Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Did my first cycle commute to work today. A zillion traffic lights on the way and not a single bit of flat but it's only 4 miles. Too busy to get on the bike at all for the next week except to and from work which wasn't nearly so scary as I imagined.

Great news! Cycling on busy roads/commuting can be scary at first, but once you get comfortable with it you'll find yourself being a lot more aware with what is going on...just keep those eyes and ears open because those *people* in tin cans can make stupid decisions
Nice riding Nigel. 300 miles in weeks is some good distance. I just looked at the weather here and it might be close for me to get 1000 miles for the month. Rain and cooler forecast starting Sunday. :sad: I still need 129 miles to get there.

If I get there I am going to treat myself to a new pair of fingerless gloves that I have stuffed in my bike stuff cabinet. :thumbsup: My newbness might be wearing off, I have gone thru a pair of fingerless gloves and a pair of SPD-SL cleats (these could have lasted a little longer but I am a little rough on equipment sometimes:rolleyes:) I am just glad I can partially justify what I spend on cycling with the "it's my hobby and it keeps me out of trouble" excuse.:whistle:
Thanks Rocky, the weather here Monday looks a bit dyer hopefully I will have done most by Sunday, with any reminder to do on Tuesday.
Did my first cycle commute to work today. A zillion traffic lights on the way and not a single bit of flat but it's only 4 miles. Too busy to get on the bike at all for the next week except to and from work which wasn't nearly so scary as I imagined.
I tend to do most of my riding away from traffic, but sometimes my routes take me through busy areas, and as Steve says just be aware of things around you.


Legendary Member
Did my first cycle commute to work today. A zillion traffic lights on the way and not a single bit of flat but it's only 4 miles. Too busy to get on the bike at all for the next week except to and from work which wasn't nearly so scary as I imagined.

99% of my mileage is commuting, I love riding to work. My direct route to work is 5 miles, but luckily I have a shower at work so regularly do a 30 mile ride before work


Legendary Member
Brave stuff doing 30 in the morning! My commute is 12.5 miles each way which gives me 25 miles a day which is quite nice :thumbsup:

I love it, leave the house at around 6:20, get a good 1 and a half hours in the countryside were it is nice and quiet before I head along the cycle paths through town into work.

25 miles a day is a good commute. :thumbsup:


Active Member
Did my first cycle commute to work today. A zillion traffic lights on the way and not a single bit of flat but it's only 4 miles. Too busy to get on the bike at all for the next week except to and from work which wasn't nearly so scary as I imagined.

Good stuff. I've only got back into cycling this year, mainly commuting, and only 5 miles each way but on busy roads. I ride a motorbike too so I think that has given me a good starting point for awareness, etc.
I started back in January, didn't cycle at all in March due to the weather, recently bought a road bike and now doing 40+ miles quite comfortably. I've also lost a bit a weight too which I'm really chuffed about. Loving it ^_^


North Carolina
I just got in from going to see the space station fly over. When I was leaving my driveway I turn on my light and see an animal, I though it was a cat, It stopped and stared at the light then started walking up the street quickly, I thought, wow, that is a big cat. It got a little closer and I could see it was a Red Fox. I follow it with the light and it finally takes off through the neighbor across the streets back yard and goes into the woods. I was thinking great, here I go off riding into the night with wild animals lurking in the woods. I don't know if any of you have been around a wild fox but I have, a friend of mine ran over one and was able to save the baby the mother fox was carrying in her mouth. Fox are mean, vicious, wild animals, I would suggest not trying to pet one or get too close to one.:dry:

I got out to the highway clover leaf I had decided to watch from just in time. I chose the location because it was out of range of street and city lights. As soon as I laid down on the grass and got my binoculars focused there it was, at least I think that is what it was. Hale-Bopp it is not. There is no tail or anything like that. If you have never seen it I can describe it for you. It looks like an airplane with lights on except without the flashing lights on. :sad: Spotlighting a fox with your bicycle headlight is much more exciting.

At least none of my neighbors saw me riding around on my bike after dark with my binoculars around my neck. I can just imagine the gossip that could get started about me out perving on my bicycle at night. I would never do anything like that but I do have to admit, the thought did cross my mind when I went by the house just down the street where the hot lesbians live. ;)
I just got in from going to see the space station fly over. When I was leaving my driveway I turn on my light and see an animal, I though it was a cat, It stopped and stared at the light then started walking up the street quickly, I thought, wow, that is a big cat. It got a little closer and I could see it was a Red Fox. I follow it with the light and it finally takes off through the neighbor across the streets back yard and goes into the woods. I was thinking great, here I go off riding into the night with wild animals lurking in the woods. I don't know if any of you have been around a wild fox but I have, a friend of mine ran over one and was able to save the baby the mother fox was carrying in her mouth. Fox are mean, vicious, wild animals, I would suggest not trying to pet one or get too close to one.:dry:

I got out to the highway clover leaf I had decided to watch from just in time. I chose the location because it was out of range of street and city lights. As soon as I laid down on the grass and got my binoculars focused there it was, at least I think that is what it was. Hale-Bopp it is not. There is no tail or anything like that. If you have never seen it I can describe it for you. It looks like an airplane with lights on except without the flashing lights on. :sad: Spotlighting a fox with your bicycle headlight is much more exciting.

At least none of my neighbors saw me riding around on my bike after dark with my binoculars around my neck. I can just imagine the gossip that could get started about me out perving on my bicycle at night. I would never do anything like that but I do have to admit, the thought did cross my mind when I went by the house just down the street where the hot lesbians live. ;)
Glad you saw it,
I saw it back in about 2002 I think, it was much smaller than.
I saw another smaller satellite last year pass just under the moon, I was going to try a photgraphy it, then realized the exposure difference between it and moon, dooh.


North Carolina
Glad you saw it,
I saw it back in about 2002 I think, it was much smaller than.
I saw another smaller satellite last year pass just under the moon, I was going to try a photgraphy it, then realized the exposure difference between it and moon, dooh.

I don't really do much star gazing or anything but back when hale-bopp was around I had heard about it and didn't think much of it. I was out in the country going to my brothers on a really dark night and saw it and was like WOW!, what is that? I figured it out quickly but it totally impressed me, even more so than a total eclipse of the sun and moon I have seen.
I don't really do much star gazing or anything but back when hale-bopp was around I had heard about it and didn't think much of it. I was out in the country going to my brothers on a really dark night and saw it and was like WOW!, what is that? I figured it out quickly but it totally impressed me, even more so than a total eclipse of the sun and moon I have seen.
I have never seen a total eclipse, (never likely to), I saw Hale-Bopp did have some pictures but I guess I have lost the negs over the years (too many moves), I don't do as much as I did, really is too much light pollution around here, I think I have forgot more than I remember. What i find difficult to understand is when I tell kids, that what appears to be a star is in fact one of the planets, "how do I know" or "it's not", kids just seem interested in mobile phones computer or game consoles, I probable spend more time on a computer than the average child (photography, cycling data and many other things, though not usually facebook ect.), but I have other interests as well one of which is astronomy, by the way there is supposed to be a bright comet at the end of this year, from what I believe it may be better than Hale-Bopp.


North Carolina
I have never seen a total eclipse, (never likely to), I saw Hale-Bopp did have some pictures but I guess I have lost the negs over the years (too many moves), I don't do as much as I did, really is too much light pollution around here, I think I have forgot more than I remember. What i find difficult to understand is when I tell kids, that what appears to be a star is in fact one of the planets, "how do I know" or "it's not", kids just seem interested in mobile phones computer or game consoles, I probable spend more time on a computer than the average child (photography, cycling data and many other things, though not usually facebook ect.), but I have other interests as well one of which is astronomy, by the way there is supposed to be a bright comet at the end of this year, from what I believe it may be better than Hale-Bopp.

cool, I would like to see it. Let me know if you hear anything else about it. I will do some looking around too.


Legendary Member
Well, completed the Challenge this morning by going a nice scenic run from Crieff up through Comrie, St Fillans and round Loch Earn. The south road is a narrow single track road with passing places and getting very rough and broken up in places. I was glad of the Durano Plus tyres.

As usual, got a bit let down by saddle and lower back pain after around the 25 mile mark. Back almost starts to spasm the longer I go on. It's a pity because the legs actually felt not too bad.

Here's the route.
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