Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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I don't know if I take longer to warm up than on my 5/6km commute, but I cycled 17.1km to my folks' house on Friday and increased my avg speed to 23.6km/h. Then today, I took a longer route home, 18.7km, and averaged 24.9km/h. Still some way to go to match you guys for distance but I only started last week, so I've some catching up to do... I felt pretty fresh at the end of today's ride, so I'll keep adding on the distance until I'm doing 100km for fun (might be a few weeks away mind you!) :smile:


Having managed to up my average speed on my short commutes, I thought I'd try for something bigger. I took it pretty easy and it was only 30 ish miles ... thought I'd try for some elevation, the view from my back garden predicted the best local spot for this ;)
I didn't push for speed much, as I wasn't sure how far I was going but I think I did alright, lot of faff time, deciding which way to go and admiring the view. Was a tad gutted that I'd taken breaks in the middle of strava segments, so have recorded average speeds of 3.4mph on some streches, still next time ;)
I'll keep adding on the distance until I'm doing 100km for fun (might be a few weeks away mind you!) :smile:

That's my initial aim, originally I was targeting February as a possible time for my first 100km audax but with my fitness setback, work and time constraints I'm gonna move it back a few weeks I think. Btw Keep up the great work and good luck with your goals! :becool:
Well I got out late, what with picking the young fella up from Sheffield at 2.30 am and the remembrance service.
Anyway I got a 2nd fastest time in the dark Got a couple of p.b.'s but they were on short sprints, and I wasn't sprinting, so i hate to think what the previous times were.
So with the 500 course and the new cree light, I can see where I am going at night and also where I miss the turns, three times today I think, note to self though to check the route I start and make sure its the right one, as I didnt intend doing 70+Km only ment to do 50+.


Senior Member
Well I got out late, what with picking the young fella up from Sheffield at 2.30 am and the remembrance service.
Anyway I got a 2nd fastest time in the dark Got a couple of p.b.'s but they were on short sprints, and I wasn't sprinting, so i hate to think what the previous times were.
So with the 500 course and the new cree light, I can see where I am going at night and also where I miss the turns, three times today I think, note to self though to check the route I start and make sure its the right one, as I didnt intend doing 70+Km only ment to do 50+.
my lights are far too dim to be of any use at night, they literally light 1 metre in front of me, and i use them mainly to warn pedestrians and cars, are quality lights like your expensive and heavy? and give it a sprint next time, see how fast you can actually go :smile:
my lights are far too dim to be of any use at night, they literally light 1 metre in front of me, and i use them mainly to warn pedestrians and cars, are quality lights like your expensive and heavy? and give it a sprint next time, see how fast you can actually go :smile:
Have a look here Nick, but also read others comments, the light and battery charger and a cheap rear light (which is ok as a backup or secondary light is ok, was £27 I think it was worth it, you can get cheaper from China, which I think I will order a second from, about £12-13 but takes longer, the one I ordered took two days. I wouldn't call them quality lights at this price but if your careful not to dazzle other road users they will give you ample light to cycle on dark country roads like tonight.
I will try the sprint, but I forget where these sections start, and the bike is not kitted for sprinting as i usually carry quite a bit of stuff in a rear bag (no backup if i have a problem so I need to get the bike on the road to some degree)
No miles for me today, took the new bike back to the store to sort out the noisy front mech ( or whatever it is) after an hour of trying to sort it they offered me a replacement bike.
I did about 2 miles riding up and down the aisles everytime they adjusted something though.
Looking forward to getting out on the new one tomorrow.


Marathon Runner
Well I've done about 39 mile on my bike so far, most recently 12 mile to my dad's house and back. On my way back I had a massive hill to bike up, it turns out I haven't got the hang of hills just yet (I still prefer to run up them) and I only managed to get about 2/3rds of the way up before I had to stop and push. I WAS KNACKERED!!! Still enjoying the cycling and enjoying the new challenge. The 12 mile took me about an hour, with two massive hills to negotiate so I was quite pleased with that.


Senior Member
Well I've done about 39 mile on my bike so far, most recently 12 mile to my dad's house and back. On my way back I had a massive hill to bike up, it turns out I haven't got the hang of hills just yet (I still prefer to run up them) and I only managed to get about 2/3rds of the way up before I had to stop and push. I WAS KNACKERED!!! Still enjoying the cycling and enjoying the new challenge. The 12 mile took me about an hour, with two massive hills to negotiate so I was quite pleased with that.
i managed to do a 15% over 2 miles with a technique i just worked out... go almost as slow as you can go all the way up, helped loads. really works!
Well so far so good, managed another 20 last night on a more hilly route in just under 90 mins (Cyclemeter app crashed on me midway through-Grrr!) hoping to slightly increase distance as the week rolls on but ultimately that will be determined by work :-(

Was planning a 40 miler for this sunday (I have the route mapped out) but as I'm off to uttoxeter races Saturday with the lads from work then Derby after I may play that by ear! :-S


Marathon Runner
Well I've decided to target "the beast" next September. This is a 50 mile hilly route around county Durham. I know a lot of the roads and I can get out and train on them. I have 10 months to get myself up to speed so it should be interesting. The race will also give me focus. I think a target of 4 hours is achievable, any thoughts???
Well I've decided to target "the beast" next September. This is a 50 mile hilly route around county Durham. I know a lot of the roads and I can get out and train on them. I have 10 months to get myself up to speed so it should be interesting. The race will also give me focus. I think a target of 4 hours is achievable, any thoughts???

50 miles, in 4hrs, is averaging 12.5 mph.....with 10 months preparation? Piece of cake. Good luck!
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