Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Well-Known Member
Well done. I bet your having better weather than us.:smile:

Just a smidge ;)

Was in the high 80's/low 90's all week and sunny. This week will be 70's/80's and sunny. I love it!
is that a bit of brake rubbing?
It was mentioned in the tech form, blocks are pretty central
This isn't so clear, should have changed lens really.
Though as the wheel is as straight as a donkeys hind leg, it is feasible.


three wheels on my wagon
It was mentioned in the tech form, blocks are pretty central
View attachment 22021
This isn't so clear, should have changed lens really.
View attachment 22022
Though as the wheel is as straight as a donkeys hind leg, it is feasible.
It does look like rubbing but it is hard to see how it could be the blocks because they look to be clear of the tyre? unless something moves under braking forces. I reminds me of what the old bottle dynamo's used to do, ho hum guess I am not much help on that.
It does look like rubbing but it is hard to see how it could be the blocks because they look to be clear of the tyre? unless something moves under braking forces. I reminds me of what the old bottle dynamo's used to do, ho hum guess I am not much help on that.
The last blocks were off a little before I changed them but new ones with the tyres or about the same time, though when I think about it, the rear were replaced sometime after the tyre, so it could be old damage just surfacing.


Legendary Member
I managed to get a good time and a few PB's on my commute home which was nice but the weather was good and not too much wind compared to how it has been of late!

Ride home :

I'm also at 25% of the strava challenge :tongue:

Plenty of time for you to complete it yet. It's only an average of 41 miles a day, you could do that before breakfast :wacko:


Plenty of time for you to complete it yet. It's only an average of 41 miles a day, you could do that before breakfast :wacko:

I'm not sure the miles I do in my dreams count on strava :laugh: . Joking aside I have got the last week of April off work so I might be able to do some longer rides although I have got a sportive so dont want to over do it!


I Like Bikes
LBS, Usually
Well as I planned a short while back, I took a train from Raynes Park to Horsley and cycled to join the RideLondon route as it headed away from West Horsley thru Newlands Corner, Abinger Hammer, Forest Green, Leith Hill, Dorking and Box Hill and continued to follow it thru its planned route back to Wimbledon. Have now done a significant portion of the 100 mile route save for the central London bits.

Newlands Corner is definitely the first significant challenge, but while it is steep it didn't seem to go on very long, or maybe that was my imagination as it was quite straight. The way down was fun!

Leith Hill is a nightmare! I had real problems here, had to stop halfway and get some refreshment down me. I doubt it will pose too much of an issue to the fit and ready hardcore amateurs, but to those doing this for charity with lesser experience or fitness its going to be the hill which finds them out. There's going to be a lot of walking with bikes here I think. Oh, and the downhill part is epic. I managed 37.9 mph according to Strava, 38.1 mph according to everywhere else.

Box Hill was the lesser challenge of the 3 grade 4 hills IMO. It looks daunting as you approach it from Dorking, but its a pleasant gentle grind. There's a couple of bits which gets a little steep, but having done the other 2 hills plus 25 odd miles by this point I didn't have an issue with Box Hill. Of course I was gently pushing thru it, if I was actually racing like a lot of folk will it may be quite energy sapping.

Had a lovely lunch at the top then carried on the RideLondon route back to Wimbledon, then home.

Was VERY pleased with the 13.5 mph average speed considering the last time I did a 55 mile route I took in no grade 4 hills and managed 12 mph. Cadence seems pretty stuck at 70, my average heart rate also pleased me, dropping down to 156bpm versus mid to high 160's.

Weather became clear and sunny at the top of Box Hill, but prior I got a bit of rain and was quite windy on occasions, I got pushed sideways at one point which hasnt happened to this extent, that certainly woke me up!

I'm definitely making progress and feeling faster on the flats too. Hill climbing really needs work though.

Few pics (iPhone....sorry)

Newlands Corner View


Leith Hill summit (boring I know)


Box Hill View


Will post some of these details in my RideLondon thread too.


North Carolina
I did my first metric 100 today. It was a little breezy in places but not bad at all overall. I had planned a totally different route out around the biggest lake in my area but when I got to the local airport (about 9 miles from home) for a quick look around something happened to my right eye. I started seeing things, a lot of things. It looked sort of like when black ink or black drops of some sort are dropped into water, like those bad guys in the Harry Potter movies when they are coming in to wreak havoc. It was kind of strange. I couldn't really feel that anything had got in my eye so it sort of got me on edge. I was thinking, is this what happens when you have a stroke, then I thought, if so, I hope I only lose memory of bad stuff I don't want to remember anyway. :rolleyes: I even find myself strange for having that thought at that particular time. I then thought maybe it is a detached retina, I remember a friend of mine telling me about it happening to her but I forgot the exact details. I was thinking great, just what I need, having to get eye surgery, I hope they can give me 20/20 vision with one of those Lasik machines or something while they are at it. ^_^ I stopped for a couple of minutes there to collect myself.

I then looked at my Garmin and knew the doctor's office would be closed by the time I could get home and call so I started riding back toward home. If I closed my right eye all the dots and swirls and stuff were gone so I rode like that a little ways, after a few minutes my right eye cleared up some but I could still see a few dots. I didn't want to head out into even more rural area like I was. It was better about 8 miles later so I combined several of the routes closer to home to do the 100k. It wasn't that bad, temperature was great, slightly overcast so the sun was not a problem at all. I got home and put some drops in my eyes (I might put some in my saddle bag :smile:) and things are still a little cloudy but I am hoping it was just an insect that got in my eye and I didn't notice it. I am going to see how it is in the morning and get it checked out if necessary.

A strange way to get my first metric century but I got it. :thumbsup:
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