Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Get yourself on Strava, you can take it as seriously as you want. I'm finding the challenges give me that extra push to do a few more miles than I probably would
I am looking at smart phones to replace my prehistoric mobile.
Something like this deal;

I would love an IPhone like my wife's, but cannot justify the cost.


I'll lend you a bike if you lend me your weather. :laugh: Seriously though, hope you get it fixed soon. I am starting to feel like I am not that bothered about the challenge any more. I feel like it is taking some of the pleasure out of cycling by mile chasing all the time. First thing tomorrow morning looks slightly better so I will probably go out but not sure I will go very far.
Strava is a blessing and a curse. It's good that it pushes us a little more than we might do otherwise. It's bad when it becomes a chore to forfil challenge targets. That's not what cycling is about. You've already achieved a mighty amount of miles this month and should be proud. Strava doesn't know you and it certainly doesn't own you....
At the beginning of this month I was adement I would complete this challenge but I've stepped back. I'm feeling that cycling less is doing me as much good as cycling lots over the last few months. I'm making better speeds and enjoying the miles. There's a balance needed in getting the miles in and giving the body chance to recover and adapt. I'm also seriously thinking of liberating myself and going for a long ride without the gps... though I get shivers when ever I go to commit to this.
Strava is a blessing and a curse. It's good that it pushes us a little more than we might do otherwise. It's bad when it becomes a chore to forfil challenge targets. That's not what cycling is about. You've already achieved a mighty amount of miles this month and should be proud. Strava doesn't know you and it certainly doesn't own you....
At the beginning of this month I was adement I would complete this challenge but I've stepped back. I'm feeling that cycling less is doing me as much good as cycling lots over the last few months. I'm making better speeds and enjoying the miles. There's a balance needed in getting the miles in and giving the body chance to recover and adapt. I'm also seriously thinking of liberating myself and going for a long ride without the gps... though I get shivers when ever I go to commit to this.
To me strava really is about how you improve over time, not against each other, there are also other sites that do segments, rwgps.
RS10's seen these for £100, the R501's dont come with skewers. Does any one know what planet x, delivery is like.
What about these Nigel. Any good. I have purchased from them several times and they have been pretty quick.
Thanks mo, I went with the RS10's in the end hopefully here by Thur/Fri, but I guess my attempt at this challenge is over.
You never know if they roll better, I might even be a tad faster.


2 KOMS and one segment taken from 46th to 7th

I love riding in the wind

Try having the wind in your face :tongue: hehe.

I managed a commute to and from work today. My commutes in the morning seem to be pretty slow this week although the wind has been against me. On the way home today it was pretty still so I got a few PB's which was nice. The weather was so nice I even extended my commute a little bit!

Ride home:


Legendary Member
Try having the wind in your face :tongue: hehe.

I managed a commute to and from work today. My commutes in the morning seem to be pretty slow this week although the wind has been against me. On the way home today it was pretty still so I got a few PB's which was nice. The weather was so nice I even extended my commute a little bit!

Ride home:

I did, I've biked just shy of 50 miles today and at least 40 of them were into the wind!

Nice speed you had there.


I did, I've biked just shy of 50 miles today and at least 40 of them were into the wind!

Nice speed you had there.

I thought you had a tail wind!:ohmy:

My speed shocked me considering the slight de tour I took meant I got caught at 3 sets of lights as well as the lights/traffic on my normal route.
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