Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Legendary Member
I just got in from a 40 miler. It got dark but it wasn't cold and I felt good, so I went for my first 40. I didn't get hungry or thirsty but I am ready for some pizza now. ^_^ I found some nice new SMOOTH roads I may be using more this spring too. Was a nice day riding.
Well done..............and can I have some of your smooth roads please! :laugh:

Great achievement on doing 40 miles, and quite a bit of climbing too.


Legendary Member
Well done..............and can I have some of your smooth roads please! :laugh:

Great achievement on doing 40 miles, and quite a bit of climbing too.
I see you have knocked out another 30 miles this morning. :thumbsup:

I was going to have a rest today, but the weather forecast for this afternoon is sunny and hardly any wind, so think I might take the road bike for a spin


Legendary Member
I see you have knocked out another 30 miles this morning. :thumbsup:

I was going to have a rest today, but the weather forecast for this afternoon is sunny and hardly any wind, so think I might take the road bike for a spin

Yes, one of these mornings I didn't feel great to start with but better once I got going.

It was below freezing when I set out but it is absolutely beautiful now. If it's the same down there you probably should take advantage of it. Are your legs not tired after all these long commutes?
Yes, one of these mornings I didn't feel great to start with but better once I got going.

It was below freezing when I set out but it is absolutely beautiful now. If it's the same down there you probably should take advantage of it. Are your legs not tired after all these long commutes?
I am going to have to up my distances to catch you Mo, well done.


Well-Known Member
I didn't feel great to start with but better once I got going.

Hi All - yeah Ive been like that since i had a cold last week and a heavy boozy bank holiday weekend. Had an awesome ride today though. Me and 3 friends, one who had never been on a long ride, so we took it easy. Sun is shining and absolutely beautiful down this way. Me and one other went on after the other two split and did a nice 30 miler in total. I've done the route before but about 4 weeks ago and I found it way way easier this time.

I also hit the 500 mile mark which feels like a bit of a milestone for this newbie.
Hi All - yeah Ive been like that since i had a cold last week and a heavy boozy bank holiday weekend. Had an awesome ride today though. Me and 3 friends, one who had never been on a long ride, so we took it easy. Sun is shining and absolutely beautiful down this way. Me and one other went on after the other two split and did a nice 30 miler in total. I've done the route before but about 4 weeks ago and I found it way way easier this time.

I also hit the 500 mile mark which feels like a bit of a milestone for this newbie.
Well done on reaching 500 miles.
You'll catch up next week. Just checked the forecast and it is wet and windy every day from Tuesday. The commitment may go out the window. ^_^
Doubt it now Mo, rain isn't as bad as the wind, mind the combination of both isn't so nice.

Phoenix Lincs

Über Member
Sleaford, Lincs
Today is a lovely day and I was hoping to get out this afternoon for a longish ride but I am absolutely banjaxed for some reason and can't stop yawning. Off to have a kip to see if it will kick start my energy enough to go and turn some wheels. My get up and go has got up and gone! If anybody finds it, please let me know ;)
Today is a lovely day and I was hoping to get out this afternoon for a longish ride but I am absolutely banjaxed for some reason and can't stop yawning. Off to have a kip to see if it will kick start my energy enough to go and turn some wheels. My get up and go has got up and gone! If anybody finds it, please let me know ;)
Just go out, once your out you should feel better, if you still don't feel like it, go home.


Legendary Member
Took the road bike out, after 5 miles I was knackered, legs killing me, thinking of just doing 10 miles. Thought of Mo doing her 30+ so I pushed myself on and did just shy of 34 miles

Only second proper ride on the road bike, 99% of my mileage has been done on the hybrid, but I am beginning to enjoy the road bike.

Did some hill work today and was just shy of doing 1,000 feet. Going to have a shower, a cup of tea and watch some football I think


Legendary Member
Today is a lovely day and I was hoping to get out this afternoon for a longish ride but I am absolutely banjaxed for some reason and can't stop yawning. Off to have a kip to see if it will kick start my energy enough to go and turn some wheels. My get up and go has got up and gone! If anybody finds it, please let me know ;)

Definitely go out, my legs have been aching for the last few days, and really ached at the start of today, once I was warmed up I really enjoyed todays ride. Hardest part of any ride is getting on the bike, once you have done that it is easy!
Definitely go out, my legs have been aching for the last few days, and really ached at the start of today, once I was warmed up I really enjoyed todays ride. Hardest part of any ride is getting on the bike, once you have done that it is easy!
It helps once you have warmed up, it used to take me nearly 10 miles (or rather the first 10 hurt), it's not so far these days, and the hill I climb on Tuesdays and Fridays (almost the first thing I do on those runs) dont really bother me any more.
just noticed i have just passed 1,600 miles for the year this morning, got some catching up to do with you Chris, nice to see you doing a different route.


Senior Member
I just checked out the Focus Cayo Evo 4.0.....NICE :thumbsup: I hope the weather is nice for you, I am sure you will enjoy it.

I just got in from a 40 miler. It got dark but it wasn't cold and I felt good, so I went for my first 40. I didn't get hungry or thirsty but I am ready for some pizza now. ^_^ I found some nice new SMOOTH roads I may be using more this spring too. Was a nice day riding.
Thanks man, weather is lovely and sunny here today. Going to be awful the rest of the week so I'm glad I got it yesterday! Well done on the 40 miler. :smile:
Very nice.
Looking forward to some pictures and your review of this.

Still ten more hours in the factory today before tomorrow's ride, fingers still,crossed for good weather.

Thanks Brian, I took some pictures earlier which I'll upload later. Sorry you have to be stuck in the factory when it's such a nice day today.

I just did a quick 4.4 miles on the Focus to test it out. It feels so light and stiff but blimey is the saddle hard :ohmy: I didn't think anything could be more rock solid than the Triban's one (which pretty much every Triban owner changes) but this one is like sitting on marble. The much shorter head tube and much lower seating position means you are leaning forward more which puts pressure on err, other areas.

If I hadn't been planning on just doing a short ride to test the saddle height/position I would have come back anyway though because I was sweating in the clothes that just 2 days ago I was freezing in. Even though it's 8C here as opposed to 6C in the lake district on Thursday. It's amazing the difference the sun makes.
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