Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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North Carolina
I got out a little late this evening. I went to check out this route for local animal shelter benefit ride that is coming up in May. They have a 100k, 50k and 10 mile route to choose from. I know the area but it has been a while (over 20 years at least) since I had actually gone to some of the far points on the route. My dentist told me he likes to ride out there but I didn't pay much attention. I should have, the riding out there is brilliant. I will be spending more time out there for sure. It doesn't look like things have change out there since I was there a long time ago, very little traffic and very smooth road surface for country roads. It also has thick forest with big trees lining most of the area, so the wind and sun will be much easier to deal with.

I sort of wanted to see how I did with my time on the 50k route to start with. I rode out to the route and reset my Garmin when I got there, I also stopped it and reset it when I finished. I though I knew the start and finish points but even though I have the exact same distance to the tenth of a mile, Strava will still not give me credit for the segment even though when I went to make a segment it wanted to use the name of the segment that is already there. I should have just let the Garmin stay on the whole time rather than resetting it.

I would have came in second on the 50k ride (at least of the Strava riders) with even the very slow casual ride I did today, stopping to take pictures and just riding slow and enjoying how peaceful it was. First place last year was over a half hour ahead of my time, he might be hard to beat. I doubt if I passed or was overtaken by more than 20 cars on the entire charity ride route.

There was only one five mile or so section of what I consider buzzy road surface on it, it was great. I wanted to do the 100k route today but I was delayed on my start time (I rode nearly an hour in the dark) and I had not eaten what I thought might be enough to try it today anyway. It is a little remote and I didn't want to carry food with me or have to stop at one of the few small stores on the route for food. It was a fun day discovering a new playground.


Legendary Member
Sounds like you are discovering some lovely routes Rocky.
I ventured out this morning and went half way up the side of Loch Earn. You can go right round it but it was absolutely chucking it down and the wind was picking up so I just turned and came back the same way. I will give it a try on a more pleasant day, probably a Sunday morning as it can be a bit busy during the week. My back was getting a bit achy pushing into the wind anyway. I had to wring my socks and gloves out when I got back it was so wet but at least it wasn't cold.
Beautiful if windy ride this morning. First KOM :smile:
Nice one Billy.
6 p.b.'s and this
Nearly got blown off a least twice on that stretch.
forgot my water bottle so had to buy a small bottle (hate doing that). Had to stop twice to strip off clothing (well some of it), as it was much warmer than I expected.
although windy it doesn't seem so hard as the east wind we had.
I forgot my speed is down yet again, I think I will just have to settle at 13.5-14mph avg.


Legendary Member
I forgot my speed is down yet again, I think I will just have to settle at 13.5-14mph avg.

I think trying to cram in miles for this challenge isn't helping Nigel. At least for me anyway. Could probably do with a few days off but it wouldn't be possible to make up the miles again if I did so I keep plodding away. I think if we manage to complete it we will all be due a nice two or three days off!


Well-Known Member
North Staffs
Joined the club for the Sunday ride this morning. Two options, 10 miler, or 25 miler...I wanted more, so went for the first time, for the longer ride, broken into two for a pit stop at a cafe as standard !

No rain, warm, and .......a tail wind going out. Which on the return meant a Stonking HEADWING ! OMG it was strong, even trying to draft behind a pro was hardwork as you can tell from the return times.

Great fun, good guys and I really felt I had improved over the last month or so....

back to work tomorrow so that's it for 6 days


I think trying to cram in miles for this challenge isn't helping Nigel. At least for me anyway. Could probably do with a few days off but it wouldn't be possible to make up the miles again if I did so I keep plodding away. I think if we manage to complete it we will all be due a nice two or three days off!
I could take one off at my current rate, my avg daily mileage so far this month is 29.32miles which would give cycling every day 879.45miles, so in theory I could take two off.


Senior Member
Totally misjudged the clothing today. I thought with the wind it wouldn't feel so warm. Got that wrong!! I was roasting within 10 minutes but too stubborn to turn back.
Also changed my saddle yesterday but got the positioning a bit wrong so now my arms ache. My multi tool disintigrated yesterday and couldn't work out how to fix it so left it at home so I couldn't adjust the saddle.
Despite that I still did my longest ride yet. Might have to branch out and go somewhere else next weekend. I'm getting a little bored of doing the same loop again and again.


Über Member
OMG, OMG, I thought I had ridden in wind before, I was wrong!!!!!!!
Great club ride 62.5 miles in 4:01:32 at 15.5mph.

When I got back my face was black! I looked like a coal miner, on the open ground the wind was blowing the soil off the fields, never seen anything like it. I was riding at 45 degrees with the cross wind crazy!

Down wind I was a God, the first time I have touched 40mph, look at this segment,, 29.1 mph on the flat amazing, Joint KOM out of 189 (for now until Adam puts his time in)

Off to bed now for some sleep on nights again, OT I must be mad:wacko:
OMG, OMG, I thought I had ridden in wind before, I was wrong!!!!!!!
Great club ride 62.5 miles in 4:01:32 at 15.5mph.

When I got back my face was black! I looked like a coal miner, on the open ground the wind was blowing the soil off the fields, never seen anything like it. I was riding at 45 degrees with the cross wind crazy!

Down wind I was a God, the first time I have touched 40mph, look at this segment,, 29.1 mph on the flat amazing, Joint KOM out of 189 (for now until Adam puts his time in)

Off to bed now for some sleep on nights again, OT I must be mad:wacko:
Well done on your times and getting out in this wind, it's amazing though that as you do more, it doesn't bother you quite as much, for me it wasn't so much the wind but control in strong side gust's
This is one I took on the way back from London, must have been something like for you.


Über Member
Well done on your times and getting out in this wind, it's amazing though that as you do more, it doesn't bother you quite as much, for me it wasn't so much the wind but control in strong side gust's
This is one I took on the way back from London, must have been something like for you.
View attachment 21975
That photo is spot on, just what I was riding through.
It was extreme today at one point was doing 8mph on the flat giving it everything!
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