Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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check this out if your interested in segments
I use that Nigel. Nice way to keep track of your stats on there.
you can report those. theres been quite a few here like that
I did do Matt. I was way off anyway at 27th but it gave Lanky Wayne yet another KOM. Mind I set a p.b. that I didn't know about.
Why would you bother setting them in a car, you are only kidding yourself?
Some people just like to p**** about, same mentality as some yelling at a cyclist, or like the worst I ever had was being called a pedo for taking a photo of a bridge.
It wasn't this picture it was a little way round, and I know there's a teenager in this, though to be honest the camera was low down on a tripod and couldn't see to well through the view finder. I could clone him out, but why should I as it doesn't show him in a deframitry (is that right) manner
bridge 2-2.jpg


Legendary Member
Some people just like to p**** about, same mentality as some yelling at a cyclist, or like the worst I ever had was being called a pedo for taking a photo of a bridge.
It wasn't this picture it was a little way round, and I know there's a teenager in this, though to be honest the camera was low down on a tripod and couldn't see to well through the view finder. I could clone him out, but why should I as it doesn't show him in a deframitry (is that right) manner
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Think it actually adds to the photo having him there Nigel. Love your photos by the way.
Think it actually adds to the photo having him there Nigel. Love your photos by the way.
Thanks Mo, thats why I did, but you do sometimes wonder what goes through peoples heads when they such things ( the same as the people that post rides on motor bikes or cars on strava), they forget that the person they are shout the abuse at may well have been abused when younger, with unknown future effects, because it has made an impact on what i will and will not take pictures of, anyway going a bit off topic.


Über Member
Happy New Year to you all.

Not been out for a few days as have done the usual family stuff over New Year.:cheers:

First ride of 2013, just a quickie as I am on nights tonight.

It was very warm today so had the legs on show!:eek: Passed about a dozen other cyclists but they were all still in winter attire.

22 miles as fast as possible.

21.9 miles in 1:14:10 at 17.8 mph

Nice hard ride, I find flat rides to be much more tiring because you get no rest bite.:sweat:

It's nice to get mycyclinglog moving at last.


Legendary Member
There are some sad ass kids around here that think its funny to do the, on mopeds. The amusing thing is I caught one of them at it and he was actually doing 42 in a 30. So I sent a report to the rozzers. Don't know if anything came of it though.

I have a new policy on Strava now, if I think the time has been achieved by cheating, then I am ignoring them. Blimey I am KOM on every segment I have done!
Finally managed 20 miles at just above 14mph,
The best I did was I shaved off 1 min of my previous best on this, (though its only the 2nd time I have covered it) still 102nd out of 111.
Though I am pleased that at the end I could beat yesterdays time on this by 2's.
and a couple p.b's on some short semi steep climbs. both avg 3.7% (told you nothings steep round here really)
The full ride if your interested.

Happy New Year to you all.
22 miles as fast as possible.
21.9 miles in 1:14:10 at 17.8 mph
Nice hard ride, I find flat rides to be much more tiring because you get no rest bite.:sweat:
It's nice to get mycyclinglog moving at last.
I find them boring now, still not a lover of hills yet though, however I do prefer them to the constant flat we have to the east of here, which is where I always went when I started, maybe spent to long on them, hence the length of time to increase my speeds.
I am using the 48th front more and more on climbs, only the short ones, but its getting there.
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