Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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I Like Bikes
LBS, Usually
I don't blame you, it was not nice biking home tonight, BBC reckoned 25mph for me tonight, so God knows what the gusts were, a couple of times I thought I was going to get blown off, still scalped a couple of people and got another 50 miles in today (two rides to and from work)

Nice ride you did Nigel, and Mo keeps on going and going, I reckon she is a robot from the future

Well done on the ride, though being a commute I guess you had little choice!

Futuristic Scottish Cyborgs on Bikes...My dad used to warn me about such things! ;)


Legendary Member
The wind down here has really picked up and it was a side wind coming home but I managed to average 19.3 MPH :eek:!! For some reason I just had the legs today and felt really good on the ride home :thumbsup:

That's a great effort
Bloomin heck........I'd need a strong tail wind to average that! :laugh:

I'd need a car


Legendary Member
Well done on the ride, though being a commute I guess you had little choice!

Futuristic Scottish Cyborgs on Bikes...My dad used to warn me about such things! ;)

I only live 5 miles from work, but it is a lot less stressful taking longer routes than the direct route which is along the busy roads of Leicester.
Ha, ha..........true. I have my eye on yet another saddle to try. Can't afford to waste much more on them but this one is cheap and gets good reviews. I believe it is supplied on some audax type bikes.
I dont have a problem with the one I got the other month now. Though i still get a little sore after a while, though it's not really saddle related as far as I know, the new shorts have helped.
Oh and the cybermen are on at the weekend so have a word with the Doctor they have an anti rust alloy I think.


Senior Member
Never mind cycling in these winds, I was pushing hard just by walking with my daughter from school ... With heavy rain forecasted for tomorrow I guess it's time for a short break.


Legendary Member
Never mind cycling in these winds, I was pushing hard just by walking with my daughter from school ... With heavy rain forecasted for tomorrow I guess it's time for a short break.
Don't blame you. Detest the wind myself. It's one of the reasons I go out so early in the morning. You sometimes get a couple of hours before it picks up.


I'd need a car

You would have been one of the 50+ cars I over took :thumbsup:. If it wasn't for the cars clogging up the roads and the traffic lights I probably would have got an average of 20 MPH+ :eek:! Pretty happy considering I'm on the standard tyres my bike come with!

I bought some Michelin pro 4's but I just need to get some lighter wheels for them to go on now :thumbsup:


Senior Member
I had one of those this week, fitting a new chainset ect.. guess what it was sunny.

Good to know, keep the non essential maintenance and upgrade tasks for the rainy days :smile: I need to tighten some spokes on both bikes and clean them up, I guess I'll be doing these tomorrow.
I will be out, hospital and 10.30, I have been snowed on, hailed on, rained on blown about, at least its warm now. I get wet i get wet, cant get any wetter than on a fishing boat (I used to work on creels boast off the coast of Skye). I just am not keen on setting off in the wet, body being cold ect..
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