Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Legendary Member
Definitely going to try it again. Ive just looked at some of his (the KOM) other rides. Not logged many but the KOM's he has have some great times and avg speeds.

I know what you mean about the GCW, had a few run ins with people, mainly joggers in pairs, they seem to think they own the path and refuse to move across. Going to ride that way more now the evenings are starting to get lighter. Get some extra miles in after work as it's the most reasonable route for me without the city centre rush hour traffic to contend with. Can even add extra and make a loop of it if needs be, out Blaby, Whetstone & Narborough etc and back through LFE etc towards the city centre.

I use it everyday, by far the safest way to get in and out of town. There are a load of notices up asking cyclists to be careful around other users, so I am guessing there have been a few falling out, I haven't had any hassle yet, I just ring my bell early and thank people even if they don't move across, hoping that my politeness shames them into moving next time someone politely asks them to give way.

I had a car driving down it on Sunday towards me, was near the Glen Parva end, can't for the life of me work out how she got on it.


I had a car driving down it on Sunday towards me, was near the Glen Parva end, can't for the life of me work out how she got on it.

Lol now that is new one to me! I always slow down, ring bell and slowly ride past people, no way I'm risking injury to me or others etc trying to get a KOM but I imagine some people aren't as concerned.

I know how scary/surprising it can be to have bikes whizzing past you when not expecting it. The joggers in question in my dispute were heading towards me and clearly the look on their faces I knew they weren't going to move over.


I notice you did Mill Lane as well, you have to take risks on that one to get the KOM, those 90 degree blind turns are scary at full speed.
Yes. I agree. Was no chance of the KOM there today though. A 4x4 was parked in the road not far from the gate to the cut through to Crow Mills and I could barely get past it without riding on the grass/dirt. Was a fair few dog walkers there too.


Legendary Member
Yes. I agree. Was no chance of the KOM there today though. A 4x4 was parked in the road not far from the gate to the cut through to Crow Mills and I could barely get past it without riding on the grass/dirt. Was a fair few dog walkers there too.

When it is dark in winter is the best time and have two good lights on the front, anyone about thinks you are a car and gets out of your way ^_^
9th ride in 13 days but I'm still not getting any quicker. :sad:

Oh well, I will just have to persevere and hope I see signs of improvement eventually I guess. I've been stuck on 15mph since September though, every single ride. It's very frustrating.
Wish I could make 15mph.
Well I did 27.4miles @ 14.36 mph, with 53ft per mile climb, I think this is the fastest I have done with that climb rate over any sort of distance.
I am pleased with these. improvement of 14's 0.4miles @ 6% avg grade. 35's faster 0.9miles 1.5% avg. 37's improvement 0.8miles @ 2.8% not such a big improvement but 5's is 5's 0.4miles @ 3.8%
finally this just 1's quicker 4.5miles @ 0.5% but that has stood since Oct 11th, I got close twice in Jan if you call 30's and 7's close.


Über Member
I did 15.5 mile in 1:07.23 today (cateye comp) for a job interview. That does include trying to find the place..
Oadby to Anstey lane. (and back)
Might give Strava a go on my phone,thought it was only used on Garmin....


Legendary Member
I did 15.5 mile in 1:07.23 today (cateye comp) for a job interview. That does include trying to find the place..
Oadby to Anstey lane. (and back)
Might give Strava a go on my phone,thought it was only used on Garmin....
There are loads of segments around Oadby. My favourite, though I am pretty rubbish on it, is the main road from Oadby to the Wigston roundabout. Slightly uphill all the way


Über Member
Did 4.5 miles commute then decided as it was a bloody gorgeous day I would go home early and go for a nice ride. Did about 17 miles, got home and bloody strava keeps failing to upload the bloody thing. Most disappointed.

Oh well.

Old mans away to the Falklands for next couple of weeks so house sitting and loads of dogs to walk so besides ride to work probably only be weekends for awhile.
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