Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Legendary Member
Weather really has been awful in Leicester today

What routes do you usually ride around Leicester?

Mainly South, Wigston, Oadby, Blaby way.

My commute is normally Wigston, South Wigston, loop of Blaby (via the Mill Lane bridlepath) Cycle path on the old railway line all the way through town and into Beaumont Leys. That is 15 miles.
Thursday Mill Lane and parts of the railway line were flooded, Countersthorpe Road was closed off as well.

I do little pleasure riding, but normally do a loop via Wigston and Oadby to do a 10 miler.

Just mapped one out to Wistow, back to Oadby, through Alyestone and home. This one is 20.5 miles, hopefully do that one tomorrow.


Über Member
Thanks you all for the positive comments and likes about my 100K, as you all already know praise and incouragement from people in the same boat as youself is a great motivator.

I can't wait to read your posts when you get there because you all will soon enough and like Reece will be aiming at the next milestone.

Myself, I will be looking at doing a bit of climbing next (as I am totally rubbish at it) have got a book "100 greatest cycling climbs" a couple are at the extremes in terms of distance, there and back for a ride for me but most would have to be a trip in the car.

My goals for 2013 are to do at least 10 of the 100 greatest climbs(have got the second book too, so more true to say 10 of the 200 gratest climbs) along with a 100 mile ride and a total of 3000 miles.
Not sure if I will make them all but aim big thats what I say!

Have any of you got goals in mind for 2013?


Legendary Member
Thanks you all for the positive comments and likes about my 100K, as you all already know praise and incouragement from people in the same boat as youself is a great motivator.

I can't wait to read your posts when you get there because you all will soon enough and like Reece will be aiming at the next milestone.

Myself, I will be looking at doing a bit of climbing next (as I am totally rubbish at it) have got a book "100 greatest cycling climbs" a couple are at the extremes in terms of distance, there and back for a ride for me but most would have to be a trip in the car.

My goals for 2013 are to do at least 10 of the 100 greatest climbs(have got the second book too, so more true to say 10 of the 200 gratest climbs) along with a 100 mile ride and a total of 3000 miles.
Not sure if I will make them all but aim big thats what I say!

Have any of you got goals in mind for 2013?

Do 4,000 miles, lose a lot of weight and buy a road bike.


Thanks you all for the positive comments and likes about my 100K, as you all already know praise and incouragement from people in the same boat as youself is a great motivator.

I can't wait to read your posts when you get there because you all will soon enough and like Reece will be aiming at the next milestone.

Myself, I will be looking at doing a bit of climbing next (as I am totally rubbish at it) have got a book "100 greatest cycling climbs" a couple are at the extremes in terms of distance, there and back for a ride for me but most would have to be a trip in the car.

My goals for 2013 are to do at least 10 of the 100 greatest climbs(have got the second book too, so more true to say 10 of the 200 gratest climbs) along with a 100 mile ride and a total of 3000 miles.
Not sure if I will make them all but aim big thats what I say!

Have any of you got goals in mind for 2013?
What the books like? Very nearly purchased them the other day.

Goals for 2013;

- 4000miles
- do a few sportives including the 127mile "the long one"
- do the 100km & 100mile club audaxes
- be able to keep up with everyone on the clubs fastest ride by August.


slow and steady
Goals for 2013
metric 100
75 mile
100 mile
improve my hills get my average speed up
and do as many miles as possible i have done 530 in 7 months so hoping to at least 2000 in 2013


Über Member
What the books like? Very nearly purchased them the other day.


Hi Reece,

The books are very good, pocket size and the info is presented in a very user friendly style.

A must have if you intend to try a few serious climbs but also nice to own just so you know what is out there.


North Carolina
Ok, if you guys are all going for 4000 miles next year, I'm in too. I was thinking 3000 but I will push mine up there too.

I also want to lose more weight and get in better shape.

I am going to try and get a 100k ride in. Not sure if I will go for 100 miles or not, that might have to wait another year. It just depends on how the progress goes this year.
Ok, if you guys are all going for 4000 miles next year, I'm in too. I was thinking 3000 but I will push mine up there too.

I also want to lose more weight and get in better shape.

I hadn't thought of the mileage total for the year, I guess 3000 would be possible if I could loose some more weight.
I can't wait for better weather to start get some decent rides in.
Managed to sneak out for a quick 8.1 mile circuit, avg 16.21 nice short ride, no wind or rain even the sun popped out briefly. I would have like to gone further but didn't want to push my luck with the OH. The boys are in hyperdrive mode today!


Legendary Member
Just 27miles today. Strong winds and some floods around but was still surprised to get a 14.4mph average speed.

Better than me. I just popped to B&Q in Wigston to get some light bulbs. Did 12.4 miles at average 15.83mph. Only problem was I got the wrong bulbs, our lass is taking them back.

Countersthorpe Road is still blocked, but Mill Lane is clear now, very windy again
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