Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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I noticed Dave well done.


Legendary Member
Managed to get my Green Sheild today :hyper:

I have a longer ride planned for tomorrow so should be aiming for 100km ish.
well done to those sneaking the miles in even in these windy conditions
Well done. Hmmm, all this talk of Green Shields. Remember you used to save Green Shield stamps? Can't for the life of me think which company actually gave you them??? :laugh:


Legendary Member
Well done. Hmmm, all this talk of Green Shields. Remember you used to save Green Shield stamps? Can't for the life of me think which company actually gave you them??? :laugh:

Just got some 25mm conti gp4000s tyres (65 pounds for 2 plus 5 tubes on wiggle), to replace the stock tyres my bike came with. The difference was night and day; admittedly I have yet to do a 'hard' ride on them yet, that's for tomorrow, but on a descent where I just couldn't push past 37-38mph previously I got to 42-43 and felt I still had juice. I'll be interested to see how they affect average speed. Really showed on the corners as well.


I Like Bikes
LBS, Usually
Went out after an early shift (4.30am till 13.00pm) @ 15.00pm to try and make up some mileage lost yesterday with the winds as it looked fairly sedate in Morden, only to find myself surroundered by 19 mph winds 10 miles in. Also hit the 4pm London to Surrey Friday 4x4 and People Carrier procession which, along with a poorly planned route leading to some shocking cycle paths, some back tracking and one diversion, meant that leading up to Box Hill I had an average speed of 12mph.

Managed to get back on track by the end of the route, back up to 13.4 (Strava) 13.7 (Garmin), and got a PR on the Box Hill Segment I use, still 3x slower than the leaders but a minute and 20 seconds shaved off my previous best, (overall time a snailike 12 minutes 24 seconds still!)

Didn't feel brilliant at the end, bit of neck ache which haven't had before, also felt like the first half of the journey was more trouble than it was worth, the second half felt good though, even got another full lycra clad cyclist who drafted me on the Surbiton to Kingston road for about 2 miles, and even thanked me for the draught when we hit Kingston! Usually these guys just fly past me. :smile:

High winds are scary though, I'll take the 1 degree riding weather over high winds any day.

(And no clipless moments!)


Just nipped out to do a few miles to get my 500Km shield and got this KOM 1 of 2
But more importantly an improvement of 12's 10.9mph to 12.5mph avg grade 3.4%
Went out after an early shift (4.30am till 13.00pm) @ 15.00pm to try and make up some mileage lost yesterday with the winds as it looked fairly sedate in Morden, only to find myself surroundered by 19 mph winds 10 miles in. Also hit the 4pm London to Surrey Friday 4x4 and People Carrier procession which, along with a poorly planned route leading to some shocking cycle paths, some back tracking and one diversion, meant that leading up to Box Hill I had an average speed of 12mph.

Managed to get back on track by the end of the route, back up to 13.4 (Strava) 13.7 (Garmin), and got a PR on the Box Hill Segment I use, still 3x slower than the leaders but a minute and 20 seconds shaved off my previous best, (overall time a snailike 12 minutes 24 seconds still!)

Didn't feel brilliant at the end, bit of neck ache which haven't had before, also felt like the first half of the journey was more trouble than it was worth, the second half felt good though, even got another full lycra clad cyclist who drafted me on the Surbiton to Kingston road for about 2 miles, and even thanked me for the draught when we hit Kingston! Usually these guys just fly past me. :smile:

High winds are scary though, I'll take the 1 degree riding weather over high winds any day.

(And no clipless moments!)
I have done that sometimes on the latter half of a ride, though more usually my avg goes down.
I agree about the winds, but you know I am getting use to them, it doesn't sap me like it did last year, i try a plan my routes so the home leg is in the prevailing wind direction, but you can't always do that.
Love the pano, though i would have put a grad on the sky, just a touch. (mind it doesn't all ways work), if you underexpose a little it will bring detail into the sky, and it's easier to recover shadows than highlights. (if you already know this please destroy this message)
I ain't even looking at the bike one, prefer the colour I am to that of a Martian.


Went out after an early shift (4.30am till 13.00pm) @ 15.00pm to try and make up some mileage lost yesterday with the winds as it looked fairly sedate in Morden, only to find myself surroundered by 19 mph winds 10 miles in. Also hit the 4pm London to Surrey Friday 4x4 and People Carrier procession which, along with a poorly planned route leading to some shocking cycle paths, some back tracking and one diversion, meant that leading up to Box Hill I had an average speed of 12mph.

Managed to get back on track by the end of the route, back up to 13.4 (Strava) 13.7 (Garmin), and got a PR on the Box Hill Segment I use, still 3x slower than the leaders but a minute and 20 seconds shaved off my previous best, (overall time a snailike 12 minutes 24 seconds still!)

Didn't feel brilliant at the end, bit of neck ache which haven't had before, also felt like the first half of the journey was more trouble than it was worth, the second half felt good though, even got another full lycra clad cyclist who drafted me on the Surbiton to Kingston road for about 2 miles, and even thanked me for the draught when we hit Kingston! Usually these guys just fly past me. :smile:

High winds are scary though, I'll take the 1 degree riding weather over high winds any day.

(And no clipless moments!)


Wow great pictures of the view and bike! There is a nice view over the whole of Maidstone you can see for miles on a bright day. It's just the gruelling climb up the hill that puts me off going up there more often! :laugh:


I Like Bikes
LBS, Usually
I should add something I learnt while on my ride today. While holding a mule bar when riding, it is best for a firmer grip than merely two fingers, as an unseen and highly erratic section of tarmac may jolt you so as to send the uneaten mule bar flying thru the air and landing somewhere in the vicinity of the rear tyre.

Fortunately spares were at hand!
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