Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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North Carolina
17 p.b.'s out of 35 segments. 2,522 ft 40.8 miles @ 15.3mph.
Some good rides out there today well done.

Very nice ride!


I'm aiming to join a cycling team next year so I'm going to start following a proper training plan. Atm I just go out and ride I think I need to focus my training a lot more. Has anyone got recommendations of good books or training plans?

I'm commuting to work everyday now so that's giving me just under 130 miles a week which is quiet nice. I've not been going out at the weekend as I don't want to burn out on my commutes until I'm use to doing 5 days a week commuting as iv only done it for 2 weeks and the first week was only four days. This is my third week so I might go out this weekend :biggrin:
Haha lol. Don't want to purposely cheat and get KOM. If it happens then it happens :smile:
True. It just happened, but I was slightly surprised to say the least :huh:
A speedy snail could have done better :headshake:

It's not just that, I have a 1/2 mile loop, that I am the only one thats done it so far, the reason I created it is, sometimes I use the loop to make up a little mileage, if I have calculated wrong for distance, but also it has a slight up gradient for the first half, I also use it as a sprint to finish, and see if after a ride I am improving, which is what happened yesterday, mind it was only a joint best p.b.
The other one was only after a 3.4 mile ride, but it did include the climb up
Cobblers Lane/Western Av which I set me best on that segment of under 3 mins for the first time.
:smile: I swear, my spreadsheet data for the last few weeks avg speed based on distance and time for each week (not an avg of averages), are as follows oldest first, 14.26 (on old wheels), 14.43, 14.72, 14.57, 14.40, 14.27, 15.30 (this is only one day).
I will tell you Mo, it hurt yesterday, but my recover between climbs is better, almost as soon as I have stopped climbing, have you found this, and I only start to breath hard when it really gets tough, but then what is tough now was impossible last Aug.
Woolley Low Moor Ln Climb I have done that climb twice now, last Nov and yesterday, and I cut 1:44 off the time, not great maybe but it is an improvement of 17%.


Legendary Member
Yes, I know what you mean. I tried a new route this morning and I was blowing hard on the climbs as usual but once I am over the summit I think I do get my breath back quicker. Apart from one hill. Being new to me, it caught me out a bit and I stopped for a minute for a quick breather and a drink. Got going again ok though. If I did it again I would be ready for it and get the gearing sorted out before almost coming to a halt. :laugh:

It's a shame the descent didn't really justify the climbs as it was twisty and potholed so spent most of the time on the brakes coming down it. Still, it's another decent route to add to the ones I do now.


I'm aiming to join a cycling team next year so I'm going to start following a proper training plan. Atm I just go out and ride I think I need to focus my training a lot more. Has anyone got recommendations of good books or training plans?

Have you tried emailing the coach/someone who organises their events to see what would be a good starting mark, so you have something to aim for and then you can build around that?
Next time you want to try this one only just down the road, it starts off ok then seems to keep getting steeper (or perhaps my legs were getting weaker;))
I know it, even told our lass I want to get over and try it, when we've been up in the car.
A good looking ride mate, lots of climbing and a nice average speed:thumbsup:
All those miles you are putting in are starting to pay off.
I can't decide if the gearing is helping or not, I have some big jumps between, 18/21/24/28 certainly the 18/21 is a hindrance, but the 21/24/28 is quite nice, if a little low some times, I think the 8sp shifter if I can ever afford one will cure that.
Yes, I know what you mean. I tried a new route this morning and I was blowing hard on the climbs as usual but once I am over the summit I think I do get my breath back quicker. Apart from one hill. Being new to me, it caught me out a bit and I stopped for a minute for a quick breather and a drink. Got going again ok though. If I did it again I would be ready for it and get the gearing sorted out before almost coming to a halt. :laugh:

It's a shame the descent didn't really justify the climbs as it was twisty and potholed so spent most of the time on the brakes coming down it. Still, it's another decent route to add to the ones I do now.
I am not so keen on going down hill, though I am taking junctions and bends better.
I got this yesterday with possible the worst digital camera on the market (no wonder it was freebie with avon)
emley moor.jpg

I worked on it in p.s. to make it half decent.
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