Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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I hope so. I am mostly bothered about speed rather than distance but it would be nice to say I'd done the imperial century at least once this year. I would rather get quicker and do it in 5 hours than do it in 7 though, I don't think my back could take 7 hours in the saddle.
When I did my only metric one in Nov, it took me 4hrs 53 @ 12.9mph.
It's been my hands hurting on the hoods thats prompted the saddle change, and apart from feeling pretty weird when I change it Friday, I think it has been beneficial in terms of power output as well, a few more rides should tell.
Though I am in a quandary about either pedals or wheels next, my front wheel has a slight chip that the brake catches on, and the rear is well out of true having had 7 or 8 broken spokes in 6 months, and since I have to get a new front one, I havent bothered taking it to the LBS to get trued.
Overall though, I guess it's a fitness thing for me these days, and I know actually like going out, (though still have trouble getting out of the door), now that the hills dont bother like they did, I am not even bothered if I get p.b's any more, the quality of the ride is more important, and I felt today I have reached a nice level of fitness, it that even though Queens Drive is quite a climb for me, my recover is much better, after 51/2 mins climbing HR 165, 1 min later 145, and 139 after 1min30's, I dont think I could done that if I carried on spinning up the hills in a low gear.


with cad and speed

Stats 1.3miles 181 ft gain 1.7%avg grade time 7mins 13's avg sp 10.9mph avg HR 149bpm


North Carolina
Greeney, hang in there, my first ride was about 4 miles and I don't know how long it took me. I do know that it gave me a beat down. :sad: Just have fun riding and be careful in traffic. The longer distances will come. :thumbsup:

I got the Red Rocket back out on the road today, chain even held together the entire ride. :rolleyes: I wanted to try out my new cassette with more teeth on the big cog, so first thing I headed out to the worst hill I have done so far. I knew there was wind because since I started riding I probably pay more attention to the trees blowing in the wind than do most birds. I also think clearing of all the trees is contributing to the changing weather patterns, especially all the tornados now in my state. I never remember hearing of tornadoes around here until I was in my late 20's, but this is a rant for another day, sorry to get off topic.

I checked online and the wind was 10 mph but the bad part was it was coming out of my most feared direction, WNW, the direction I had to ride into to get to the hill and the direction my longer ride on my usual track returns on. :ohmy: With the wind and having to stop for some road construction it seemed to take a while getting to the beast but once there I went right after it standing, I got up it so far standing that I didn't have to use my new big rear cog very long at all but it was nice having it. It gave me more confidence to do more hills now. I now will ride a lot more of the country roads within striking distance of me.

It felt great to be back on drop bars. I did not realize it but I had not been on my drop bar bike in a month. I did start feeling a little ache in my lower back but I am pretty sure that is just from riding upright the past month. The pain went away after not too long. The rest of the ride went very well, I was on back roads with a lot of trees on both sides blocking a lot of the wind. I think my new saddle and I are going to get along well. I dropped the height down a little since I am getting used to a new saddle and since I haven't been on a drop bar for a several weeks. My ass feels a lot better today than it has recently when riding the upright bikes the past month.

A not so quick ride but a very fun ride, the temperature was even almost pleasant, but that all changes tomorrow. For the next couple of days the Giro Challenge is going to be just that, a CHALLENGE. I may even take a day off and go harder this weekend when things are supposed to be much nicer.


Proud Daddy
An imperial century isn't as hard as is made out, depending on the terrain of course. I did a solo 100 last July, it was just a case of fueling and pacing. I took it slowly and averaged 14mph. The most I'd done before hand was 1x 60, but quite a few 50's.

Someone told me that you should be able to do your weekly mileage in 1 ride for an event if you prep properly. It's seems to be true... So you just need some miles in your legs.

Boon 51

Deal. Kent.
I live in Sheffield too (North), so I know how hard it is to find a route round here without hills. I struggle with hills, but I am trying to push myself further each time. It will take a while for your fitness to improve but every ride is a step closer.
I remember when I first started, I used to have to rest sometimes because I would get out of breath and my heart would beat really fast. Now its more my legs that let me down, but I'm hoping they will get stronger :smile:

Your right just push yourself but not to the extent you damage yourself and it will get bettter..

Well done :thumbsup:

Boon 51

Deal. Kent.
An imperial century isn't as hard as is made out, depending on the terrain of course. I did a solo 100 last July, it was just a case of fueling and pacing. I took it slowly and averaged 14mph. The most I'd done before hand was 1x 60, but quite a few 50's.

Someone told me that you should be able to do your weekly mileage in 1 ride for an event if you prep properly. It's seems to be true... So you just need some miles in your legs.

The 100km is my target for this month if the weather clears up.. :thumbsup:


Über Member
A 100 miles is my target by the end of the year.. :smile:

My target was 100k this year but after a few drinks on New Years Eve I was convinced to sign up for a sportive in July which is 95 miles, I'm going to cycle 5 miles to the start as I'd kick myself if I did 95 but not the 100!

Lots of training ahead for me!
Going to be in York in June for the WNBR it's only 23 miles, and flat for about 18 of those. Not sure how long the ride there is but the London one was about 8 miles, so I will do a route so I get at least 100km
Well I just looked at my monthly data, so far its my fastest avg month @ 14.44mph and whilst the elev gained isn't as much as last month 46.06ft/mile as opposed to 13.53mph @ 50.22ft/mile, the last time I had an avg speed of 14+mph for the month was back in Aug 14.09mph with 31.35ft/mile (which is the lowest avg gain of any month so far)


Senior Member
A 100 miles is my target by the end of the year.. :smile:

Me too but not over the kind of mountainous terrain you have over your way. :whistle:

Doing 100km on 7th of April for the Shakespeare 100 so I'm just wondering how to build up for that now. I did 35 miles on Saturday and I've done three 40+ miles including a 47 but they were back in November. This is reassuring though:

An imperial century isn't as hard as is made out, depending on the terrain of course. I did a solo 100 last July, it was just a case of fueling and pacing. I took it slowly and averaged 14mph. The most I'd done before hand was 1x 60, but quite a few 50's.

Someone told me that you should be able to do your weekly mileage in 1 ride for an event if you prep properly. It's seems to be true... So you just need some miles in your legs.

I have upped my weekly mileage to 70-80 miles a week in the past couple of weeks so hopefully if I keep that up I will be ok. I would like to do a 50-60 miler beforehand but if my legs don't get used to going out 5 days a week I can't see it happening, as those 35 miles were agony. Whereas the 47 was relatively easy because it was the only ride I did that week.


Senior Member
Speaking of legs, they are killing me but the rest day I should have taken on Monday has been postponed till tomorrow because of the rain. It's 13C and sunny out there right now. :ohmy: Almost like a summers day. Leaves with me a dilemma, shorts or no shorts?


Legendary Member
Me too but not over the kind of mountainous terrain you have over your way. :whistle:

Doing 100km on 7th of April for the Shakespeare 100 so I'm just wondering how to build up for that now. I did 35 miles on Saturday and I've done three 40+ miles including a 47 but they were back in November. This is reassuring though:

I have upped my weekly mileage to 70-80 miles a week in the past couple of weeks so hopefully if I keep that up I will be ok. I would like to do a 50-60 miler beforehand but if my legs don't get used to going out 5 days a week I can't see it happening, as those 35 miles were agony. Whereas the 47 was relatively easy because it was the only ride I did that week.

I found my metric 100 quite easy, did it on the hybrid, I think the most I had done before it was 30 or 35 miles.

All this talk about 100 miles, looks like I have another challenge to do! It can wait until the summer mind, and I think there may be a good hours lunch break half way through somehow.
Yeah sunny weather here today.
Did a large loop of 26 miles in 1 hr 50 mins, avg down at 14. Did manage to top out at 32mph though. At one point my legs were quite painfull (thighs) no idea why, also had some pins and needles in my hands for the first time in ages

After a light lunch and tea I feel I could go out again.

I am doing the shakespeare100 on the 7th April and I still haven't done more than 30 miles in one go:eek:


Über Member
Speaking of legs, they are killing me but the rest day I should have taken on Monday has been postponed till tomorrow because of the rain. It's 13C and sunny out there right now. :ohmy: Almost like a summers day. Leaves with me a dilemma, shorts or no shorts?
Just been out for the first time in.....shorts, bib shorts too and it felt liberating!

Had a mixed sort of day though, my new wheels arrived this morning so fitted new cassette and brand new gatorskins, sun was shining so thought as I am working from home I'd take a hour lunch break and pop out.

Did 2 miles, felt great - new wheels humming along, gear changes felt so much crisper, sun on my legs then 'bang' I hit a massive pothole and popped my rear tube! By the time I'd fixed it I had to head home so only 4 miles on this stunning day :-(

Don't have any spare tubes so won't have chance to go out later either.
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