Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Legendary Member
Still a tad worried about my weight loss I dont want to lose anymore weight, not it I can help it...:smile:

Have you had any tests in case it is something like an overactive thyroid? Might be worth getting checked out.

I lost around 2 stones when I gave up work without really trying that hard either. Was in a stressful job (prison officer) and retired early on a hugely reduced pension :sad:. Your body is supposed to produce cortisol when you are under stress and make it hard to lose weight so I reckon being relaxed and stress free did it for me, and now the extra dog walking and cycling is keeping it off :smile:


I commuted in Monday and got up to ride in today but I've been feeling a bit iffy so I took the car. Hopefully I will feel better soon as I don't want to push it when not feeling well !


I wouldn't worry too much boon. I'm 10st 10lbs and 6ft tall. I lost a few lbs at first but 3 meals a day and post ride recovery drink (eg pint of milk) and I've stayed a steady weight. I also go gym 3 times a week. I use to be 9stone a few years ago and sorted my diet to gain some.


Legendary Member
I wouldn't worry too much boon. I'm 10st 10lbs and 6ft tall. I lost a few lbs at first but 3 meals a day and post ride recovery drink (eg pint of milk) and I've stayed a steady weight. I also go gym 3 times a week. I use to be 9stone a few years ago and sorted my diet to gain some.

No wonder you are 5 seconds quicker than me up that sprint! You're a bleeding whippet


Well-Known Member
North Staffs
So if we are going to all this effort, and cost, ie the bikes etc, to keep our selves fitter ! Well hope fully !

Does this mean we can pay less Nation Insurance, or get a rebate at the end of the year ! !


Senior Member
It's so dark outside it's practically night and it's freezing cold. I can't find any motivation to get out just as I couldn't the past few days. I know I should because I'll be in the office all day tomorrow and on Friday the weather is going to be the same, but with 17mph winds and constant rain thrown into the mix too!

It feels like winter is never going to end right now - I was so looking forward to the clocks going forward at the end of the month but it's so grey outside I think I'd probably feel safer with lights on in the dark than going out in this.


Legendary Member
It's so dark outside it's practically night and it's freezing cold. I can't find any motivation to get out just as I couldn't the past few days. I know I should because I'll be in the office all day tomorrow and on Friday the weather is going to be the same, but with 17mph winds and constant rain thrown into the mix too!

It feels like winter is never going to end right now - I was so looking forward to the clocks going forward at the end of the month but it's so dark outside I think I'd probably feel safer with lights on in the dark than going out in this.
Sitting here at the computer feeling exactly the same. Thought it was getting a bit brighter for a while but now dull and snowing again. I find the weather really affects my moods and can't be bothered doing anything when it is like this :sad:


Well-Known Member
North Staffs
Well I've been out !

took the car for M O T and cycled back around 4 miles....As it started to snow and yes, it's bloody freezing out there !

Today is the first day of spring too ! However the weather forecast for Stoke shows heavy snow tomorrow night !

It's been a long winter I feel.

We need to feel positive, it WILL be a nice long warm summer ! ( maybe just not in the UK ) hahaha !


Senior Member
Sitting here at the computer feeling exactly the same. Thought it was getting a bit brighter for a while but now dull and snowing again. I find the weather really affects my moods and can't be bothered doing anything when it is like this :sad:

Yeah I'm exactly the same, when it's so dark outside that I have to have the lights on all day I just slump in front of the computer feeling depressed and not wanting to do anything. :sad:

Well I've been out !

took the car for M O T and cycled back around 4 miles....As it started to snow and yes, it's bloody freezing out there !

Today is the first day of spring too ! However the weather forecast for Stoke shows heavy snow tomorrow night !

It's been a long winter I feel.

We need to feel positive, it WILL be a nice long warm summer ! ( maybe just not in the UK ) hahaha !

Well done for getting out, I wish I could share your optimism about the summer! But it can't be worse than today anyway.
Not quite sure what time Spring started but the Sun is just in front of the Vernal Equinox point around about now.
Leading edge was about 04:34 this morning G.M.T., and the trail edge of the sun will pass it about 17:35 this evening (G.M.T.)


Well-Known Member
Not quite sure what time Spring started but the Sun is just in front of the Vernal Equinox point around about now.
Leading edge was about 04:34 this morning G.M.T., and the trail edge of the sun will pass it about 17:35 this evening (G.M.T.)

well its definitely spring in this part of the world! The suns shining, not much wind, perfect day for a blast!

Only problem is my bike is having a service and I wont be able to get it until tomorrow, when it's raining... for the rest of the week :sad:


I'm keen to push the averages along too.
I was glad to do the 100k with only a tired bum and not a sore one and tired legs not sore legs as well.. my only concern was I used 2830 calories add to that my daily usage and that's a lot of calories to put back when you weight just 10st 2lbs..

Glad it's not just me who worries about this! It can be just as hard to gain weight as it is to loose it.
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