I had to stop, my HR was 182 and I felt like I was about to die.
After a good rest and several attempts to get my feet clipped back in again (very hard on a narrow steep hill) I was off again.
The next few mile passed without incident thought there was another good climb but OK compared with what had gone before.
We now reach the low point of my ride I get to a junction turned left and my Garmin says I am off track, so I turn round and retrace my step to try and find my route again, after several minutes (and "U" turns) I notice a broken farm track with a dead end and unsuitable for vehicles signs.
OMG my garmin had done it to me again and routed me down God knows where!
Being of an adventurous disposition I pressed ahead anyway, very soon the track gets so bad that I had to unclip my feet, then push the bike and finally carry the bike!

This box you click on Garmin Connect route planner to "stay on road"obviously has a very loose definition of what a road is:angry:
After mainly carrying the bike for 2 miles over terrain like the picture I got to an unmade road I at least could ride on.
This after a mile or so then turned back into tarmac again.
This then after another few mile brought me back to the main road and the last challenge of the day "Slack Hill" No.129, 129m in 1355m not very interesting this one typical A road steep hill with 2 lanes up and 1 lane down.
This was by far the easiest climb of the 3 but after all that had gone before it still took a lot out of me.
For the last 2 miles I was in clover all down hill to the finnish with speeds up to 35mph on the straight bits.
I was totally knackered but felt great, dragged the wife out of costa and about an hour later I was tucking in a large portion of Ikea's Swedish meatballs that I think I thoroughly deserved^_^

P.S. I am also going to post this in the rides section so if you see it there it's the same post so don't bother reading it again.


North Carolina
Nice workout :thumbsup: I am going out in just a few minutes.


@simmi - I did wonder why you was riding around matlock on Strava lol.

Me and a mate have had a few run ins with that box on garmin connect. Mainly after heavy rain the supposed "Road" was actually a quagmire and a few times just a farmers track lol.


Über Member
@simmi - I did wonder why you was riding around matlock on Strava lol.

Me and a mate have had a few run ins with that box on garmin connect. Mainly after heavy rain the supposed "Road" was actually a quagmire and a few times just a farmers track lol.
Yeah it's the 2nd time it has caught me out!
In future I think I will check the course on google earth as well.
Or will that ruin all the fun;)


Senior Member
Like I said"the bugs done bit me hard"
Yeah have been reading a lot about the triban and haven't found anything bad. Even on second hand market they seem to hold their money too, which is always a good sign.

Excellent. :smile: I don't think you'll beat the Triban for the money and after 1000+ miles mine still feels like new.

I got the "Elite Crono Fluid ElastoGel Trainer". £157 from wiggle. Also got a riser block. Will let you know how I get on. Thinking of buying one of the suffer fest videos as seem to be rated well.

Ah, I have the same one. Getting the front wheel raiser was the right thing to do. I originally got mine without it and it felt like I was constantly pedalling downhill which was weird. I quickly got the wheel raiser. It was really annoying having to switch my trip computer from the front wheel to the rear wheel before using it but now I have my Garmin its not an issue. I really will have to get out on it on days when it rains (like today :sad:)

Those suffer fest videos look interesting but I'm pretty good at pushing myself once I'm on the bike, when I'm on the TT I just use music. My problem is the motivation to actually get on the thing in the first place.

You will be fine, when i finished doing these two 30 mile rides, there was more in the tank, though Sat I did push it a little, and Sun, I dont like cycling with no spare tube.

I hope so! I think a lot of distance is psychological. I keep telling myself that if I feel I still have more in the tank after the ride that when I get close to home I'll do some laps of the 3/5 mile loops I can do nearby but I never do. But I have never quit when I've set myself a distance before setting out. It's supposed to be nice here tomorrow so I think I'll try for a longer distance, perhaps 35 miles. Then sometime soon I'll try and hit the 50 mark.
Wow what a ride today!
14.5 miles 2245ft or 155ft/mile crazy:wacko:

Wow I just saw that on strava, those are some proper hills. :ohmy: It's a good job you had the MTB cassette, pity you didn't have a complete MTB though given that terrain! I really fancy giving MTBing a go actually. I have an old MTB from when I was a kid but it's not great and it's 17kg which would just makes the hills even harder!


North Carolina
You have a good one!
Whats you GMT time difference in North Carolina?

You are normally 5 hours ahead but sometimes during daylight savings changes you are 4 ahead for a few weeks or a month or so.

I did the same 15 mile route as yesterday. I felt like I was faster and worked harder, which I was by a little, it sure seemed like it would have been more than a minute and a half but that was it. It was over 14 mph average so I am happy.


Über Member
Wow I just saw that on strava, those are some proper hills. :ohmy: It's a good job you had the MTB cassette, pity you didn't have a complete MTB though given that terrain! I really fancy giving MTBing a go actually. I have an old MTB from when I was a kid but it's not great and it's 17kg which would just makes the hills even harder!

Yeah under different circumstances I would quite fancy a bit of off road nothing too heavy maybe a bit of cyclocross or something.
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