Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Active Member
Well done on your times and getting out in this wind, it's amazing though that as you do more, it doesn't bother you quite as much, for me it wasn't so much the wind but control in strong side gust's
This is one I took on the way back from London, must have been something like for you.
View attachment 21975

I also rode through a few dust storms this morning. I just about perfected breathing through the corner of my mouth.

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Like this section, though not quite as bad.
That I think was the worst segment as they were strong side winds from the S about 10mph
I think I might have to forgo the challenge as I need a new rear tyre, bit disappointed it's only lasted since Nov I think, just 2000-2500 miles, and I think the front bearings are shot.


Jealous off all of your work...apart from this
OMG, OMG, I thought I had ridden in wind before, I was wrong!!!!!!!
When I got back my face was black! I looked like a coal miner, on the open ground the wind was blowing the soil off the fields, never seen anything like it. I was riding at 45 degrees with the cross wind crazy

Have been off the bike week as have a horrible cough and have been playing squash as it isn't raining in a squash court (I am awful but am improving with every game). Have some spin classes this week so they'll take my time as opposed to a real bike. Hoping for a dry weekend next time as I don't have work.


North Carolina
I am waiting to go out for a Sunday cruise on my town bike. The radar shows one small rain cloud over the entire state and guess where it is. :sad: That will teach me about putting off riding so I can do household chores first. Live and learn.


Legendary Member
I could take one off at my current rate, my avg daily mileage so far this month is 29.32miles which would give cycling every day 879.45miles, so in theory I could take two off.
Just back from visiting my dad and there are gale force winds. Bits of branches lying around and people's bins blown over, etc. Unless it abates considerably will definitely have to be a day off. Rest of the week looks a bit iffy too. :-(


North Carolina
I am doing another spring challenge in addition to the Specialized Spring Challenge. I need 36 miles a day for the next 7 days to make it. (going to be hard for me to do) :rolleyes: I was slack today and just cruised my normal 16 mile track. It was a nice workout on the Townie, you can't really stand and ride it because of a pedal forward design for comfort and low seat height. Riding it is a little rougher now, not being able to stand and move around on the bike as much, plus it weighs twice as much as my drop bar bikes and it has a front suspension for added inefficiency .:ohmy:

It never rained and the time is only 8:40 pm here now, maybe I'll take out a drop bar bike for a night spin. :smile:
Just back from visiting my dad and there are gale force winds. Bits of branches lying around and people's bins blown over, etc. Unless it abates considerably will definitely have to be a day off. Rest of the week looks a bit iffy too. :-(
If you can get out only for 10 miles or so whilst its bad it keeps it ticking over. With your mileage it will help too. I did a quick 6 mile test of the front bearing, it all adds up.
My rear tyre.

Having a good day today. Had my ears syringed this morning, now I appreciate most of you won't know how exciting this is but trust me to get your hearing back is magical, I need it doing roughly every 2 years. The downside was when I went out on my bike I could hear all the small noises that have evaded me for the last 6 months, chain whirring, gears changing and even tyre hum! Nothing wrong though. The ride was marvellous, warm and windy, I could hear birds singing and cars approaching again. I only did my 7.9 mile circuit as I have the night shift approaching but knocked a full minute off and I wasn't really going for it. Giving an avg of over 16mph.
I hope this is the first warm ride of many to come.

Stil haven't gone clipless. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Having a good day today. Had my ears syringed, now I appreciate most of you won't know how exciting this is but trust me to get your hearing back is magical, I need it doing roughly every 2 years. The downside was when I went out on my bike I could hear all the small noises that have evaded me for the last 6 months, chain whirring, gears changing and even tyre hum! Nothing wrong though. The ride was marvellous, warm and windy, I could hear birds singing and cars approaching again. I only did my 7.9 mile circuit as I have the night shift approaching but knocked a full minute off and I wasn't really going for it. Giving an avg of over 16mph.
I hope this is the first warm ride of many to come.
I get there sometimes Brian only to end back up with an avg 13.42 over 31.42 miles. Shocking really, I did over 17mph last Tuesday.:blush:, and I do know what you mean about the ears.


Time you enjoyed wasting was not wasted
I have an Open University exam a week tomorrow so can't really afford the time to cycle before then...just 8 days to the sun is shining I'm finding it really difficult to keep my discipline....only read a couple of pages of this thread so not completely up to speed with what's going on, hope its okay to vent a little frustration with being confined to barracks here, and hopefully get involved more when free again.
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