Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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It's not fair. I think there should be a handicap system due to my age and sex. I am working much harder to keep up! :laugh:
Mo I aint that far behind you age wise, besides I try and do more climbing, I did 9,569ft this week, (my 2nd highest, though it doesn't rank in the top ten due to ridding more days). I rode with a female tri athlete for a while this morning and struggled to keep a pace with her, though i did catch her on a small hill, plus I must have the most naff bike out there (well not quite)


Legendary Member
Mo I aint that far behind you age wise, besides I try and do more climbing, I did 9,569ft this week, (my 2nd highest, though it doesn't rank in the top ten due to ridding more days). I rode with a female tri athlete for a while this morning and struggled to keep a pace with her, though i did catch her on a small hill, plus I must have the most naff bike out there (well not quite)
Feeling a wee bit disillusioned with all these youngsters knocking out big miles and great speeds. Have to stop comparing myself to them and just do my own thing. :rolleyes:


Legendary Member
Feeling a wee bit disillusioned with all these youngsters knocking out big miles and great speeds. Have to stop comparing myself to them and just do my own thing. :rolleyes:

You are doing brilliant and shouldn't feel disillusioned. Only person you should compare yourself to is yourself. Set yourself some goals and when you achieve them, get on here and tell us all.


Senior Member
Yeah you're doing brilliantly Mo, you rack up a huge mileage and should be proud of yourselves. Especially given that you live so much further north than any of us and go out early in the morning, often getting snowed on. :cold:

Gender is a factor but age isn't really. There are a group of 60-somethings from my local club on strava who call themselves "OAP segment hunters". One of them has the KOM on my 17 mile training loop - 24.5 mph average :ohmy: That includes junctions, hills and some dreadful road surfaces. If you keep doing the miles the speed will come. I remember Nigel saying he wasn't getting any quicker but I just saw a ride from him at 15.7mph which is fantastic.


Senior Member
Well earlier today I did a couple of quick rides on the Focus to get used to it and sort the saddle position out. It's amazing how smooth, stiff and quick it is. I expected it to be fast, aggressive and stiff but not the smoothness. Some people on here say carbon doesn't soak up the road buzz that much. It does. It really does.

Didn't want to push it though as I am not used to the riding position or the saddle so I just did a 16 mile evening ride on the Triban. I love riding in the evenings, I wouldn't have come back unless it had been getting dark. Hopefully lots more nice evenings to ride on over the summer. :smile:

Garmin was a complete pain though, I think the mountings are coming loose. It kept getting caught in the spokes even though I kept stopping to fix it and spinning the wheel to check that it wasn't catching but I'd go over a rough piece of tarmac and it'd do it again. It kept auto pausing itself for no reason too. The whole thing messed up my average speed. Strava says 15.9 mph, Garmin Connect says 16.4 mph but they both include sections where apparently I was going 3mph. I'd wobble and fall off if I was going that slow. :laugh: The 16.4 seems closer to what I think it was anyway as I got a PB or a 2nd place on all but one of the sections I didn't stop to fix the thing on.
Yeah you're doing brilliantly Mo, you rack up a huge mileage and should be proud of yourselves. Especially given that you live so much further north than any of us and go out early in the morning, often getting snowed on. :cold:
I remember Nigel saying he wasn't getting any quicker but I just saw a ride from him at 15.7mph which is fantastic.
Agree with this.
Apart from the two previous weeks where my overall avg sp was 13.94 and 13.88mph and one other and 13.59mph 5 of the last 8 wks I have averaged 14+mph only just, the last ride was really quite short, but when I started it took me 1 1/2 hrs and at least 3 stops, so any newbies reading it does come.
i did get upto 14mph avg last Aug/Sept but I started doing hills over the winter months, so it slowed me down, this mornings ride was 14.55mph over 28.2miles and 50ft per mile climb rate over the whole distance, but this evenings ride I know quite well, so I know where to attack the small climbs ect...


Senior Member
Hmmm, looking at my data, during that period where I was supposedly doing 3mph it's recorded cadence ranging from 60 to 230......even though my cadence sensor fell off weeks ago as I mentioned earlier. This is the first time it's recorded "cadence" since.

I think it might not just be the mountings but also it seems to be going wrong. :sad:


It's not fair. I think there should be a handicap system due to my age and sex. I am working much harder to keep up! :laugh:
You're doing a damn sight better than me! As others have said, set your own targets and don't look at what others are doing.

Here's what I did. I don't have a clue how I managed this but I set myself of the target of doing 45 and my route allowed me to drop off, however I stuck on after still feeling great over the Avonmouth Bridge. The sun was a massive help, even though I smashed my glasses earlier this week.
You're doing a damn sight better than me! As others have said, set your own targets and don't look at what others are doing.

Here's what I did. I don't have a clue how I managed this but I set myself of the target of doing 45 and my route allowed me to drop off, however I stuck on after still feeling great over the Avonmouth Bridge. The sun was a massive help, even though I smashed my glasses earlier this week.
Be all that wind training.:smile:
What is it with kids today, you show them Jupiter and they have such apathy towards it.


North Carolina
I read the posts earlier about the HRM readings. Mine did it today also. I didn't change bike profiles on the Garmin, not sure if I even have to, but the bike I was on has a cadence sensor that the Garmin did not pick up on. The other bike I have been riding recently has no cadence sensor so maybe it confuses the Garmin somehow. I also heard static electricity may contribute to the erratic readings. The guy gave me a Serfas computer and cadence sensor when I got my latest bike. I am going to see if it will pair with my Garmin.

I noticed the people in here are dropping the hammer so far in the challenge. Great job. I am going to have to make another run later this evening just to keep up with Mo!
I read the posts earlier about the HRM readings. Mine did it today also. I didn't change bike profiles on the Garmin, not sure if I even have to, but the bike I was on has a cadence sensor that the Garmin did not pick up on. The other bike I have been riding recently has no cadence sensor so maybe it confuses the Garmin somehow. I also heard static electricity may contribute to the erratic readings. The guy gave me a Serfas computer and cadence sensor when I got my latest bike. I am going to see if it will pair with my Garmin.

I noticed the people in here are dropping the hammer so far in the challenge. Great job. I am going to have to make another run later this evening just to keep up with Mo!
I know, keeping up with her is a challenge in itself.
I believe the units have there own i.d. codes so that there is no confusion when in a group, so setting up a unit for multiply bikes may need them paired individually, or in separate profiles, but if they are used for speed via satellite, no changes are needed.


Well earlier today I did a couple of quick rides on the Focus to get used to it and sort the saddle position out. It's amazing how smooth, stiff and quick it is. I expected it to be fast, aggressive and stiff but not the smoothness. Some people on here say carbon doesn't soak up the road buzz that much. It does. It really does.

Didn't want to push it though as I am not used to the riding position or the saddle so I just did a 16 mile evening ride on the Triban. I love riding in the evenings, I wouldn't have come back unless it had been getting dark. Hopefully lots more nice evenings to ride on over the summer. :smile:

Garmin was a complete pain though, I think the mountings are coming loose. It kept getting caught in the spokes even though I kept stopping to fix it and spinning the wheel to check that it wasn't catching but I'd go over a rough piece of tarmac and it'd do it again. It kept auto pausing itself for no reason too. The whole thing messed up my average speed. Strava says 15.9 mph, Garmin Connect says 16.4 mph but they both include sections where apparently I was going 3mph. I'd wobble and fall off if I was going that slow. :laugh: The 16.4 seems closer to what I think it was anyway as I got a PB or a 2nd place on all but one of the sections I didn't stop to fix the thing on.
Same as what happened to mine roughly. Cadence recorded perfect but speed didnt work would just auto puse and resume constantly and not record any route data. Ended up turning it off and waiting on the warranty replacement from garmin. I set it to no cadence/speed sensor and using GPS for speed. Although it seems to work again today


Senior Member
Same as what happened to mine roughly. Cadence recorded perfect but speed didnt work would just auto puse and resume constantly and not record any route data. Ended up turning it off and waiting on the warranty replacement from garmin. I set it to no cadence/speed sensor and using GPS for speed. Although it seems to work again today

Oh dear, sounds like quite a common problem on here! :sad: Glad yours is working again. I'll try mine again tomorrow and hope for the best. May run strava on my phone simultaneously just in case it messes up again.
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