Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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North Carolina
Another challenge :ohmy: The May MASSIVE??? :blink: May was going to be my shed some pounds by cutting the carbs diet month, now this :cry:

I think I can diet and do 1000 K, probably not going to go for 1000 miles on this one, takes a lot of carbs for me to do 1000 miles in a month. I am going to buy stock in my grocery store before I do another 1000 mile month. ;)


Another challenge :ohmy: The May MASSIVE??? :blink: May was going to be my shed some pounds by cutting the carbs diet month, now this :cry:

I think I can diet and do 1000 K, probably not going to go for 1000 miles on this one, takes a lot of carbs for me to do 1000 miles in a month. I am going to buy stock in my grocery store before I do another 1000 mile month. ;)
Just seen this and joined in. Rather it be June as got a 124mile ride and 90mile ride planned then but oh well lol. Hopefully weather will be nice for May and we all get the KM's in!


Legendary Member
Well the above seemed to work, as did the head bearing, I final have my nose in front on the challenge, I have to nip to the chemist via the long way home, and I will have done 300+miles in the last 7 days the most I ever recall riding in a week, i think Chris mentioned you can cycle in a day what you can in a week, I dont think I will be trying that one.:eek:
Considering I feel my saddle sores smarting sitting here, I don't think I could even do twice what I do in a day :sad:

Glad you have caught up Nigel. I should finish it tomorrow morning then will probably take at least Sunday and Monday off. Partly because my body needs it and partly because it is to be cold and windy with wintry showers!


Well all love a strava challenge :tongue::laugh:. I'm aiming for 50% on Aprils one as well, the beginning of the month was a disaster mileage wise! Hopefully I will fair better with May's challenge and get to 1000k :thumbsup:.
Well I did got 300 miles in 7 days, today was as my avg sp indicates. This shows a rolling 7 day history. The two highlighted are 2 of the three highest mileages, though this changes through the week being a rolling history.

Evening ride that took me over 300 miles in 7 days.
and the bike is nearly running peachy well so-so.


Über Member
The wife had to go to Sheffield today so took advantage of this and had a lovely ride out into the Peak District.
I started off going up the A57 once you leave Sheffield you constantly climb at a steady rate for about 3.5 miles. Once over the top a right turn take you on to Mortimer Road this is a 10 mile rollercoaster of a road, by far the best bit of road I have ever ridden 2 very tough climbs and several more smaller ones, the toughest is Ewden Bank which features in "Another 100 Greatest cycling climbs" The views are amazing and some of the descents are treacherous to say the least. If any of you are ever in the area it is well worth a trip out.
I then turned into Stocksbridge which is home to a classic climb, Pea Royd Lane, given a 9/10 in the greatest cycling climbs book and the hill used for the 2009 national hill climb. I can say this was a real beast of a hill, I managed it but only just I was blowing really hard by the top.
From there it was a good decent followed by a easy ride back into Sheffield.

32.9 miles in 2:39:46 at 12.4 mph with 3276ft, 100ft/mile of climbing.

A very slow ride but with the amount of climbs I was still very pleased with it.

One of my Goals for the year is to do 10 of the 200 greatest climbs so with 2 in the bag today my total is now up to 5.


Legendary Member
Well I did got 300 miles in 7 days, today was as my avg sp indicates. This shows a rolling 7 day history. The two highlighted are 2 of the three highest mileages, though this changes through the week being a rolling history.
View attachment 22433
Evening ride that took me over 300 miles in 7 days.
and the bike is nearly running peachy well so-so.
You beat me by 3 miles over the 7 days!


Total elevation today 3013 feet + (strava figure) over approx 50 miles. Absoloutley no speed today, as was just jollying about. Off Road time was short as I had to get back for work...and I had visions of being lost in the Hills (probably not a valid excuse for a sickie) only did 3 off road miles... I think I spent as long swapping tires over as I did riding. short as it was I loved it.....I'm gonna need to grow some serious size balls for the descents. Much of the trail I explored was loose stone with tree roots and the odd splatter of mud. It was a bit worrying on my own so I was dead careful. Also, I always knew they were there but have found the way up to the Worcestershire beacon by road bike ( there's an asphalt path/bridleway) and remembered where two of the springs are too (I think there are three more). Very sociable ride, as I was in the center of Malvern... and got an applaud from a gent on my way upto St Ann's I'd Foolishly stopped to chat, then had to try 3 times to get started again (the grade was average 12.5%) and I just couldn't get enough momentum to clip back in! and then a salute in the town center from a bloke I'd chatted to at the cash machine...he seemed in total awe that anyone would ride a bike in Malvern...I didn't tell him that people cycle bigger challenges than Malvern ;)


North Carolina
Nice riding Nigel. 300 miles in weeks is some good distance. I just looked at the weather here and it might be close for me to get 1000 miles for the month. Rain and cooler forecast starting Sunday. :sad: I still need 129 miles to get there.

If I get there I am going to treat myself to a new pair of fingerless gloves that I have stuffed in my bike stuff cabinet. :thumbsup: My newbness might be wearing off, I have gone thru a pair of fingerless gloves and a pair of SPD-SL cleats (these could have lasted a little longer but I am a little rough on equipment sometimes:rolleyes:) I am just glad I can partially justify what I spend on cycling with the "it's my hobby and it keeps me out of trouble" excuse.:whistle:


North Carolina
This may massive business looks great (tough) but I have signed up to both the cycle and the run. Aiming to get between 40 and 60km in running and arounf 500km of cycling...double my awful april showing

I noticed the running part but since I don't run I am afraid to sign up. I do log walks/jogs with Strava (the rare times I actually do them) but everyone would laugh at my running times. 5 MPH is FLYING for me. :blush:
You beat me by 3 miles over the 7 days!
For once, I actually did 306, the most I have accumulated in 7 days. My cycling has improved no end this month, and it not really weather related as it hasn't been the best month for temps and wind and snow, though little rain so far here.
I haven't put todays weather in the sheet, but the avg for the month is much the same as Nov, drier but windier
I also got some new shorts.
The padding is much thicker than I am used to.
The wife had to go to Sheffield today so took advantage of this and had a lovely ride out into the Peak District.
I started off going up the A57 once you leave Sheffield you constantly climb at a steady rate for about 3.5 miles. Once over the top a right turn take you on to Mortimer Road this is a 10 mile rollercoaster of a road, by far the best bit of road I have ever ridden 2 very tough climbs and several more smaller ones, the toughest is Ewden Bank which features in "Another 100 Greatest cycling climbs" The views are amazing and some of the descents are treacherous to say the least. If any of you are ever in the area it is well worth a trip out.
I then turned into Stocksbridge which is home to a classic climb, Pea Royd Lane, given a 9/10 in the greatest cycling climbs book and the hill used for the 2009 national hill climb. I can say this was a real beast of a hill, I managed it but only just I was blowing really hard by the top.
From there it was a good decent followed by a easy ride back into Sheffield.

32.9 miles in 2:39:46 at 12.4 mph with 3276ft, 100ft/mile of climbing.

A very slow ride but with the amount of climbs I was still very pleased with it.

One of my Goals for the year is to do 10 of the 200 greatest climbs so with 2 in the bag today my total is now up to 5.
nice ride simon


I noticed the running part but since I don't run I am afraid to sign up. I do log walks/jogs with Strava (the rare times I actually do them) but everyone would laugh at my running times. 5 MPH is FLYING for me. :blush:

Don't worry, it's rare I 'just go for a run' right now, I'm doing tri training so am doing as much running on tired legs as possible, whether it be after a swim or a ride. If you look at my times I'm not much faster.
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