Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Legendary Member
Another early morning run. Bit nippy at first till the sun came up then lovely. Bike is running sweetly again thanks to my lovely bike shop. Presume it's ok to mention them? J M Richards in Perth. Great, long established firm. Gave it a service, adjusted and re-indexed the gears and fitted a new chain so all is running smoothly and quietly. Shame I can't go somewhere to get new parts for my body............legs felt a bit tired and weary. :rolleyes:


Legendary Member
No wind and no rain here in Leicester this morning, shame I had to stop riding and come into work :sad:


Legendary Member
No wind and no rain here in Leicester this morning, shame I had to stop riding and come into work :sad:
Look on the bright least you have a job to earn money to keep your bike running well. I was forced to spend money I can't really afford to get my bike serviced and will probably run out of money by the end of the month. :sad:

Still glad I did it though. It is so much nicer to cycle on a bike that is running well again. :smile:
Finally I have got the cleats set up right (thanks to youtube clips) and I'm just back from an eleven mile loop with no problems. I was amazed at the difference even the smallest adjustment makes. Even managed to get up to 30.3 mph on one long straight near home. I'm finding it much easier to get down on the drops now my gut is shrinking and no longer in the way. :laugh: :laugh:


Senior Member
I'm finding it much easier to get down on the drops now my gut is shrinking and no longer in the way. :laugh: :laugh:

I never realised how much I've shrunk until I had to dig out the summer clothes for the holiday. I think I will keep them as a reminder of what a comfortable sofa can do to you :biggrin: ... I'm now a size M down from XL and still shrinking ...

On a different note, I have a creaking sound that really annoys me. There seems to be different sources, some from the front fork and some from the saddle. I've taken them of, cleaned, lubed and torqued which improved things but did not eliminate them. I don't remember the bike squeaking when I first got it so perhaps it need a quick service for tightening and all that. They happen more under load when pedalling but can hear them over small bumps during coasting too. It's driving me nuts :sad:
I never realised how much I've shrunk until I had to dig out the summer clothes for the holiday. I think I will keep them as a reminder of what a comfortable sofa can do to you :biggrin: ... I'm now a size M down from XL and still
Yes I'm with you on that, I'm down just shy of 3 1/2 stone and over 5 inches off the waist and still shrinking. I'm still quite big at 17 st this space!


Legendary Member
Yes I'm with you on that, I'm down just shy of 3 1/2 stone and over 5 inches off the waist and still shrinking. I'm still quite big at 17 st this space!
Well done Brian. It's amazing what just getting a steady mileage in does isn't it. I feel like I can almost eat pretty much what I want and not have to worry too much about putting on weight anymore. Quite an accomplishment for a middle aged, menopausal woman :laugh:

Keep up the good work. :thumbsup:


Senior Member
Just received my 250km badge for the May challenge :hyper:... thanks to a useless trip to LBS. Turns out the creaking noise is serious business and needs investigating :sad: which requires bike to be left with them, so I had to pedal back in a hurry, do a PR :smile:, take the wheels off and squeeze the bike into the car and drive back to the shops. Not sure if I can get the 500km badge since I'm off to holidays in a week but maybe I'll hire a bike if it gets too boring.


I Like Bikes
LBS, Usually
Ive spent the last 25 minutes pondering a ride but I know I cant escape the rush hour slowtraintosnoozeville whichever direction I head in. Pretty sunny and not too much wind from what I can tell either. Also done an early today so been up since 3.30am (almost as early as Mo!). :biggrin:

May just get some sleep instead...


North Carolina
Shame I can't go somewhere to get new parts for my body............legs felt a bit tired and weary. :rolleyes:

That would be nice. I am feeling sore and just three days into the Battaglia in Montagna ( I love the name of that challenge, reminds me of the Thrilla in Manilla :smile:) I think I might try two rides today instead of one longer one. I am getting my bikes dialed in, trying to get both my drop bar bikes set up as close to each other as I can for right now (for this challenge), it is working pretty well too, they are very close in seat height, reach to bars, bar width ect., now. I think I have almost as much fun tweaking them as I do riding them. ;)

Thanks to Brian's post about his cleats I am finally going to try to get my right foot hot spot sorted too, another reason for doing some shorter rides rather than longer ones. I don't want to do too much experimenting a long way from home. I have got it almost sorted but still after about 30 miles I start feeling it on the right foot. I am hoping to do another 100k ride soon and need to get it taken care of.

I forgot about the charity group ride I was thinking about doing this past weekend until it was about an hour too late for me to get there. I am going to go ride their 100k course I think. I did have some shopping to do in a small town and it wasn't too far out of the way to check the ride out in my truck while they were riding. I was surprised how far out the long route went, but it looked like great low traffic roads to ride. I will give it a shot on my own. I am not sure I am ready for a group ride at present anyway. I am a little dangerous still. I don't think they would like me practicing how far I can climb with no hands on the handle bars during a group ride.:stop:
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