Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Über Member
Always impressed with this thread, there are people at all levels of Noob-ness all getting out and putting some great results up.

I had a second try at hill climb training...

Let me take you back a couple of weeks, picture the scene a slightly chubby new cyclist (moi) having a chat with a very lean club cyclist over a couple of pints and Me saying something along the lines of "I wish I was better at climbing hills, I can kind of grind away in a granny gear but some of the hills around the local rivers and valleys are short and steep, thats where I struggle most"
Race Snake "you should come out with me and do some hill training over the winter, its only about 30 to 40 mins"
Me, now full of beer and the obvious confidence/stupidity that can only be found in the bottom of pint glasses "Yeah that sounds good, let me know when your going and I'd be up for it"

Fast forward to today
Text - "You up for another crack at some hills (then to add insult to his text ended it with a ^_^, really what is there to smile about?)"

So out we went to a different hill this time and as an added bonus was told to select just 1 gear for hills and use the same gear on the flat just spin much faster. Pick a higher gear than usual coz we are going to be STANDING for all the climbs, well, I aint great out of the saddle my legs start to burn very quickly.
Well I did it and in some strange way actually enjoyed the pain :boxing: and not as hard as I imagined. Came away feeling pretty pleased with myself, to top it off my training buddy actually said I was way better than he thought I'd be, which made me feel great right up until he said we can start to look at doing some proper climbs next time...WHAT!!!! :ph34r:

Hears a link

It feels MUCH steeper than it looks on strava :laugh:

Nice job DaveyM:bravo: I love the graph it produced on strava, very pleasing on the eye (something almost feminine about it)
It's something I need to work on too, I am getting better but still alway near the bottom on hill segments on strava.
For us Newbies I think it's as much to do with excess body weight as fitness, the extra pounds sure make a difference going up:excl:


Always impressed with this thread, there are people at all levels of Noob-ness all getting out and putting some great results up.

I had a second try at hill climb training...

Let me take you back a couple of weeks, picture the scene a slightly chubby new cyclist (moi) having a chat with a very lean club cyclist over a couple of pints and Me saying something along the lines of "I wish I was better at climbing hills, I can kind of grind away in a granny gear but some of the hills around the local rivers and valleys are short and steep, thats where I struggle most"
Race Snake "you should come out with me and do some hill training over the winter, its only about 30 to 40 mins"
Me, now full of beer and the obvious confidence/stupidity that can only be found in the bottom of pint glasses "Yeah that sounds good, let me know when your going and I'd be up for it"

Fast forward to today
Text - "You up for another crack at some hills (then to add insult to his text ended it with a ^_^, really what is there to smile about?)"

So out we went to a different hill this time and as an added bonus was told to select just 1 gear for hills and use the same gear on the flat just spin much faster. Pick a higher gear than usual coz we are going to be STANDING for all the climbs, well, I aint great out of the saddle my legs start to burn very quickly.
Well I did it and in some strange way actually enjoyed the pain :boxing: and not as hard as I imagined. Came away feeling pretty pleased with myself, to top it off my training buddy actually said I was way better than he thought I'd be, which made me feel great right up until he said we can start to look at doing some proper climbs next time...WHAT!!!! :ph34r:

Hears a link

It feels MUCH steeper than it looks on strava :laugh:
Nice one.

I've found the perfect place to hill train. Lots of hills and the first is conveniently called hill lane lol. Just trying to find time to go out is my issue.


Über Member
I've had a great month. My most cycling so far.

With 2 days to go in November I've ridden 310 miles in just under 24 hours.

I weighed in at 20st 12lb on Sunday. A 2st loss since the end on September.

I won't get out so much next week as I'm off to Toulouse to support the Ospreys in the Heineken Cup. I've earned a good weekend though :smile:


67, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
I've had a great month. My most cycling so far.

With 2 days to go in November I've ridden 310 miles in just under 24 hours.

I weighed in at 20st 12lb on Sunday. A 2st loss since the end on September.

I won't get out so much next week as I'm off to Toulouse to support the Ospreys in the Heineken Cup. I've earned a good weekend though :smile:

Brilliant stuff!


Über Member
Well done on the weight loss Phil.
Well done the both of you!
My loss is just over 2 stone but has taken me a month longer than Phil.


North Carolina
I have been losing less weight since fall started. I think the heat helps me lose weight. The fresh veggies around here are much better during the late spring and summer and I am inclined to eat them more often too.
I am just trying to get miles in during this time of year and not gain any weight. :blink:
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