Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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67, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
Very damp day and cold-ish at 5C.

Went for a long walk this morning waiting for the saturated roads to dry a bit.

Finally got out 1-ish. 10.2 miles in 52mins. Bum felt uncomfortable at mile 4 but felt better by mile 6 - odd! Did a fairly steep-ish and long-ish hill which is probably about my limit at the moment.

Front brakes squealing so some toe-in needed there - would wake the dead!

Felt great that I had bothered to go out on a not too wonderful day weather-wise.

Bike (white) is now covered in filth including horse and cow crap so a quick rinse in a mo' and dry down followed by shower for me and then going to watch Chelsea hopefully beat City!


Über Member
All I can say today is "Oooouch" that hill training yesterday has me feeling like I have never rode a bike before :blush:
I have had to do a few hours work today so no miles again!!!

Well done to all those who have braved the rain
Very damp day and cold-ish at 5C.

Went for a long walk this morning waiting for the saturated roads to dry a bit.

Finally got out 1-ish. 10.2 miles in 52mins. Bum felt uncomfortable at mile 4 but felt better by mile 6 - odd!
I always find I cycle better after 10 miles.

Nothing much to say about todays ride really, a couple of p.b.'s
I like this one as its quite an improvement. 37's quicker and an improvement of 18% on the speed up from 13.2mph to 15.6mph.
and this 17's quicker an improvement of 1.2mph or 12%
This was easy to beat as the last time I stopped on this section, but still pleased to see 15.6mph or 4 miles even if it did have a slight downhill gradient overall.


Proud Daddy
once you get warmed up things feel a lot easier. My commutes are a nightmare, its only 5 miles but it sometimes feels worse than the 75 I do on a saturday because I dont get a chance to warm up, and me being me always tries to push my times!
All I can say today is "Oooouch" that hill training yesterday has me feeling like I have never rode a bike before :blush:
I have had to do a few hours work today so no miles again!!!

Well done to all those who have braved the rain
Gets you like that. I must try a bit, since I now know where the hills are.
once you get warmed up things feel a lot easier. My commutes are a nightmare, its only 5 miles but it sometimes feels worse than the 75 I do on a saturday because I dont get a chance to warm up, and me being me always tries to push my times!
Likewise, apart from the commutes, I have some short distances to do, and always have to start off going up hill, not that its much of one, but when your cold its not nice.


North Carolina
All I can say today is "Oooouch" that hill training yesterday has me feeling like I have never rode a bike before :blush:
I have had to do a few hours work today so no miles again!!!

Well done to all those who have braved the rain

:smile: I had a feeling someone might be sore today. lol

Still sounds like you got a great workout. I need to work more hills myself. Last time I did my ass was feeling it for a day or two and not like saddle sore either.


Über Member
:smile: I had a feeling someone might be sore today. lol

Still sounds like you got a great workout. I need to work more hills myself. Last time I did my ass was feeling it for a day or two and not like saddle sore either.

Sore isn't a strong enough word....I actually made a little wimpering noise when I tried to squat down and pick something up haha :B)

I think I will try and get a couple of gentle miles next time to warm the legs up first. In a strange way I think am looking forward to doing it again.



Delayed the ride until the afternoon as I was visiting family on route and they where out. Rain never amounted to much, lots of flood warning signs but no water... though My villiage did flood. Got a little confused with my gps and ended up cuirciting round one section and blundered the stop start button so a part of the ride is missing. Ended up on roads I don't normally consider taking, such as roads leading to moterway roundabouts and long streches of duel carrigeway. Not my best speed but all good.


Senior Member
The normal pace on my strava for my Sunday ride is because we do the social and keep it slow for new beginners.

Yesterday's pace was around 16mph up until 45 miles but then suffered due to weather and tiredness lol. Really need to get out more or on the spinning bikes at the gym. Once a weekend rides are not getting the fitness up anymore.

Ah I see. Yeah I know what you mean, I need to do more excercise too as my fitness hasn't really improved in the last two months. I'm not a member of a gym and don't do any other exercise than cycling so I need to do that more often and use the turbo trainers on days when I can't get out.

Speaking of which, I've just been out for a quick 10 miles:

It's so foul outside. Strong freezing northern winds, rain, flooded roads covered with debris. Wish I'd just gone on the turbo trainer to be honest!


Über Member
Today I decided to take a trip down to my LBS in between rain showers so I could pick up a few little bits, and ask some advice about the project bike I have now. I had already posted on facebook if anyone knew their phone number, but although people knew where it was no-one knew. 2.5 miles down the road, arrived at 3pm and it was closed. No opening times on the door and no telephone number on the shop name board or windows. Asked in the post office next door and they had no idea when he opened or when he had last seen him! Rode home somewhat dejected as nearest other LBS is 13 miles away. :angry:
Well I got out briefly for 40Km, covered an old course well for the most part, I added a little extra to it. Got 4 p.b's this one I am pleased with.
But on the whole I dont think I am any faster than I was.
Though I had 3 10km splits above 14.3mph and one at 15.7mph, the first split there was quite a bit of traffic, and the last 4km I struggled with a Northerly head wind so that was down to 12mph,


I'm so jealous of you guys....I've had a bad back for 3 weeks and have not gone out at all. Brand new Triban 3 in garage with 15 miles on it, and a Voodoo Marasa also begging to be ridden! Fingers crossed seems to be getting first 50 miler planned at weekend

Longest distance so far is 36 miles.



Proud Daddy
I'm so jealous of you guys....I've had a bad back for 3 weeks and have not gone out at all. Brand new Triban 3 in garage with 15 miles on it, and a Voodoo Marasa also begging to be ridden! Fingers crossed seems to be getting first 50 miler planned at weekend

Longest distance so far is 36 miles.


Should be a nice weekend too
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