Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Well-Known Member
North Staffs
no chance of riding up and down the aisle it's too small.

Is light spinning of any advantage. I've an exercise bike, which I thought I'd use tomorrow and set to low for itching and just spin it for 30 mins or so and try to work on keeping 90 rpm.


Well-Known Member
North Staffs
yea, saw a YouTube vid of a guy from kidsgrove wheelers called Potts, think he did it in sub 25 mins very impressive..10.5 took me 50 mins, do need to double my speed....haha
yea, saw a YouTube vid of a guy from kidsgrove wheelers called Potts, think he did it in sub 25 mins very impressive..10.5 took me 50 mins, do need to double my speed....haha
Would be nice, but it aint ever going to happen for me, been stuck at 13-14 since Oct, no matter what I try and do.
Mind since I hit my 120 miles this week already I can take this wkend off, and before anyone says I dont, I do, I got a wheel to fix.


Now got 22 hours 35 minutes done for the Giro challenge. Hurt my Achilles though, so thinking about having a day off tomorrow.

Your currently 2nd in the Cycle Chat standings, I'm routing for you to take first place. Got 17 hours 20mins myself, off target but I'm still trying to complete the challenge in 11 days.
Does anyone know why my max heart rate is going down.. I was ready to lie down in a box near the end of tonight's ride (after climbing through Pirton), but my heart rate says it didn't work it's hardest, or any where near :/ That said, half an hour after the ride and I'm ready to do it again...better not though as I have work in the morning ;)
Your currently 2nd in the Cycle Chat standings, I'm routing for you to take first place. Got 17 hours 20mins myself, off target but I'm still trying to complete the challenge in 11 days.
Does anyone know why my max heart rate is going down.. I was ready to lie down in a box near the end of tonight's ride (after climbing through Pirton), but my heart rate says it didn't work it's hardest, or any where near :/ That said, half an hour after the ride and I'm ready to do it again...better not though as I have work in the morning ;)
I am the same, HR keeps going down, this shows the last 10 wks, ignore the first two, not sure about the data on that. They are avg max and min


The more cycling you do the fitter you get, the fitter you are the lower your heart rate. I'm not a medical professional but that's the way i always understood it.

yeah my understanding too, that my heart becomes more efficient. That means my average heart rate should drop but my maximum heart rate is unchangeable... if I worked my heart that fast a month or so ago, I should still be able to work it that hard now, with my maximum effort giving me more than before, for the same heart rate.
Yes but unfortunately that means the effort rate has to increase, if you're not getting the heart rate up to what it was you're not working as hard. Good because it means you are fitter but bad because you just have to pedal harder to achieve no matter how much it hurts.


Yes but unfortunately that means the effort rate has to increase, if you're not getting the heart rate up to what it was you're not working as hard. Good because it means you are fitter but bad because you just have to pedal harder to achieve no matter how much it hurts.

I'd be inclined to agree, however last Sunday I was climbing a 9.9% grade, and I assure you I was pushing hard to get up that hill, yet still a really low heart rate for me. Myabe your right and I just need to work harder and stop slacking and whinning ;)
Only if your goal is to achieve a faster maximum heart rate, if you just want to achieve faster times enjoy the fact you can go faster for less effort. If you want to get fitter, you are. It's win win.
I'd be inclined to agree, however last Sunday I was climbing a 9.9% grade, and I assure you I was pushing hard to get up that hill, yet still a really low heart rate for me. Myabe your right and I just need to work harder and stop slacking and whinning ;)
As you become fitter, your heart will pump more efficiently therefore getting the oxygen to your muscles without maxing out, your lungs will also have increased there intake of oxygen, so the transfer of O2 becomes more efficient, thats why your lungs won't hurt as much or you can climb the same hill with what seems less effort, though the effort is still the same, just your doing it more efficiently.
I think thats right.


how much training is too much ?

I read about over doing it, and as I've personally pushed hard for the last 4 days and now my legs feel dead, as does my ass from the seat, then I start to think, do I push harder every day, or do I spin.....

I really have no idea !

Personally I dont follow any 'plan' I just listen to my body and let it rest when it needs it. :thumbsup:


Legendary Member
Your currently 2nd in the Cycle Chat standings, I'm routing for you to take first place. Got 17 hours 20mins myself, off target but I'm still trying to complete the challenge in 11 days.
Does anyone know why my max heart rate is going down.. I was ready to lie down in a box near the end of tonight's ride (after climbing through Pirton), but my heart rate says it didn't work it's hardest, or any where near :/ That said, half an hour after the ride and I'm ready to do it again...better not though as I have work in the morning ;)

Cheers but I won't get it. I have decided no riding this weekend, so am aiming to get it done by Friday, if the weather holds I could do it by Wednesday, but snow is forecast for Monday.

No idea on your heart rate, I don't bother with heart rate or cadence or anything technical.
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