Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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What an idiot I am, I had already done the 5,000 miles with the ride earlier I just hadn't put it on strava.
Got I nice p.b
first time at 14mph .2mile @ 2.8% 19's off the lead.
I am not going to moan about my knee giving way, makes me sound a wuss.
It's just been blowy here, I don't know what you've endured, but the rain was very light and far apart
A bit of rain, and some winds, winds were stronger on Sat, today just some drizzle, mind what I call drizzle might be rain to someone else, I used to live on Skye and one year it rained every day for three weeks, it was that bad it looked like Skye it's self was crying there was that much water streaming off the hill sides, I have even known it rain uphill, but it's all about perceptions, you'll see in three weeks people will be complaining it's too hot to ride.


A bit of rain, and some winds, winds were stronger on Sat, today just some drizzle, mind what I call drizzle might be rain to someone else, I used to live on Skye and one year it rained every day for three weeks, it was that bad it looked like Skye it's was crying there was that much water streaming of the hill sides, I have even known it rain uphill, but it's all about perceptions, you'll see in three weeks people will be complaining it's too hot to ride.

People of this land really wind me up when whinging about cold/hot. We're never happy so just use that stiff upper lip and keep quiet


105% knowledge on 105
What does a white four in a grey circle mean when it's beside a strava segment? Had it on a few I have done poor on


Legendary Member
Managed no cycling at all over the w/end due to having windows changed in the house :dry: so out tonight definately come hell or high water....
Don't know about hell or high water, but I think winter has returned here. Really cold and showers of what is close to being sleet rather than rain. Fresh snow on the hills. Looks like my decision to have a couple of days off has been timed nicely.

Hope it is nicer down there and you manage to get out.


Legendary Member
My bike is starting to run a bit rough with the gearing so must need adjustments too. I usually end up making it worse if I do it myself :rolleyes: Would love to pop it into the local bike shop in Perth and get a service and adjustment. Can't really afford it but I might give them a ring and at least ask what they would take. This is one drawback of putting in quite a lot of miles I suppose.
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