Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Legendary Member
nip out now, 4 miles come on Phil. Sure you can do it,
I am off out to test the re-greased headset Chris.

The bearings look shot to me, and quiet a bit of rusty stuff on the tube, might still get that headset at some point soon, but I was looking to upgrade it to at least an 8 sp, with a new front mech as I know the one I have is a little out of true.
I think I need a new bike, so I can strip and rebuild this one. It might not be the bee's knee's but we have done some miles together.

Hopefully the re-greasing will work

Billy Adam

Senior Member
Eventful evening ride. Same route as the other day, but coming down the red road all traffic comes to a grinding halt. Police cars ambulance road down to one lane. Looks nasty. Turns out a cyclist had come off in a big way ( bearing in mind I got up to about 40mph the other day. It is quite steep and twisty). Hope he's ok.
Finally back on the bike after few late work nights, busted chain, new chain then slipped ,so new casette, waiting for bits to arrive etc etc.
Anyway result was fastest average speed to date by a fair bit, I can't figure out this cycling lark : )
Down hill into the wind and up hill with it, think that helps.
Hopefully the re-greasing will work
Working ok, smooth n quite mind it was smooth before. Now the rear mech isn't selecting very well, suppose it comes from running a 7sp on a 10sp hub, I got a 7-8sp spacer but I think it could have done with 1mm more thickness.
Yeah that helps me a lot too. Nothing worse than when it's the other way around.
This is part the reason i don' often go east from here, it can be hard work working your way home in a westerly wind when its flat then up hill, not much of a climb these days, but I hated it when I started, but I could only manage flat rides really.
Well less than 140 miles to do, if the bike holds up. I could possible do it with two days spare.
I have done 170 miles since Monday, 263 since the new wheels, (sat).
I am quicker on them as well, 14.84mph over 212.38 miles since Sunday42 miles a day with an avg elevation of 1842ft a day.


Well in my quest to improve my climbing I knew a beast of a hill (in my eyes anyway!) that I thought I could take on - WRONG! :sad:. I've never been up the hill/road before but knowing the area I knew there would be no / little traffic at least I was right about that! As I went up it I got over taken by a very fit chap on a mountain bike who didn't even get out the saddle once to climb any of the hill :eek: as he over took me and went into the distance at the top.

On a positive note I made it up the hill. What's the best way to improve climbing these types of hills, long and steep? Keep climbing lots of smaller hills or keep going up these long steep hills and possibly needing to stop?
I'm trying to take on more lengthy steep climbs. Long climbs help break the psychological barriers as well as the physical ones ;) Sometimes I look and think no way will I make it all the way but feel like a champion when I reach the peak and remind myself, that actually yes I can. Even if you don't make the top there's reward in knowing your willing to tackle the challlenge!


Is it late enough to say I'm pleased it's raining? Off to Malvern Tomorrow Am to scout out some off road routes for my Michelien Mud ii tyres.


Über Member
I'm trying to take on more lengthy steep climbs. Long climbs help break the psychological barriers as well as the physical ones ;) Sometimes I look and think no way will I make it all the way but feel like a champion when I reach the peak and remind myself, that actually yes I can. Even if you don't make the top there's reward in knowing your willing to tackle the challlenge!

I've started doing the same. Starting with a 3 mile 700 ft climb. I've done it twice this week and plan to make it my Tuesday and Thursday route for the next few weeks. I hope to build up to the Rhigos and Bwlch. Lots of climbing in the South Wales valleys and the Brecon Beacons.
Well the above seemed to work, as did the head bearing, I final have my nose in front on the challenge, I have to nip to the chemist via the long way home, and I will have done 300+miles in the last 7 days the most I ever recall riding in a week, i think Chris mentioned you can cycle in a day what you can in a week, I dont think I will be trying that one.:eek:
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