Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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sutton coldfield
Don't know about hell or high water, but I think winter has returned here. Really cold and showers of what is close to being sleet rather than rain. Fresh snow on the hills. Looks like my decision to have a couple of days off has been timed nicely.

Hope it is nicer down there and you manage to get out.

At the moment its sunny with a little wind but i think that's due to change later though
My bike is starting to run a bit rough with the gearing so must need adjustments too. I usually end up making it worse if I do it myself :rolleyes: Would love to pop it into the local bike shop in Perth and get a service and adjustment. Can't really afford it but I might give them a ring and at least ask what they would take. This is one drawback of putting in quite a lot of miles I suppose.
It is quite easy the rear.
The cables as they run through the outers is maybe all that need cleaning. If you drop the rear mech into the highest gear, you should have enough slack on the cable to remove the rear outer from the frame retainers then give it a good clean with WD40 and put it back, no need to disturb the settings on the mech. It really is just experience Mo.
To set the rear up if you need, you just basically make sure the shifter is in the highest gear, take up the slack on the cable and tighten the retaining nut, go through the gears making sure each moves as it should and that it doesn't come off your lowest and highest gears, if the changing isn't clean just adjust the cable tensioner on the mech till it is. If it's wanting to come off High/low gears just adjust the stop screws.
For the record, It takes me sometime to get right.


Legendary Member
It's the front that seems to be iffy Nigel. Don't know whether it's just the cable tension or whether something has moved but I am getting an increasing amount of noise from the chain rubbing on the front derailleur.


Legendary Member
Mostly on the big ring. Tried fiddling with the screws but doesn't seem to make much difference. I get my tiny pension on Wednesday so may just pop it in and get it checked over if they don't quote too much. Wouldn't mind having it checked over anyway for peace of mind.
Probably a little bit of cable stretch, as the cable has become slack there is not enough tension to move the cage across properly, on the the adjust barrel if you turn it so it tightens the cable this will move the cage further out from the frame, you may need to adjust the high adjust screw to allow it to move far enough, once there is enough tension on the cable so there is no rub, make sure that the chain doesnt come off by adjusting the limit screw (if needed), you will probably get rub in large front large rear anyway, but as you don't use this combo on the road it won't really matter..
You tube explains better than me, especially on a Monday morning.


Courtesy of a fellow forum member Subaqua, I did a short 22m ride, he was showing me the greenway and how to get into canary wharf via the limehouse cut, a brilliant ride, very relaxed lovely weather and I saw parts of east london i never knew existed! we also did a loop out on the a13 super cycle thingy, then worked our way back to head home, even caught a bit of sun :smile:


Legendary Member
First road side puncture repair today, did it fine. The one thing with marathon plus tyres is you rarely get punctures, but when you do they are often spectacular and therefore easy to find and remove whatever caused the puncture, in this case a large piece of glass.


Legendary Member
It's the front that seems to be iffy Nigel. Don't know whether it's just the cable tension or whether something has moved but I am getting an increasing amount of noise from the chain rubbing on the front derailleur.

Give it a kick and drown it in GT85, that's my normal approach, or take it to the LBS if it is really annoying me.
Finally made it out on the T3 this morning, just the shorter loop with avg of 17mph. I don't want to overdo it before the night/late shift starts tonight so feet up with tea and cake now!
I'm still not completely happy with my cleat set up, sometimes getting slight pins and needles and numbness in both feet after only 15 mins or so something that never happened pre cleats.
Finally made it out on the T3 this morning, just the shorter loop with avg of 17mph. I don't want to overdo it before the night/late shift starts tonight so feet up with tea and cake now!
I'm still not completely happy with my cleat set up, sometimes getting slight pins and needles and numbness in both feet after only 15 mins or so something that never happened pre cleats.
I have them on the least tension, never seem to have a problem, though i did last night, but it the same problem I was having with clips.
Just checked the position of the old pedal pivot point and shoes and it seems I need to move my cleats forward about 1cm to match the old set up, unfortunately they are already at there most forward point. Not sure what to do now,
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