Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Well I managed the ride to and from work today I haven't insured or retaxed the car so I'm going to see how long I can keep it up for! I dont even mind ridding in the rain its just my bloody shoes / over shoes combination which let water in. I'm going to looking into mountain bike boots / pedals as I would have thought they would do waterproof boots!


Legendary Member
Well I managed the ride to and from work today I haven't insured or retaxed the car so I'm going to see how long I can keep it up for! I dont even mind ridding in the rain its just my bloody shoes / over shoes combination which let water in. I'm going to looking into mountain bike boots / pedals as I would have thought they would do waterproof boots!

I use goretex waterproof walking shoes to ride in, when it is really wet the water runs down your leg and inside the shoe, many a time I have poured water out of them after a ride, last time being this morning!


I use goretex waterproof walking shoes to ride in, when it is really wet the water runs down your leg and inside the shoe, many a time I have poured water out of them after a ride, last time being this morning!

I went into the LBS and they recommended wearing sealskinz socks underneath tights to stop the running down your leg issue that I get with over shoes. I might try a pair but they are like £30 a pair :eek:!! I guess them socks with over shoes might be the answer for all weather commuting!


Über Member
Passed the 1,000 mile mark for the year tonight.



Ah, right, thanks Nigel.
I'll have to get onto Strava, seems everybody here uses it. I use Endomundo at the moment.
Here's my run from Sunday, at about 44 miles we hit a nasty little hill, legs were burning big style.
I do slow quite a bit on steep climbs whereas a few people I go out with seem to do it easier. I might just be expecting too much of myself

You'll find the climbs get easier with more attempts. Keep at it, and you'll see improvement


Seeing all of your progress this weekend has made me very jealous, ridiculous burns made me decide to not get on the bike monday as I thought it would be better to relax, get plenty of fluids on and try and ease them away. That said the 100mile charity weekend is this upcoming weekend and I am very excited. The only issue is whether my bike is clean enough/do I need to buy a quick link just in case.


North Carolina
Seeing all of your progress this weekend has made me very jealous, ridiculous burns made me decide to not get on the bike monday as I thought it would be better to relax, get plenty of fluids on and try and ease them away. That said the 100mile charity weekend is this upcoming weekend and I am very excited. The only issue is whether my bike is clean enough/do I need to buy a quick link just in case.

Buy the quick link, you may need it eventually, get it over with. :smile:

I just did one of my 15 mile tracks today. The recent weather has me feeling a little flat so I went a little harder today and worked some on cadence (watching the Giro d'Italia got me pumped up ;)). I was able to get a 16 mph average in breezy but decent conditions. It was the best workout ride I have had in a while, I feel better already from it.


Buy the quick link, you may need it eventually, get it over with. :smile:

I just did one of my 15 mile tracks today. The recent weather has me feeling a little flat so I went a little harder today and worked some on cadence (watching the Giro d'Italia got me pumped up ;)). I was able to get a 16 mph average in breezy but decent conditions. It was the best workout ride I have had in a while, I feel better already from it.

Does watching it make you jealous of the fantini livery? I would love a bright yellow bike/kit


Über Member
I have finally fitted my new tyres so after much swearing and cursing I managed to get out for 10km just to give them a try (meant to be a rest day)
I now just need to buy some new THUMBS to replace the ones I destroyed fitting these new tyres. :surrender:


North Carolina
I hope you aren't humoring me. The obscenely coloured teams are the ones I care about more than my Roundel adorned compatriot

No, I like them. If someone runs over you wearing one of those they cant use the I didn't see him excuse. They would just about have to be charged with attempted murder. ^_^ I love those bright uniforms. I wear one of these most days until it gets too hot around here.

I like those bright shoes they wear, my next shoes might be some bright ones. :smile:
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