Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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No worries. Even now with my current level of fitness, lack of rides and dodgy knee I reckon I could manage it in or around that time, though I think it would be difficult and would have to dig very deep! With 10 months to prepare however you should Breeze it.


Über Member
Didn't manage to get out over the weekend due to other commitments but managed a quick 8 miler after work Thursday and 10 miles this afternoon.

I'm loving getting out but struggle to find more than an hour on weekdays and I'm away this weekend too so it's going to be a little while before I break my next target of 25 miles.

I'm dropped a few hints to Santa for a turbo trainer so I can cancel my gym membership and hopefully be ready for the wiggle no excuses 45 mile route next March.

Latest ride below


Managed a 15.7mph average speed today on my commute. pretty pleased as I was making about 12mph avg a couple of months back. The ride is split in two, but I recorded it as one ride. It's a slight gradient up on the way to work and mostly downhill on the way back. Oddly I seem to struggle more to keep up my average speed on the way back, despite hitting higher speeds from the descents (top speeds aprox. 30 mph on the way back ;24 mph on the way in)


Über Member
Did my normal evening out and back ride from the house this evening. A distance of 14 miles. The ride felt really easy and I had ridden it in a record time for me of 1hr 3mins with no stops. This is a run down the valley with a gradual up hill ride on the way back.

It was one of those nights when I got home tired from work and I had to force myself to go out. But the ride showed the improvement that I've made in my fitness so I'm glad I made the effort. :smile:


Über Member
Did my normal evening out and back ride from the house this evening. A distance of 14 miles. The ride felt really easy and I had ridden it in a record time for me of 1hr 3mins with no stops. This is a run down the valley with a gradual up hill ride on the way back.

It was one of those nights when I got home tired from work and I had to force myself to go out. But the ride showed the improvement that I've made in my fitness so I'm glad I made the effort. :smile:


Über Member
Done three 10+ mile runs in past few days. Did a reverse of my regular route so it now includes a 500ft climb over a mile. According to mapmyride I did a Cat 4 climb on Sunday morning & completed the 11miles in under an hour which I was happy with.

Back out tomorrow morning on my regular route, hoping to PB it which will require a sub 50min ride.
Went for a six miler with my wife on a warm up and fettle of the new T3 then went on my 8.1 mile circuit and managed that in 30 mins, previous best of 34 mins, I did have to wait for 3 mins at some roadworks but won't claim that this time (-:
I still think the chain set up is noisy, but not as bad as the first one.

Here she is T3 Mk 2


Clipless pedals on top of the shopping list now!
Went for a six miler with my wife on a warm up and fettle of the new T3 then went on my 8.1 mile circuit and managed that in 30 mins, previous best of 34 mins, I did have to wait for 3 mins at some roadworks but won't claim that this time (-:
I still think the chain set up is noisy, but not as bad as the first one.

Here she is T3 Mk 2


Clipless pedals on top of the shopping list now!
Nice one, though if you had timed this on anything with auto pause it would have took off the 3 mins


Über Member
So went and did my regular 9.4 mile route (here) as I said I would with the target being a sub 50 minute time for the first time ever.

And I'm pleased to say I did it in 48m 46seconds!

However the climb which I have successfully managed to climb the last few times got the better of me today and I had to put my foot down twice. It wasn't a stop as such more just foot down, breathe in and then start again. But I was a little disappointed my feet hit the floor at all, but my head got really hot today and felt like it was going to explode!!

Oh well gives me another goal to aim for I guess!!

And I got a new job today which also made me happy - not cycling related but good news all the same!!!


Marathon Runner
Well I have done a total of 17.5 miles today, the first leg was 5.79 to my dad's house and took me 32:39 (I had to double back home because I forgot to put my bag on which probably cost me a bit of time). Then after a cuppa the return trip was 11.74 (the scenic route) and it took me 1:02.59. I live at the bottom of a valley so there is no escaping the hills. I also took part in an interval session up the running club last night (6.5 mile) so this ride out was mainly to loosen up a bit and so I was taking it quite easy, enjoying the scenery etc. My legs are pretty tired now so I think a days rest is required tomorrow. :thumbsup:
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