Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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North Carolina
Another 10 miler for me today too. It stopped raining and the roads were still wet so I took out the rain bike. It was warmer here today ( about 15c when I rode). I was overdressed in a t shirt and two sweat shirts. The mist from the cars passing me felt good but was not enough to mess up my glasses.

I would have ridden more if I had the Rain Unit's lights actually mounted on it instead of them sitting in a cabinet. After I get my drop bar bike back on the road, the rain bike is next up for a spring tune up. After that, riding time. :thumbsup:

Nigel, very nice miles you got in since June, good work.


North Carolina
Morning Nigelnaturist..
Just a question... How did you tick my strava kudos button before I had time to put it on here, is the a friends link I have missed on strava or garmin..

You can follow others on Strava, some have their settings set to private and you have to ask permission, others are not set to private and you just select the follow button. When you post your ride here others can follow you if you are not set private. If you follow someone you get an email when they post an activity to Strava.


Legendary Member
Baltic here this morning! Up at the crack of dawn and looked out the window to see all the cars frozen up but still risked going out.
Managed nearly 16 miles but had to take it easy as there were several scary stretches of ice on the road. Probably should wait till later in the day when it is warmer but I love getting out first thing. It, a) avoids heavier traffic and b) makes me feel good and sets me up for the day.

Hope you all manage to get some rides in too. :smile:

Billy Adam

Senior Member
Baltic here this morning! Up at the crack of dawn and looked out the window to see all the cars frozen up but still risked going out.
Managed nearly 16 miles but had to take it easy as there were several scary stretches of ice on the road. Probably should wait till later in the day when it is warmer but I love getting out first thing. It, a) avoids heavier traffic and b) makes me feel good and sets me up for the day.

Hope you all manage to get some rides in too. :smile:
So much better when it's quiet out and about.


Legendary Member
Baltic here this morning! Up at the crack of dawn and looked out the window to see all the cars frozen up but still risked going out.
Managed nearly 16 miles but had to take it easy as there were several scary stretches of ice on the road. Probably should wait till later in the day when it is warmer but I love getting out first thing. It, a) avoids heavier traffic and b) makes me feel good and sets me up for the day.

Hope you all manage to get some rides in too. :smile:

Has been bliss down here ice wise, haven't had the winter tyres on all week, makes me feel like a ghost the bike is that quiet without them.


Legendary Member
23 miles this morning to take me over 800 for the month. Need to do another 23 miles to take me over 1,400 for the year, should knock most of them off tonight on the way home.

You sure put the miles in commuting. Big difference when you are just relying on going out purely for pleasure.......much easier to make excuses not to go!
Morning Nigelnaturist..
Just a question... How did you tick my strava kudos button before I had time to put it on here, is the a friends link I have missed on strava or garmin..
Not sure I just tick what I saw on strava, must just be a time thing I guess.
Baltic here this morning! Up at the crack of dawn and looked out the window to see all the cars frozen up but still risked going out.
Managed nearly 16 miles but had to take it easy as there were several scary stretches of ice on the road. Probably should wait till later in the day when it is warmer but I love getting out first thing. It, a) avoids heavier traffic and b) makes me feel good and sets me up for the day.

Hope you all manage to get some rides in too. :smile:
I really struggle to wake up, possible due to meds.
Has been bliss down here ice wise, haven't had the winter tyres on all week, makes me feel like a ghost the bike is that quiet without them.
Mines a bit like that since I changed everything on Monday, I have never had the rear gears off and put back together and they have been almost spot on, with the acera it never was right and was always sluggish changing or it didn't align properly, mind I did regrease the rear axle so the chain line may be a little better. (position of the wheel on the axle, not the greasing), could also be the new gear cable


Had eyes for taking the KOM on a local loop but went a bit stray... one minor 'almost wrong turn' where I slowed down to make a turn then realised it wasn't the one, which I managed to recover from , keeping an avg speed of around 17.2, then about 2 thirds into the loop I got stopped at a train crossing, though only for 20 seconds. Lost heart for a bit after that but that just left me fresher to go for a good time on the final segment of my route :smile:)


Managed to get out for a quick 12miles today, as finished work early (half day due to no work). Went straight from work (still wearing my overall trousers and and jumper with a thin cycling jacket). Rode down the Great Central Way as it's near work and not rode that way for a while.

Managed a good run with 5 top 10's one being 2nd just missing out on Chris' (Supersuperleeds) KOM by 1 second lol.

Chris - sole aim going that way was the "Glen Parva Canal Hill" Segment after reminding myself of it the other day looking at your route. Managed 4th but still 7 secs behind KOM. He must be a machine lol.


Winter is Coming!
Kendal Cumbria
Well all I can say is, it will be a long time before I do 200km, good luck Joey.
Me today, well its official I am no faster without the panniers and rack and slightly higher gearing.
Though I am pleased with theses. 35's quicker than 2 wks ago. 27's quicker. 11's quicker increase from 14mph to 15.2mph

This is not the whole run but most of it. 2 wks ago I was 36:30 today 34:38 0.8mph faster. I think I would have had more bar traffic lights ect..

Short trip the OH's fathers
I got an improvement on this

This was the best of the ride home this evening

Good things to say, since I put the Sora mech back on gear changing is more decisive, mind that could be the new cable and a clean.

I just past 4,000 miles since June 23rd

Well done Nigel. Plenty to be proud of there.


Legendary Member
Managed to get out for a quick 12miles today, as finished work early (half day due to no work). Went straight from work (still wearing my overall trousers and and jumper with a thin cycling jacket). Rode down the Great Central Way as it's near work and not rode that way for a while.

Managed a good run with 5 top 10's one being 2nd just missing out on Chris' (Supersuperleeds) KOM by 1 second lol.

Chris - sole aim going that way was the "Glen Parva Canal Hill" Segment after reminding myself of it the other day looking at your route. Managed 4th but still 7 secs behind KOM. He must be a machine lol.

Well done, I fully expect to lose that KOM, I don't think I could have rode that KOM segment any better, I just seemed to fly up it.

The Great Central Way has loads of segments on it if you do the full length, it is very hit and miss though due to the number of dog walkers on it,

My best on the Canal Hill one is 33 seconds and I was knackered after I did it, I should try it on the road bike


Well done, I fully expect to lose that KOM, I don't think I could have rode that KOM segment any better, I just seemed to fly up it.

The Great Central Way has loads of segments on it if you do the full length, it is very hit and miss though due to the number of dog walkers on it,

My best on the Canal Hill one is 33 seconds and I was knackered after I did it, I should try it on the road bike
Definitely going to try it again. Ive just looked at some of his (the KOM) other rides. Not logged many but the KOM's he has have some great times and avg speeds.

I know what you mean about the GCW, had a few run ins with people, mainly joggers in pairs, they seem to think they own the path and refuse to move across. Going to ride that way more now the evenings are starting to get lighter. Get some extra miles in after work as it's the most reasonable route for me without the city centre rush hour traffic to contend with. Can even add extra and make a loop of it if needs be, out Blaby, Whetstone & Narborough etc and back through LFE etc towards the city centre.
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