Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Legendary Member


I Like Bikes
LBS, Usually
Thought I'd set up the 'automatically copy route to Strava' thing through Garmin connect. Apparently I haven't as my latest rides aren't uploaded

Only just realised this and I'm now without my laptop for a few days. Grrrr! Hey ho, life is too short to worry unnecessarily and it's not the end of the world


But still smiling :-D

Didn't know you could do this at all? What trickery did you perform to (try) to get this to work?

I like it!

Cheers guys :smile:


Über Member
I just signed up for the Barnado's on your bike ride in Cardiff on Sunday. It will be good to ride with others for a change.

It says 38 miles through the vale of Glamorgan but I can't find route details. I'll just turn up and go with the flow.


I Like Bikes
LBS, Usually
Erm. I'll try to find the magical (or not in my case) link I found, unless someone on here beats me to it, but I'm heading down your way at min so not got laptop with me :smile:

Is it Garminsync? Just had a look at that and synced my accounts so will see, be good if it works.

There is a twitter message on their homepage saying GarminSync was down due to security update applied by hosting provider. It is up and running again now. although that was 16 hours ago.


I Like Bikes
LBS, Usually
Just got back from my longest ever ride of 35.5 miles :biggrin:

Really buzzing from it and really got me wanting to do more. this 100 mile a week challenge is looking possible.

No Strava link im affraid as im viewing the website directly from my phone.

Well done, great when you come off a good ride and you feel that fresh buzz! Hope the legs are ok tomorrow ;)
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