Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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You're putting in big miles Nigel :smile: well done. More than me
It was easy compared with what I have been doing, I though I would be quicker, depending on which computer I use I just managed 14mph, I have cut back a little on mileage, and trying to be quicker, I wouldn't mind but I really did seem to be flying (well for me) for the most part and certainly the three middle 10km splits were good for me of recent wks. Mind when I got back, couldn't tell if I had been cycling or swimming.
I'm so jealous of you guys....I've had a bad back for 3 weeks and have not gone out at all. Brand new Triban 3 in garage with 15 miles on it, and a Voodoo Marasa also begging to be ridden! Fingers crossed seems to be getting first 50 miler planned at weekend

Longest distance so far is 36 miles.

I had a bad back the other wk lasted for about 2-3wks, I cycled through it, I was actually more comfortable on the bike, than any other position.

Just got past 500miles for the month so far. I need 116 for my best month.


Über Member
I'm so jealous of you guys....I've had a bad back for 3 weeks and have not gone out at all. Brand new Triban 3 in garage with 15 miles on it, and a Voodoo Marasa also begging to be ridden! Fingers crossed seems to be getting first 50 miler planned at weekend

Longest distance so far is 36 miles.

50 miles is a hell of a ride after 3 weeks off and a dodgy back. Good luck


North Carolina
I got in 16.52 miles on my 16 mile route today. I got a new pb on it at 13.77 mph. I think I could have gone over 14 mph on this route (which is my short term goal) but it was just after 5 pm and traffic was MUCH heavier than normal. I did not have to stop but I did have to ride around on a small service road section for a couple of traffic light cycles until the traffic cleared. That was about a half mile of well under 10 mph riding I normally don't have to do.

Even though the numbers are not showing it so much yet I do feel like I am making real progress. I am just going to keep at it and not push really hard on the streets. I do not want to become a hood ornament on a Lexus. ( I think you call them bonnet ornaments;)).

I came very close to buying a Garmin 500 today but didn''s a long story...and I have rambled on enough, but lets just say that some U.S. online bicyle supplier thought it was a good idea at mid day
on a Cyber Monday to replace a 20 percent off sale with 20 dollars off. :rolleyes:
I came very close to buying a Garmin 500 today but didn''s a long story...and I have rambled on enough, but lets just say that some U.S. online bicyle supplier thought it was a good idea at mid day
on a Cyber Monday to replace a 20 percent off sale with 20 dollars off. :rolleyes:
I hit some traffic at the start today, otherwise I think I should have had an avg of 14mph over the 27 miles.
How much are they over there, they are about £145-170 for a base unit here.
Show us your.......newbie progress!

I wish I am lead in bed listening to the rain hammering down again:sad:

If this keeps up I will be swapping my bike for a canoe:excl:
Why let the rain stop you, it rained 1.9mm on my route 26/11/12 and still managed 4 p.b's and a few new sections. Winds were around about 4.7mph from the north.
Mind I did think I would be drier if I had been swimming.
They breed 'um tough in Pontefract:surrender:
I dont think i would have done it had been a couple of degrees colder, 7C was quite warm really.
I think it helps having lived on the Isle of Skye for several years, and worked occasionally on a creel boat, coldest I have remember there was ice in the sea loch when we set off, that was a cold day.


North Carolina
I hit some traffic at the start today, otherwise I think I should have had an avg of 14mph over the 27 miles.
How much are they over there, they are about £145-170 for a base unit here.

I could have got the base 500 for $174..approx 108 GBP, that is not heart rate or cadence. That was with a 20 percent discount and a buyer/member 10 percent credit for other purchases. They were just running an extra hours sale this morning and I got a phone call and they changed the discount before I put my order in. I will be watching the UK sites now, Hoping to find a Wiggle discount code sometime. UK sites have Garmins as well as most other bike related stuff cheaper from what I have seen.

EDIT: I just called the place I tried to place the order this morning. Being the smooth talker that I am The nice lady in customer service gave me the 500 at the same price I was trying to get it at this morning. It ships from their warehouse which is about 25 miles from my house so it should be here by Thursday at the latest. Only downside is that since they have stores in my home state I have to pay around 7 percent sales tax. I forgot about that. :sad: Still an ok deal to me. I will get a cadence sensor a little later, really not too worried about heart rate monitor right now. Now I will be debating if I should have just got the 800 instead, only a day or two more to worry about that. Then, if I don't change my mind and decide on returning for an 800:

Look out Strava! Here I come! lol
[quote="RWright, post: 2174337, member: 23332" Only downside is that since they have stores in my home state I have to pay around 7 percent sales tax. I forgot about that. :sad: Still an ok deal to me. I will get a cadence sensor a little later, really not too worried about heart rate monitor right now. Now I will be debating if I should have just got the 800 instead, only a day or two more to worry about that. Then, if I don't change my mind and decide on returning for an 800:

Look out Strava! Here I come! lol[/quote]
I was forgetting you wont have to pay V.A.T. (sales Tax) which is currently 20%, I did debate about true mapping with a Bryton 50, but I guess the functionality of the Garmin won, I did have a Bryton Rider 35 (same as the 500) but it altitude lost 20m or so if stopped for 10min or so the Edge does the same though not quite so bad, I always correct elevation with ridewithgps for my spreadsheet, strava usually has a different figure, but as its not really important on there I am not bothered, I have to say though the tracking on the bryton was for the most part more accurate, it was just a bitch getting the data, you had to use a web based system, at least the garmin you can just pull it off the unit, like a flash drive, but as I am getting to know more of the roads around here I am finding the true mapping less needy, though I am thinking of of getting a cheap unit something like this for maybe course following and the 500 to show speed (hrm and cadence if and when I get the money free, I want to upgrade the groupset, well some of it) my other comp that I use at the mo has no backlight, show its a little awkward at night.
I look forward to seeing your routes, and times, it might even surprise yourself, because avg speeds over the whole course or one thing, because if your in traffic as you were yesterday, it brings your whole avg down, even if the comp has an auto stop, slowing down speeding up takes it toll on the avg.


67, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
Newbie progress today: precisely zero miles.

Lots of flooded lanes, 4C, windy and raining to boot. In fact looking out of the window of my den right now it is sleeting at about 30 degrees off vertical.

Off to the treadmill in our 'gym' instead - at least my *rse won't hurt!


Well-Known Member
Newbie progress today: cycle infatuation climbs another level. Instead of considering jokes about getting around in rafts and canoes I was thinking of pedalos, and if it could be another activity on Strava. :whistle:
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