Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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2 KOMS and one segment taken from 46th to 7th

I love riding in the wind

Me too! though I've barley been out today, just the basic work route... flew up Crookbarrow Way improvement from yesterdays 14.9mph avg over the half mile of 3.3% grade to 17.7mph avg (16th). I was on form today so I'm blagging it's not all down to the wind... I was dressed for spring and well fed and rested and the bike is stripped down to it's summer getup....especailly true as I made progress on other segments which are protected from the breeze and made a good overall avg for the ride in and back, so I hit the breeze both ways...and most of the time it's just a pesky side wind.
I will just sit here and wait for the wheels, by that time the wind will have gone.:sad:


Legendary Member
Absolutely detest the wind. Would even prefer pouring rain. It is finally easing down here now. Tomorrow morning first thing looks reasonably calm. More strong winds forecast again for Thursday though.
Wind is usually strongest during the day, easing as temp drops in the evening.
Just been out for an evening ride. The wind is just brutal. Saw more bikes out than any time since the Olympics. Strange that they all come out for the sunshine when it's so windy, there were almost none out last week when it was grey but still. I know which I prefer!!
I saw a few today, quite a few the last time I was out, sometime last year (sorry Sunday).


Über Member
Excellent 15 miles through the Brecon Beacons. It's great that this view is only 3 miles from my front door. The only down side was a broken spoke.
2 and 1/2 weeks since I got my road bike and I did my first full 50 miles today without stopping. The last 10 I kinda died on, serious struggle to just keep turning the pedals, some serious pain and a headwind didn't help, but it was still good.
Well done, probably not the best day to do your first 50miles.


Just been out for an evening ride. The wind is just brutal. Saw more bikes out than any time since the Olympics. Strange that they all come out for the sunshine when it's so windy, there were almost none out last week when it was grey but still. I know which I prefer!!
I always see loads on days when it is mild and I am driving to other places. The jealousy I have incredible, and yet when I go out and it's cold...not a single other rider.

Last saturday there were 5 of us in about 200m of cyclepath


North Carolina
Another nice day for riding here. I took my phone to get a few pictures at a big local lake. This is one of my favorite roads. It has very low traffic and rolling hills with a smooth surface. You can stand or sit, coast, grind, spin, however you want to ride it. It is only about 4 or 5 miles long, but there are many others just beyond this area, in a big lake area, very similar to it, that I will be riding more as the year rolls along. These new roads I am riding are making things more interesting.

I didn't have my camera out when I ran up on two huge Turkey Vultures eating something in the roadxx(. A car had just overtaken me and I noticed the birds barely even flinched when it went by them. I start singing to try and scare them, they don't pay any attention. I yell, they don't even look up. I was getting closer now and a little nervous about them flying into me when I got beside them, these bird wingspan must have been about 6 feet. I finally came out of the saddle and started sprinting at them as hard as I could go, while I was doing my Klingon death scream. That did the trick,:hello: I am just glad nobody was around. Small children might have been emotionally scarred for years, adults too for that matter.

Another nice day for riding here. I took my phone to get a few pictures at a big local lake. This is one of my favorite roads. It has very low traffic and rolling hills with a smooth surface. You can stand or sit, coast, grind, spin, however you want to ride it. It is only about 4 or 5 miles long, but there are many others just beyond this area, in a big lake area, very similar to it, that I will be riding more as the year rolls along. These new roads I am riding are making things more interesting.

I didn't have my camera out when I ran up on two huge Turkey Vultures eating something in the roadxx(. A car had just overtaken me and I noticed the birds barely even flinched when it went by them. I start singing to try and scare them, they don't pay any attention. I yell, they don't even look up. I was getting closer now and a little nervous about them flying into me when I got beside them, these bird wingspan must have been about 6 feet. I finally came out of the saddle and started sprinting at them as hard as I could go, while I was doing my Klingon death scream. That did the trick,:hello: I am just glad nobody was around. Small children might have been emotionally scarred for years, adults too for that matter.

If thats the condition of your roads Rocky, don't ever come over here, you wont take your bike out.
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