Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Well-Known Member
yep im the same, dont give a monkeys about over all score, but get a real chufty on with a PB. It's a great way to measure progress. Today I knocked nearly 30 seconds off he PB i got the ride before, I'd have never known that without strava. I actually thought I was slower today.


three wheels on my wagon
Dang just got one aswell, 10 miles on a dirt track and I get it on the roundabout near home. Only a mile push to get home though it's easier than removing the rear wheel on the butchers (it's hardly a quick release and the dogs not that patient) still picked up a quality abandoned tube on my ride and it looks like an easy repair.
Ah the dreaded pp word! I 've only had one (touch wood) so far... probably have one tomorrow now I said that...

I managed a lovely 20 miles today - went from sunshine to misty and back into sunshine. Lovely day down here, nearly too warm for a jacket. I realised just now that in the last 6 days I've covered 90 miles! Hoping to get another long one in over the weekend before we go back to 1 degree again!
Well done, it was a bit yucky here today
Ah the dreaded pp word! I 've only had one (touch wood) so far... probably have one tomorrow now I said that...

I managed a lovely 20 miles today - went from sunshine to misty and back into sunshine. Lovely day down here, nearly too warm for a jacket. I realised just now that in the last 6 days I've covered 90 miles! Hoping to get another long one in over the weekend before we go back to 1 degree again!
Interesting landscape you got there. That looks a tough first climb.


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Legendary Member
Awful, awful weather here. Not just incessant rain but it's so dark! :sad:

I managed a pitiful 5 miles on my turbo trainer last night:

And a slightly less pitiful 10 miles just now:

Oh well, it's better than nothing I suppose. I'll try and get out in the rain, wind and greyness tomorrow. Anything is better than the turbo. :laugh:
Same here and worse weather to come. I am now regretting not doing even a short run this morning. My neighbour was out on his bike and he is 70 so I feel doubly guilty. Now getting a bit stir crazy with two days off. Talk of ice and snow showers tomorrow though. :sad:
Same here and worse weather to come. I am now regretting not doing even a short run this morning. My neighbour was out on his bike and he is 70 so I feel doubly guilty. Now getting a bit stir crazy with two days off. Talk of ice and snow showers tomorrow though. :sad:
I aint bothered, got a wheel to repairs (again), if you didn't read before;). Dont ever run on Weinman XR18 certainly the rear the fronts been fine this will have made it more than a1/4 of the spokes in 8 months.


Legendary Member
I aint bothered, got a wheel to repairs (again), if you didn't read before;). Dont ever run on Weinman XR18 certainly the rear the fronts been fine this will have made it more than a1/4 of the spokes in 8 months.

Glad you are able to fix it yourself though Nigel. I would probably have to take it to the bike shop in Perth.
Awful, awful weather here. Not just incessant rain but it's so dark! :sad:

Sort of glad I did a ten hour shift today because of the weather, same again tomorrow:wacko: :wacko:
Glad you are able to fix it yourself though Nigel. I would probably have to take it to the bike shop in Perth.
I am not very good at getting them very true though Mo. I need to change one of the gears as well, I think it's to new for the chain, I have the 15th from the road cassette I can replace it with (I don't often use the 11 & 13th unless downhill), hopefully that will last a month or two, give me chance to get the wheels than a new cassette and chain.


Senior Member
Cheers Sheffgirl

Just saw your other post too, nice to see a fellow Sheffielder on here :smile:

There just seems to many nut cases on the road and seeing as I aint ridden a bike since I was kid, I'm in no rush to join them ;)
How are you getting on with your rockrider ? (noticed we have the same bike)
I changed my seat because the one you get with it is shocking, got a charger spoon which is much better and some cheap padded shorts from decathlon for now which are both much better than my first 2 rides which I didn't want to sit down for rest of day after (problem with them is I have pretty big thighs so even though they fit well they are reyt tight round there and I come off the bike walking like john wayne as top of my legs are numb.

Let me know if you find any good and flat routes in sheffield btw ;)

I'm enjoying the new bike, I need to give it a good clean this weekend after commuting in the rain the last couple of days.
I've got used to the seat now, I'm glad I persevered with it :smile:
I'm disappointed that the weather is going to be bad this weekend, I want to get out for another long ride :sad:
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