Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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North Carolina
Saddlebag stuffing is an art for sure:smile:. I have been sick the past two days and have not done any riding, weather has not been very nice either. I hope to get back out tomorrow.


Winter is Coming!
Kendal Cumbria
Saddlebag stuffing is an art for sure:smile:. I have been sick the past two days and have not done any riding, weather has not been very nice either. I hope to get back out tomorrow.

Hope you're feeling better now.


Über Member
The sun is out, the sky is blue, I better get off my fat arse and go for a ride, and so should you! :thumbsup:

Off to Comet for a ride, see if they have anything left! Dunno whether a 40" TV will fit on my bike though! :laugh:


North Carolina
Was it that stomach bug that is going around? Nasty.

I am not sure, stiff muscles, chills but no congestion, very tired and sleepy, stomach not acting up.

My blood pressure Dr. is still trying to get my blood pressure medicine dialed in. Got my pressure down from the stratosphere in July to just a little high now but I think one of the medicines (Metoprolol) is making me feel bad too. I go back to the Dr. in the morning for a monthly visit and will see if there is something else I can use to get off it.

I hope it wasn't from just my last hard ride and trying to keep my cadence up. :ohmy: Could have even been a combination of that and the medicine possibly. I am feeling much better today.:thumbsup:


67, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
Newbie progress made!

Finally stopped raining so jumped at the opportunity, roads were a bit sodden in places but much better than ice!

13.34 miles in 1.03.33 / 12.6 mph. My 6th and longest ride to date, not very far I know but I'll get there! Also my highest average speed - happy with that as I was not trying hard at all. I was tempted to push on a bit but I am resisting the temptation as I know that just getting out regularly is the main thing at this stage.

Legs went well.

Lungs went well.

*rse had its usual hissy fit at 4 miles in; gave it a good talking to and it sorted itself out.

Bike cleaned, nice shower, sorted!


North Carolina
Back in the saddle today. Did about an hour and a half cruise, forgot to stop my computer when I got home. Strava showing some funny numbers but avg speed and rolling time look about right. I don't recall hitting a max speed of 86.5 mph though. I did wear a helmet today so maybe it just didn't seem like I was going that fast. Felt good to get back out after missing a couple of days. :thumbsup:


Über Member
No time for a cycle today so went for a run in the dark
3.9 miles in 36:11 starting to enjoy it:wacko:
:hyper:My first ride out for about ten days, (no ice or fog at last!) just the 8.1 mile loop, didn't hurt as I expected but did get wet. Every time I go out on the T3 it gets better and better, just waiting for a shorter stem to try out and I think I will Have it sorted.

I think I am forming an emotional attachment to my bike, am I mad? :wub:


Über Member
I went for a very eventful ride up to my local shop (5 minutes ride tops). Shifter/gear cable popped out of the front dérailleur mounting. Didn't think much about it and thought it wouldn't be to hard to put it back on, 4 hours later and finally finding Park Tools guide I have it working again.

~Only problem now is rear is buggered. Tried changing gear and it wouldn't change to smallest cog, and when changing up the cassette it suddenly decided to park the whole dérailleur in between the rear spokes :sad: I don't think I have bent any, cross fingers.
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