Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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We go a bit faster on that route as its the early ride but you're more than welcome to join us as we won't leave anyone behind and go at your pace.


Senior Member
Happy New Year everyone. :smile: Today was the first break in the rain since Christmas Day so I did my training loop. It was good to start the year off with a ride:

Haven't had a chance to set my Garmin up yet as I've been really busy since Xmas but I will set it up before my next ride.

Congrats on the first metric 100 AndyPearce and I hope you're feeling better Brian. Simmi- congrats on how much your fitness has improved in just 3 months! You've gone from being slower than me to much quicker while I've stagnated around the 15mph average mark. I think the difference is that you are exercising 6 times a week whereas I don't do anything other than my rides and recently I've been getting in 1 per week at most. I guess that should be my new year's resolution, to try and cycle more frequently. I do have the turbo trainer after all.

I need to borrow some of your motivation Reece! I need to set myself some goals. I really want to be faster and not be afraid of big hills anymore. I'm thinking of signing up for mycyclinglog as it's the start of a new year and perhaps strava premium. How are you finding that and how much did it cost you if you don't mind me asking?


Happy New Year everyone. :smile: Today was the first break in the rain since Christmas Day so I did my training loop. It was good to start the year off with a ride:

Haven't had a chance to set my Garmin up yet as I've been really busy since Xmas but I will set it up before my next ride.

Congrats on the first metric 100 AndyPearce and I hope you're feeling better Brian. Simmi- congrats on how much your fitness has improved in just 3 months! You've gone from being slower than me to much quicker while I've stagnated around the 15mph average mark. I think the difference is that you are exercising 6 times a week whereas I don't do anything other than my rides and recently I've been getting in 1 per week at most. I guess that should be my new year's resolution, to try and cycle more frequently. I do have the turbo trainer after all.

I need to borrow some of your motivation Reece! I need to set myself some goals. I really want to be faster and not be afraid of big hills anymore. I'm thinking of signing up for mycyclinglog as it's the start of a new year and perhaps strava premium. How are you finding that and how much did it cost you if you don't mind me asking?
Cost £3.99, thought I'd try it for a month, although I've just realised you can do loads more on Garmin connect free, but I couldn't resist trying. Only upgraded earlier so I'll let you know how i get on with it.

My resolution is also to get out more as one ride a week of between 30-50 miles isn't progressing me. Going to make the 2 mile round trip to work into 14 miles round trip 3 times a week. Also will be going out with club Saturday ride every other Saturday and then the early ride on Sunday, or early and social on a Sunday if not done the Saturday that weekend. Should see my weekly mileage shoot up.


Senior Member
Cost £3.99, thought I'd try it for a month, although I've just realised you can do loads more on Garmin connect free, but I couldn't resist trying. Only upgraded earlier so I'll let you know how i get on with it.

My resolution is also to get out more as one ride a week of between 30-50 miles isn't progressing me. Going to make the 2 mile round trip to work into 14 miles round trip 3 times a week. Also will be going out with club Saturday ride every other Saturday and then the early ride on Sunday, or early and social on a Sunday if not done the Saturday that weekend. Should see my weekly mileage shoot up.

Ah ok, cheers. I got given a book for Christmas about cycling training and there are various programmes in there for training for different events. I was surprised that the 4-6 week programmes start at about 9-10 hours per week and then taper down to 4 hours by the end. It's not that much really. All the programmes only included 1 rest day though i.e. cycling 6 days a week. Although only one one day per week does the recommended time exceed 90 mins and then it's just 120-180 minutes. So I think frequency is definitely the key. I will just have to force myself to go on my turbo trainer I think. It's going to rain all day tomorrow....for a change. :sad:


North Carolina
Happy New Year to everyone. I haven't been for my first ride yet. The roads are wet and my two main bikes are spotless so it looks like ride 1 of the new year will be a short one on the rain unit, with the Garmin in my pocket. :rolleyes:
I guess my rain bike is going to need some fettling for the new year too.


Ah ok, cheers. I got given a book for Christmas about cycling training and there are various programmes in there for training for different events. I was surprised that the 4-6 week programmes start at about 9-10 hours per week and then taper down to 4 hours by the end. It's not that much really. All the programmes only included 1 rest day though i.e. cycling 6 days a week. Although only one one day per week does the recommended time exceed 90 mins and then it's just 120-180 minutes. So I think frequency is definitely the key. I will just have to force myself to go on my turbo trainer I think. It's going to rain all day tomorrow....for a change. :sad:
What book is that? I've downloaded a couple of ebooks on cycling/training but there plans don't meet my needs.

I'm just going to use the spinning bikes and/or exercise bikes in the gym til the mornings/evenings get lighter. Plus the longer commutes too. Going to use heart rate to do intervals then a long ride at weekends where I'm not going to be concerned about speed. Also choking to get basic strength training at the gym too.


Senior Member
Thanks Typhon but Afraid not, still haven't stepped outside yet. I had to watch my wife go off on her first ride of the year. Getting a bit frustrated now )-:

Oh dear. :sad: Well it's going to rain all day tomorrow but it's looking a bit drier after that so hopefully you'll be able to get out then.


Senior Member
What book is that? I've downloaded a couple of ebooks on cycling/training but there plans don't meet my needs.

I'm just going to use the spinning bikes and/or exercise bikes in the gym til the mornings/evenings get lighter. Plus the longer commutes too. Going to use heart rate to do intervals then a long ride at weekends where I'm not going to be concerned about speed. Also choking to get basic strength training at the gym too.

It's this one:

It's quite basic but the training plans were quite good. There's lots of different ones for different events.

Yeah I'm going to do the same with my turbo trainer I think. At least try to anyway. It was so easy to cycle when there were light nights, I went out almost every night even just for a few miles. I can't wait till the clocks go forward again. I actually looked earlier - it's March 31st.


North Carolina
Not a photographer at all, so this may be a stupid question, but is that photo original or have you touched it up? Either way I like it

That was an outstanding photo of the bike. I think that one might have been an HDR photo, but not sure. I really liked it.
The cooling towers photo is outstanding as well. Very nice pictures Nigel.


Proud Daddy
What book is that? I've downloaded a couple of ebooks on cycling/training but there plans don't meet my needs.

I'm just going to use the spinning bikes and/or exercise bikes in the gym til the mornings/evenings get lighter. Plus the longer commutes too. Going to use heart rate to do intervals then a long ride at weekends where I'm not going to be concerned about speed. Also choking to get basic strength training at the gym too.

dont waste time in the gym... get the miles in the legs, the rest will take care of itself. there is no substitute for turning out the miles


dont waste time in the gym... get the miles in the legs, the rest will take care of itself. there is no substitute for turning out the miles
I understand what your saying and have read it a few times on websites. But I enjoy doing it. I've not done it since starting to cycle and my upper body is back to skin and bone. Ive gone from a happy 11 and 1/2 Stone back to 10 stone (i'm 6ft1 also). I've never been big but don't like being stick thin.


Proud Daddy
I understand what your saying and have read it a few times on websites. But I enjoy doing it. I've not done it since starting to cycle and my upper body is back to skin and bone. Ive gone from a happy 11 and 1/2 Stone back to 10 stone (i'm 6ft1 also). I've never been big but don't like being stick thin.

If you enjoy doing it then great :smile: but know it won't help you much on the bike
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