Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Über Member
Was going stir crazy so glad to get out today^_^
37 miles in 2:22:42 15.5mph.
Nice route kept to B roads and lanes and have to say it felt much safer.

3 groups tried to ruin my day but to no avail, but I will name and shame them anyway.;)

1. the people at who confidently predicted no rain after midday in the Doncaster area, Lying B******s:angry:

2. Sealskinz, the makers of waterproof cycling gloves, Lying B******s:angry:

3. Garmin who think a bit of double sided tape and a cable tie is sufficient to hold a cadence magnet to a crank arm, Incompetent B******s:angry:

I am cold and wet but feel great :biggrin:


67, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
Was going stir crazy so glad to get out today^_^
37 miles in 2:22:42 15.5mph.
Nice route kept to B roads and lanes and have to say it felt much safer.

3 groups tried to ruin my day but to no avail, but I will name and shame them anyway.;)

1. the people at who confidently predicted no rain after midday in the Doncaster area, Lying B******s:angry:

2. Sealskinz, the makers of waterproof cycling gloves, Lying B******s:angry:

3. Garmin who think a bit of double sided tape and a cable tie is sufficient to hold a cadence magnet to a crank arm, Incompetent B******s:angry:

I am cold and wet but feel great :biggrin:

Re 1 - I'd like to add Accuweather, the Met Office and the Lake District National Park Weatherline to your list.

Re 2 - Sealskinz; had some socks once and they were rubbish.

At least you got out though.
Was going stir crazy so glad to get out today^_^
37 miles in 2:22:42 15.5mph.
Nice route kept to B roads and lanes and have to say it felt much safer.

3 groups tried to ruin my day but to no avail, but I will name and shame them anyway.;)

1. the people at who confidently predicted no rain after midday in the Doncaster area, Lying B******s:angry:

2. Sealskinz, the makers of waterproof cycling gloves, Lying B******s:angry:

3. Garmin who think a bit of double sided tape and a cable tie is sufficient to hold a cadence magnet to a crank arm, Incompetent B******s:angry:

I am cold and wet but feel great :biggrin:
Well done for getting out and a good mileage and time.
Its been fine here but been laying tiles, and clothes still wet from yesterday (well gloves)
Try some insulation tape round it, not pretty but it works.


North Carolina
Did the same 16 mile route again today. It was very cloudy and strong chance of rain so I decided to try out the jacket from an old motorcycle rain suit. I works ok but is of the boil in bag variety but it did keep me dry and it was cool enough today that it wasn't all that bad along with a base layer as well as a long sleeve and short sleeve t shirt. The temperature dropped from 14.4444 to 9.4444 C while I was out. (these Fahrenheit to Celsius converters on Google are cool ;)) I was getting a little warm but half way it started raining and getting cool so all was well. I am only going to take partial credit for a Rule 9 ride because it was only raining half the ride and because of all the rain y'all have been getting over there in the UK (I would'nt feel right taking full credit).

Despite the conditions I got in a 15.81 mile ride in 1 hour and 3 minutes at a blistering ( for me) average speed of 15.06. :thanks: I didn't even top off my tire pressure before I left, just the old pinch test. :smile: I have done over 15 mph before on flatter routes but for some reason this particular route has been keeping me under 14 mph. I knew yesterday I was about to top it and today watching the clock during the first half of the ride I knew I had very good shot at it. The rain didn't help as far as vision but was no real problem other than the fact I don't have mudguards and my shoes got wet and toes a little cold toward the end. It was a day I was glad I "braved the elements" and went riding.

I sort of felt like I might be on a roll so I jumped on the scales, I have lost about 4 more lbs too. :thumbsup:


Über Member
Did the same 16 mile route again today. It was very cloudy and strong chance of rain so I decided to try out the jacket from a old motorcycle rain suit. I works ok but is of the boil in bag variety but it did keep me dry and it was cool enough today that it wasn't all that bad along with a base layer as well as a long sleeve and short sleeve t shirt. The temperature dropped from 14.4444 to 9.4444 C while I was out. (these Fahrenheit to Celsius converters on Google are cool ;)) I was getting a little warm but half way it started raining and getting cool so all was well. I am only going to take partial credit for a Rule 9 ride because it was only raining half the ride and because of all the rain y'all have been getting over there in the UK (I would'nt feel right taking full credit).

Despite the conditions I got in a 15.81 mile ride in 1 hour and 3 minutes at a blistering ( for me) average speed of 15.06. :thanks: I didn't even top off my tire pressure before I left, just the old pinch test. :smile: I have done over 15 before but on flatter routes but for some reason this particular route has been keeping me under 14 mph. I knew yesterday I was about to top it and today watching the clock during the first half of the ride I knew I had very good shot at it. The rain didn't help as far as vision but was no real problem other than the fact I don't have mudguards and my shoes got wet and toes a little cold toward the end. It was a day I was glad I "braved the elements" and went riding.

I sort of felt like I might be on a roll so I jumped on the scales, I have lost about 4 more lbs too. :thumbsup:
Good effort, keep it up:bravo:
Did the same 16 mile route again today. It was very cloudy and strong chance of rain so I decided to try out the jacket from an old motorcycle rain suit. I works ok but is of the boil in bag variety but it did keep me dry and it was cool enough today that it wasn't all that bad along with a base layer as well as a long sleeve and short sleeve t shirt. The temperature dropped from 14.4444 to 9.4444 C while I was out. (these Fahrenheit to Celsius converters on Google are cool ;)) I was getting a little warm but half way it started raining and getting cool so all was well. I am only going to take partial credit for a Rule 9 ride because it was only raining half the ride and because of all the rain y'all have been getting over there in the UK (I would'nt feel right taking full credit).

Despite the conditions I got in a 15.81 mile ride in 1 hour and 3 minutes at a blistering ( for me) average speed of 15.06. :thanks: I didn't even top off my tire pressure before I left, just the old pinch test. :smile: I have done over 15 mph before on flatter routes but for some reason this particular route has been keeping me under 14 mph. I knew yesterday I was about to top it and today watching the clock during the first half of the ride I knew I had very good shot at it. The rain didn't help as far as vision but was no real problem other than the fact I don't have mudguards and my shoes got wet and toes a little cold toward the end. It was a day I was glad I "braved the elements" and went riding.

I sort of felt like I might be on a roll so I jumped on the scales, I have lost about 4 more lbs too. :thumbsup:
Nice one, and look at your mileage on mycyclelog.


Did the same 16 mile route again today. It was very cloudy and strong chance of rain so I decided to try out the jacket from an old motorcycle rain suit. I works ok but is of the boil in bag variety but it did keep me dry and it was cool enough today that it wasn't all that bad along with a base layer as well as a long sleeve and short sleeve t shirt. The temperature dropped from 14.4444 to 9.4444 C while I was out. (these Fahrenheit to Celsius converters on Google are cool ;)) I was getting a little warm but half way it started raining and getting cool so all was well. I am only going to take partial credit for a Rule 9 ride because it was only raining half the ride and because of all the rain y'all have been getting over there in the UK (I would'nt feel right taking full credit).

Despite the conditions I got in a 15.81 mile ride in 1 hour and 3 minutes at a blistering ( for me) average speed of 15.06. :thanks: I didn't even top off my tire pressure before I left, just the old pinch test. :smile: I have done over 15 mph before on flatter routes but for some reason this particular route has been keeping me under 14 mph. I knew yesterday I was about to top it and today watching the clock during the first half of the ride I knew I had very good shot at it. The rain didn't help as far as vision but was no real problem other than the fact I don't have mudguards and my shoes got wet and toes a little cold toward the end. It was a day I was glad I "braved the elements" and went riding.

I sort of felt like I might be on a roll so I jumped on the scales, I have lost about 4 more lbs too. :thumbsup:
Good one. Good average speed to mate.

As Nigel says your miles are clocking up. I'm having withdrawals this week as on a training course so will only get to commute Friday andthen out at the weekend for the Xmas do with work so may not get out Sunday either :sad:


Senior Member
Did the same 16 mile route again today. It was very cloudy and strong chance of rain so I decided to try out the jacket from an old motorcycle rain suit. I works ok but is of the boil in bag variety but it did keep me dry and it was cool enough today that it wasn't all that bad along with a base layer as well as a long sleeve and short sleeve t shirt. The temperature dropped from 14.4444 to 9.4444 C while I was out. (these Fahrenheit to Celsius converters on Google are cool ;)) I was getting a little warm but half way it started raining and getting cool so all was well. I am only going to take partial credit for a Rule 9 ride because it was only raining half the ride and because of all the rain y'all have been getting over there in the UK (I would'nt feel right taking full credit).

Despite the conditions I got in a 15.81 mile ride in 1 hour and 3 minutes at a blistering ( for me) average speed of 15.06. :thanks: I didn't even top off my tire pressure before I left, just the old pinch test. :smile: I have done over 15 mph before on flatter routes but for some reason this particular route has been keeping me under 14 mph. I knew yesterday I was about to top it and today watching the clock during the first half of the ride I knew I had very good shot at it. The rain didn't help as far as vision but was no real problem other than the fact I don't have mudguards and my shoes got wet and toes a little cold toward the end. It was a day I was glad I "braved the elements" and went riding.

I sort of felt like I might be on a roll so I jumped on the scales, I have lost about 4 more lbs too. :thumbsup:

Nice one Richard! That's incredibly similar to me, I have been struggling to get over the 15mph mark on some routes too and like you I make an allowance for whether I've pumped up the tyres or not!

I have just been on my training loop and done that over 15mph for the first time actually:

I was actually averaging 16mph until the last few miles but then the strong 16mph Northern headwind got me on the way back and my average speed just plummeted.

For the first time I was absolutely frozen on the bike. Generally the winds in the UK come from the SW so aren't too cold but right now they are coming from the north (i.e. the arctic) so they are bloody freezing! Because of those winds, for the first time this winter (around here anyway) the temperature is going to be in the 3-5 degree range in the daytime over the next few days. :cold: In anticipation I have bought myself some warmer DHB bib tights (the warmest they make) and a base layer for under my jersey.


67, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
Lovely day in Cumbria - well sort of. Freezing cold, bit of a breeze but fantastic views of the snow clad mountains.

Wasn't scheduled to go out today but I couldn't resist.

Did a tougher route today involving some longer stretches of hills and one steep short hill. My lowest gear is 36/28 and no way could I get up anything steeper! Standing up helped and my legs had a lovely warm buzz as I went up!

Felt chuffed that I got out today despite the cold and the very wet lanes.

Bike needs a spritz, I need a shower + one very snotty glove needs washing too!

Am I a proper cyclist now I have a snotty glove?


Über Member
Well, horrible and very nice day all in one. Rode my normal route to where I volunteer with a stop to pick up some tools from a friend on the way. When I got to the vol centre I realised I lost my wallet. Back on the bike, retraced my route asking people on the way if they found it. No joy. Rode back home and cancelled my cards and literally just as I put the phone down, the police rang to say it was handed in. It had been found in the middle of the road!

To bad I had cancelled my cards but happy that I don't have to get new cards for all the other little bits you carry. And done twice as many miles (about 9) than I would have done. Gotta love some people, marvellous. :smile:


67, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
Well, horrible and very nice day all in one. Rode my normal route to where I volunteer with a stop to pick up some tools from a friend on the way. When I got to the vol centre I realised I lost my wallet. Back on the bike, retraced my route asking people on the way if they found it. No joy. Rode back home and cancelled my cards and literally just as I put the phone down, the police rang to say it was handed in. It had been found in the middle of the road!

To bad I had cancelled my cards but happy that I don't have to get new cards for all the other little bits you carry. And done twice as many miles (about 9) than I would have done. Gotta love some people, marvellous. :smile:

There are some very nice people about although mostly we hear about the other end of the spectrum.


Über Member
My first venture into bike mechanics today.
I changed my cassette form a simano 12-23 to a BBB 11-28 (for some extra help on the hills)
Also changed the chain to a sram because i like the quick links better than the shimano pins.
I have to be honest there was really nothing to it, as long as you have the correct tools you should have no troubles.
After that I spent a bit of time messing with the brakes and derailleurs (nothing wrong with them just wanted a better understanding)
As far as I can see if you have got some basic mechanical skills there is nothing to be afraid of.


Über Member
Always impressed with this thread, there are people at all levels of Noob-ness all getting out and putting some great results up.

I had a second try at hill climb training...

Let me take you back a couple of weeks, picture the scene a slightly chubby new cyclist (moi) having a chat with a very lean club cyclist over a couple of pints and Me saying something along the lines of "I wish I was better at climbing hills, I can kind of grind away in a granny gear but some of the hills around the local rivers and valleys are short and steep, thats where I struggle most"
Race Snake "you should come out with me and do some hill training over the winter, its only about 30 to 40 mins"
Me, now full of beer and the obvious confidence/stupidity that can only be found in the bottom of pint glasses "Yeah that sounds good, let me know when your going and I'd be up for it"

Fast forward to today
Text - "You up for another crack at some hills (then to add insult to his text ended it with a ^_^, really what is there to smile about?)"

So out we went to a different hill this time and as an added bonus was told to select just 1 gear for hills and use the same gear on the flat just spin much faster. Pick a higher gear than usual coz we are going to be STANDING for all the climbs, well, I aint great out of the saddle my legs start to burn very quickly.
Well I did it and in some strange way actually enjoyed the pain :boxing: and not as hard as I imagined. Came away feeling pretty pleased with myself, to top it off my training buddy actually said I was way better than he thought I'd be, which made me feel great right up until he said we can start to look at doing some proper climbs next time...WHAT!!!! :ph34r:

Hears a link

It feels MUCH steeper than it looks on strava :laugh:
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