Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Sally McSorley

Mid Sussex
Hi everyone, I am new to cyclechat and also fairly new to cycling. I have read this thread with interest :smile: I started about 4 months ago, pretty unfit and did some 5-10 mile rides for a couple of weeks and have gradually built up. I started out on a hybrid, but got my first road bike a couple of weeks ago, which I LOVE. Other than having a couple of weeks off last month, I have done between 3-4 rides per week, and have noticed improvements most weeks in terms of distance and average speed. I am now up to around the 35 mile distance on a weekend ride, and shorter 15 mile ones during the week. I still find the longer rides quite tiring though, which slows my average speed down. It's pretty hilly where I live too, which does not help the average speed lol! Anyway, I have a question for anyone on this thread who has been cycling longer than 4 months. Will I continue to see improvements for the next few months too? when does one reach a fitness peak? I would like to improve both my average speed and distance, but the last few rides I have done haven't felt any easier. Having said that, it has been pretty windy, so maybe that has slowed me down a bit. I use strava too, which I have to say has been a very good motivator on the whole :-)
Hi everyone, I am new to cyclechat and also fairly new to cycling. I have read this thread with interest :smile: I started about 4 months ago, pretty unfit and did some 5-10 mile rides for a couple of weeks and have gradually built up. I started out on a hybrid, but got my first road bike a couple of weeks ago, which I LOVE. Other than having a couple of weeks off last month, I have done between 3-4 rides per week, and have noticed improvements most weeks in terms of distance and average speed. I am now up to around the 35 mile distance on a weekend ride, and shorter 15 mile ones during the week. I still find the longer rides quite tiring though, which slows my average speed down. It's pretty hilly where I live too, which does not help the average speed lol! Anyway, I have a question for anyone on this thread who has been cycling longer than 4 months. Will I continue to see improvements for the next few months too? when does one reach a fitness peak? I would like to improve both my average speed and distance, but the last few rides I have done haven't felt any easier. Having said that, it has been pretty windy, so maybe that has slowed me down a bit. I use strava too, which I have to say has been a very good motivator on the whole :-)
:welcome: i have started doing some more climbing than I used to, and whilst my speed is down doing this, I know I am getting better, for instance the last km to my house is a pretty steepish climb for me, and 2 days in a row last week I set p.b.'s even though the rest of the ride was dwn on avg sp (set a few more p.b.'s on that ride too if I remember), and yesterday too I set p.b's even though it was my slowest avg for awhile. So its all relative, the one thing that will improve will be your endurance at what ever speed that may be.
Well after having got my first road bike 3 months ago (although I was pretty fit before that) I today did my first 100km ride.

Have to say that having cycled into the wind all the way there, I was spent when I got back. Still pleased to have hit this years target. Aiming for a 100 miler next year.
Well done.
Hi everyone, I am new to cyclechat and also fairly new to cycling. I have read this thread with interest :smile: I started about 4 months ago, pretty unfit and did some 5-10 mile rides for a couple of weeks and have gradually built up. I started out on a hybrid, but got my first road bike a couple of weeks ago, which I LOVE. :-)
Welcome to CC Sally. I'm still waiting for my road bike, making do with my Hybrid for now.
Well after having got my first road bike 3 months ago (although I was pretty fit before that) I today did my first 100km ride.

Have to say that having cycled into the wind all the way there, I was spent when I got back. Still pleased to have hit this years target. Aiming for a 100 miler next year.

Well done on the 100k, thats what I am still aiming for (-;

Sally McSorley

Mid Sussex
Well after having got my first road bike 3 months ago (although I was pretty fit before that) I today did my first 100km ride.

Have to say that having cycled into the wind all the way there, I was spent when I got back. Still pleased to have hit this years target. Aiming for a 100 miler next year.

Wow, that is impressive, very decent average speed too! I think that would have taken me about 6 or 7 hours, lol. Hope I can complete that distance/speed one day.

Sally McSorley

Mid Sussex
:welcome: i have started doing some more climbing than I used to, and whilst my speed is down doing this, I know I am getting better, for instance the last km to my house is a pretty steepish climb for me, and 2 days in a row last week I set p.b.'s even though the rest of the ride was dwn on avg sp (set a few more p.b.'s on that ride too if I remember), and yesterday too I set p.b's even though it was my slowest avg for awhile. So its all relative, the one thing that will improve will be your endurance at what ever speed that may be.

Hmm, that is a very good point Nigel. My last few rides have been out exploring new places and not some of my usual rides, so I guess its good to do the same routes every so often to see if there are any segment improvements. I do pretty well on segments (against other women, NOT the men, LOL) on shorter rides, but I run out of steam on the longer rides and often come out towards the lower end of the leader boards. Strava is disheartening some times! ;-)
Hmm, that is a very good point Nigel. My last few rides have been out exploring new places and not some of my usual rides, so I guess its good to do the same routes every so often to see if there are any segment improvements. I do pretty well on segments (against other women, NOT the men, LOL) on shorter rides, but I run out of steam on the longer rides and often come out towards the lower end of the leader boards. Strava is disheartening some times! ;-)
Well Sally, I do pretty well against the women too, and not the men. The other thing about doing the same route/roads is you know whats coming s o can plan how to take the hills ect, on an unknown road/route, you will be slower because you dont know it, even with the trial on the garmin I still sometimes miss a junction and have to go back which slows you, if I do 30 miles to the east of here I know them pretty well (and its flat) if I go west I dont know them so well though I am learning, also towm traffic slows you too, and I have done a bit of that of late.
This is the segment I told you about.
We've just uploaded Strava for my wife's phone ( mines to ancient ) will have a go using for the first time tomorrow.
So was mine, it would do endomondo though, but the tracks were all over really, the bryton was very accurate more so than the garmin (apart from elevation), but the garmin is more functional.
Let us know how you get on.


Senior Member
I had a very busy weekend and hectic day today so I'm just catching up with this thread now. Some really amazing rides here! I've had to send out a lot of kudos to you all. ;) Oh and welcome Sally. :smile:

I should be able to squeeze in a ride tomorrow. Not sure if I'll have time for a long one but fingers crossed. As the clocks have gone back that's pretty much buggered any chance I have of riding in the light during the week apart from on Tuesdays, so I've ordered myself a turbo trainer that I can use on weeknights. I'll probably only manage about 20 mins at a time before getting horribly bored but it's better than nothing!
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